2017 mystery matchbox landrace

Week 9

So I think I’m convinced I have something else in play and I’m going to go on a limb to say I think it’s Lambsbread. I started looking at pics of LB plants and I found a plant w a similar fan showing, which I circled what I saw. The male is massive and wide, however not unruly as sativa males tend to get. The stalk is very tough and sturdy. The 2 will be going into the bigger containers. The 4 cuts are near rooting, so once I know they’ve rooted, I’ll flip to start their flowering. Lambsbread was on that exotic bucket list and I think those were the 4 seeds I saved, cause it isn’t haze and I was specific in wanting Hawaiian, Jamaican or Haze in my searching, and if it isn’t Hawaiian it’s starting narrow. The only other is Cannelope Haze I got right around the time I found the 4 seeds…

All 3

A is the one circled

Found the pic through google but it’s OG. Top left plant is my suspected match


Now the male, which is a stunning specimen of exotic sativa