1st Grow 1st Post - Seed Found in Homegrow Bag of Maui Wowie

Coming deep from the world of Fungi, growing an actual plant has been a very new experience for me! This all happened on a whim, but it fits into my life like a well crafted puzzle piece. I use mmj medically and am truly surprised it took me this long to dive into cultivation.

A local grower passed off some Mauie Wowie and I took it upon myself to germ the seed I found in the bag. At this point (and still) I figure it’ll be a male or a hermie but I can still learn some things. Wet paper towel and a few days later (late May) we were off to the races!

Not knowing what I was doing, I had a bucket of hydrated coir/verm from my other hobbies – and took a handful into a small tupperware that got the new sprout. A few days later I knew that wouldn’t cut it (and has zero nutrients) so off to a local grow shop I went.

I don’t know how many times they’ve had someone just like me come in but I’m sure it was a commonplace experience for them – guiding me to some soil with a “light” recipe that would be good for all stages. ( Ingredients: BuildASoil Worm Castings, Organic Canadian Sphagnum Peat Moss, Organic New Mexico Pumice, Organic Par-Boiled Rice Hulls, Grand Mesa Colorado Volcanic Basalt, Organic Diamond K Gypsum, Montana Grow Silica Rock Dust, Organic High P Bran, Organic Mustard Seed Meal, Organic 2 Row Milled Malted Barley, Organic Terviva Karanja Cake, BuildASoil Pre Charged Bio-char with Rootwise Mycrobe Complete. )

Reading the website for the soil where I just grabbed that list – I’m grabbing some mosquito bits today, lol (BTI) – just in case I’d rather give a few sprays and drop a few bits in now. Should I keep the extra unused soil outside my grow room? Don’t want a population…explosion.

I also got plastic pots. (now fabric)

I still don’t know what I’m doing, but compared to my knowledge at the time even two months ago, I feel I’m starting to learn enough to get myself into trouble :).

Still not really super hopeful, I replanted the little plant into a pot and put it in a windowsill. It grew! I started reading…and decided to get serious. Mmj is a large part of my health and being able to grow my own makes so much sense. I also love gardening and at this point am stoked. Into the closet. Break out an old led grow light.

I transplanted a bit too early into a 5gal fabric pot. Lesson learned. I think the plant did okay though, so I started training it and topped it about a week ago now. 18/6 light. Will probably switch to 20/4 for my next grow. Also ordered a (small) but decent tent kit w/ a new 100W led from VivoSun.

So, here we are now – going deep down the rabbit hole, registering on OG :wink: ;), and committing to this community and growing out wherever I am from here on out. GDP seeds in hand and just waiting for the tent and for this Maui Wowie plant to finish up. I think she’s a she! Not sure, but seeing crossing pistils with little hairs here and there.

Excited to be here y’all.


A very warm welcome, @Coffweed - seems this hobby will make a nice fit for you! Settle in, lots to learn and enjoy here, nice to have you aboard. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with :green_heart:


It looks like you’re off to a good start!


Hey @Coffweed, welcome to Overgrow!
That’s a reasonable soil recipe you are starting with there.
Is that peat moss treated with a wetting agent? (some are some aren’t). Some have a little lime added to compensate for the naturally lower PH of the peat.

Have a look around and check out some of the projects folks have going and don’t be timid about asking questions! :vulcan_salute:
I keep my extra soil away from my grow as well. My mix rehydrates well so I just let it dry out.
Fabric pots are a good choice as they are nearly foolproof (they do dry out a little quicker). 5 Gal. is a great size.



Welcome to OG fellow Growmie @Coffweed !!! I will pull a chair up to watch your experience. I have several Vivosun lights amd tents. I am pleased with their products. We are here for support and constructive criticism :pray::pray::pray:


Thanks for the feedback already! I won’t hesitate to ask questions but will also do my best to RTFM and do my homework! I’m very very open to criticism as I know I’m brand new to growing plants – and marijuana.

Looking forward to the tent and moving this plant over into flowering soon. I have some GDP seeds I’m waiting to start until this one is nearing completion. I’ll keep y’all tuned and thank you for the warm welcome!!


I spent a month prior to my state legalized cannabis. Read/watch countless forums, YouTube videos, books,…etc. from what I gathered there is no wrong way to grow cannabis besides just neglect. Find what works for you and your budget and have the enjoy import part of it… the growing and achieving a final product of your own effort :grin:

I am wrapping up my fourth and about 1/3rd through my fifth grow. Going to start up my 6th in about two weeks.



