Diagnosis Help, New Grower

What is this an indication of?

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Photo of whole plant and more info would be helpful.
Create deep slow breaths and relax, first of all.
Most likely soil thatā€™s a bit too hot.
What stage is this, veg or flower?
How old is it?



Like the man said LITFA, looks like youā€™re giving plenty of nitrogen.


It Is Life, Itselfā€¦Chill, looks great overall!


Rest of the plant looks fine, soil grow with DTE dry amendments. More In depth info on my page.

Itā€™s the back left one


Also this is not something Iā€™m really stressing about haha. More of a curiosity for my own edification above anything. Couldnā€™t quite pin it down from looking stuff up.


Looking good matešŸ‘


Would stop amending and only give plain water.
That seaweed is way strong shit.


Looks fine to me :+1:

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Looking good to me, sometimes lower leaves that donā€™t get much light end up getting little deficiencies here and there due to there not being enough light under the canopy. Itā€™s pretty normal as long as the rest of the plant looks healthy.

After growing a few years I noticed this type of thing under my canopy and started to investigate, got out my scope and noticed these almost ball like stuff all over my leaves kinda looked like eggs but not really.
So I plucked off some top nice leaves with the ā€œeggsā€ on them and also got some of the bottom growth below the canopy put them in respective baggies and headed to my knowledgeable grow store owner(he knows his shit been growing forever) and he took a look at what brought busted out the scope and concluded that the ā€œeggsā€ were simply an excretion from the tiny plant hairs on the leaves. Then he looks at my leaves from the bottom of my plants and looks at me and says
ā€œBuddy if these are your worst leaves your doing something rightā€ lol and then he told me about the stuff at the bottom being blocked out of the light by the canopy and creating these deficiencies.
Sorry for the rant, hope that helps


Iā€™m seeing some very yellowing tops, usually only see that as they get hungry starting their flowering cycle which usually is gone after a couple weeks into flower, if those are in veg Iā€™d have to ask what ur pH is showing, dark green leaf veins and necrosis around em is usually an indicator of a deficiency, that accompanied with yellowing in new growth showing a lack of iron makes me wonder if ur on the edge of a nute lock out or not ideal pH to pick up all it needs, just my $0.02


Iā€™ve only ever had and iron deficiency when I overwaterd and kept soil to wet, end up with super light colored new grown but just goes away when properly watered and not to wet.


Yes yes we are all boron deficient mediocre fuckboy cuckolded growers.

Anything else to say? Got any pics of your superior grow? Iā€™d really like to see them so I can learn.


Iā€™m thoroughly confused. Whatā€™s the issue man? Lots of hostility is not a great way to get a point acrossā€¦

If you have any knowledgeable information for a first time grower such as myself; share your thoughts, site some sources, and leave it at that.


But on a separate note all of them are in fabric pots now. I think theyā€™re looking good :slight_smile:

Some signs of watering issues with back right I think, but as a first time grower I kind of expected that.


How often are you watering? Is your soil peat or coco based? Even better if u can tell us the brand of bagged soil. Was your down to earth mixed in your medium or are u top dressing or?
From only a day prior I gotta say things really look a hell of a lot better with greener healthier tops, what did u change?

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Well this being my first time I think I just gotta tinker with the 3 gallon fabric pots this week to gauge how much theyā€™re drinking. I gave them about a liter of water per pot after transplant and same again 3 or 4 days later. I think that one plant was just drinking slower or something maybe? Maybe it was stressed and having trouble uptaking water?

Soil was basically the same in veg as flower. Just added 3 TBSP of Seabird Guano and Langbenite per plant. Itā€™s 25% Fox Farms Happy Frog, 25% Ocean Forest 25% Roots Organic 25% EWC

I put a little DTE straight in the mix and plan to top dress a little in another 4-5 weeks or so.

Idk what runoff PH is. Also only thing I did between those pics was raise the light a couple inches and gave a recharge foliar spray one night @ lights out.

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Well general rule of thumb for waterings in organics is giving your plants 10-15% soil capacity so a 10 gallon pot would be about 1.5 gallons at waterings and with organics we want to minimize run off as much as possible , every 4-5 days is suggested watering too and sounds like ur in the right ballpark there, knowing that soil mix ur def a peat based mix and would def suggest getting about another 10%perlite in there next time u do soil mixing to get a lil extra aeration and drainage with the ewc thrown in, ewc can get a lil thick and muddy without compensating which doesnā€™t fully allow the roots to breath and may be contributing to the overwatering issue as well, First glance my gut thought not enough airflow in there but digging into soil recipe I think roots just arenā€™t quite getting aerated to the full potential and a place u can dial in better next run.
Down to earth dry amendments as a top dress are still gonna take 3-4 weeks to be bio-available to the plant so typically wanna keep that in mind staying ahead of the game, Iā€™ve seen people start their flower girl(Dr earth version) day of flower or week in and I just shake my head cuz plant canā€™t even touch it till halfway through flower, and almost a waste so remember part of top dressing is stay ahead of the game on feedings about a month in advance or just throw it all in the soil together on the initial build, had some great runs doing just that, most of it is just good meal packages anyways that are beneficial for soil health and typically only a cup per 10 gallons of soil


Looks to me like a touch of Mg deficiency. Boron deficiency is pretty rare so i doubt thats what it is. Usually some rusty colored Upper leaves when thats deficient. Since its lower leaves only it has to be a mobile nutrient that is deficient. Npk, ca, mg
Since Iā€™m an OG simpleton, i also recommend LITFAšŸ˜ if you see no further issues


Heā€™s (probably) the 10th sock account of a well-known troll whoā€™s been banned 9 times already. Just ignore him, and heā€™ll be banned again and back in another sock puppet soon enough. Either that, or heā€™s already moved on to another without getting this one banned because everyoneā€™s already figured it out, which heā€™s been doing more and more lately.

@westcoastcroppers @curemasterlocs @peg @pesticidewarlock @halostem @phking @asspotium, probably a bunch more Iā€™m forgetting. Heā€™s like spider mites or cockroaches; kill as many as you want, there will always be more.