Good chance it will be Female.


yeah i agree usually when a feminizeds herms it makes more feminizeds

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Woot! I figured in any case I’d learn. Once my tent comes, sometime this week, I’ll feel better about not having light leaks and go ahead and switch over to 12/12 either this week or next (or maybe next if I really want to veg it out – but I’d like to flower it and start my GDP).

I do want to take some clones as well. Learning!



Your plant looks lovely!


Woo hoo! Starting out with level 10 medium. Organic growing is the best. You are killing it right of the bat. I grow completely organic also but not to that level of ingredients!

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it kinda depends on what its doing some ppl say lower branches will herm on plants and you can pluck the branches but sometimes if its hard to detect or if its making them in the buds somewhere u can get alot of seeds or hard to control

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Man, awesome first post. Looking forward to updates.


Resisting the urge to water this thing.

Last two doses of distilled water:
1000mL 7/16 12:00
1000mL 7/19 09:00

It’s still moist if not wet at/near the bottom of this 5gal fabric pot.

Cleaning up and setting up my grow space for marijuana as I also grow some other things. The pot won’t live on this little piece of cardboard on a mushroom supply storage bin for long.

I have noticed one leaf is regularly turning yellow. What causes this? (Understanding there can be many causes.) My guess is either over-watering or that the plant is trying to get nutrients from that leaf? I did make the mistake of a few cuts in an early attempt at lollipopping that I now realize was premature. I think, lol.

This plant will have gone from:
Windowsill Sun →
Whatever LEDs are in my AgroBrite T5 (100w w/ 4x T5 LEDs – honestly don’t know what they are aside from white/blue LEDs) →
Soon a new light from VivoSun (AeroLight A100 Tunable Spectrum 100w)

The tent I have comes with a net and I have thought about SCROGing this plant when it comes. Would it make sense to leave it in veg in the new tent longer or just switch it over to flower?

I see some hairs coming out. Also a closer pic of that yellowing leaf.


Looks like a great plants and typically the males grown like aa vine , making a lower case Y shape often and especially at the top , the females usually grow unifom and stacked with the normal T shape like where you topped it at. I do have some females that are longer flower from a particular haze type cross right now, that are all lowercase Y shape but are definitely female. I thought I had all males for a while but they are just viney sativa plants I guess. Sometimes they can be “a female plant on a male plant body” it seems. But all of them are growing the same with these seeds so far. It’s worth giving the plant a chance if you like it. Sometimes a bag seed can stabilize itself too, but I think percentage chance are high that it will make more seed too itself . Your plant looks great so it does look healthy and good

For a clone sometimes i like to do some bending or slight pinching on the branch where I plan on cutting it. A few days later sometimes u see a little swelling or a knuckle and it always seems to root even better for me if I do a little training on the brannch b4 I cut it . That area where it got pinched or bent will swell up and heal and it makes it a little stronger it seems to work really well with weak branches too they get stronger from it. All of this could be genetic trait too, some plants can be harder to clone for no reason sometimes. I got a weird branch that just won’t root after 2 weeks now. Every other strain did with no issues so I’m thinking this phenos a dud plant if it can’t root. It’s nice but just not happening lol. Only upside is I crossed it already and maybe the seeds I put in it will give me a new plant thats better. Just some general info if u find it interesting. Clonings really not that hard, keep them wet and moisturized but not oversaturated or sitting in water. Should take 2 weeks or less for them to root

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I’m not am expert but distilled water is a neutral ph and when a plant is vegging they like to be acidic . So that yellow leaf could even be from a slight upwards ph change a little . Sometimes I think I worry about my ph too much but its super important. Theres nothing I will ever use other than a bluelab tool. The cheap 1s get thrown away too fast and don’t even work good. The paper testing for color is a good ph checker and cheap and actually works but not as accurate as a device like bluelab pen

Anyways , plant looks fine , could be a little over watered or over fed , but that yellow tints no big deal when the plant looks nice and green like that I think . Just try to keep ur veg ph around 6

For a while I was having problems with over watering , bc its humid here and they don’t need so much water I guess . But keeping balanced moisture in the soil is good and they do like to dry back or dry out in between too

Keep experimenting and practicing honestly feel like I did learn the most from just learning the plants and figuring out what they are doing. I like to read and study a lot but the plants the best teacher. It’ll tell you if you messing up or not lol


Looks great for a free seed. Keep on learning

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I have a simple pH test kit and also some citric (and malic) acid that I use to make gummies. Would a little citric acid to achieve a slightly acidic pH towards 6 be beneficial for this next watering?

Anywhere between 6-7ph is good. I tend to stay between 6.5-7ph for majority of the growing process.