SleepySails' 1st Pollen Chuck (Future Gifts for the Community)

Hello Overgrowers, I am currently halfway through my Outdoor Grow and have a big project in the works here. I have taken Clones off each Strain and am hoping to Pollen Chuck / Create Seeds for some Giveaways and my Breeding Tool Box. I have about 8 strains approaching Flower and will pollinate the clones around week 3 of Flower.

Strains Up for Pollination
Goji OG F2 (Totem Pole Pheno) (Bodhi Seeds / Overgrow Seed Run)
Rainbow Serpent (Red Sap) (Bodhi Seeds)
Sunshine #4 x PuTang (Bad Dawg Freebie)
Indigo Child x Runaway Bride (Bad Dawg Freebie)
London Pound Cake x ? (Maddawg)
Walken-Stein (JohnnyPotseed)
(Tropicana Cookies x Herijuana) x Cherry West Bc (Ill Eagle Birdseed)
Chem Del La Black (Ill Eagle Birdseed)

I am looking for Pollen, almost last minute. I have a few choices on Strainly I will list out.
I have by August 20th-30th to have the Pollen in hand and start Chucking.

Strainly Choices
Lemon Jealousy (Lemon Icee Tiki Cut x Jealousy) (MassGrowah)
Purple Bliss (Sticky Illegal Alien x Breath of the Green Dragon) (7 East)
CheeriOz (Oreoz x Cactus Breath) (Oopsies)
Apple Fritter (Lumpy’s Cut) x Dinosaur Meat (Marty’s Meat) (Kaliman Seeds)

I am asking Overgrowers for any Bodhi Pollen or other good Breeders’ Pollen.
I am a fan of Goji OG / SSDD / Appalachia / Wookie / pretty much anything Bodhi
I am open to almost any Male for the Project

What do you guys think? Care to Donate some Pollen? (I am willing to donate back)
Any Strainly Pollen Choices sound Dank? (Dino Meat has some Pull)

Goji OG, Goji OG, and Indigo Child x Runaway Bride (Close to Far)

Rainbow Serpent, Rainbow Serpent, C99 x Sour Strawberry (Close to Far)


Held for Giveaway Wiki


Wow, some beautiful ladies you got there. Very interesting strains too! Best of luck with the project :tumbler_glass:


Another new grow thread, awesome @SleepySails . Best of luck with your grow.


Now you may be asking, Sleepy, you are growing Outdoors how are you gonna make Seeds without Pollinating your whole crop?

The Plan
I plan on taking the Clones into my Bathroom when its time to Pollinate, Brush the Pollen, wait an hour or 2. Then Lightly mist. The next Day I put them back outside. Allow 6 Weeks for Seeds.

The Goal
I don’t want to count my beans before they hatch, but I’m hoping to Wiki out at least 25 / 50 / 75
spots for the big giveaway around December / January (Not sure how long it will take me to Harvest / Shuck / Dry. Once that Givewaway is finished, I am down to do little giveaways every 2 Weeks or something. I don’t want to create a bunch of work for myself (Too Late), but just enough to share with everyone and enjoy the fruits.

I put the Rainbow Serpent / Vintage Blueberry / Blueberry Butcher / White Runtz Clones in Soil July 29th.
I’m not sure if they are going to make it to the Pollination. More on those later.

Group Photo


First thing that came to mind… How the hell is he gonna do that outside :joy:.
Love how you marked the areas.

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Hey Everyone, I just got Lemon Jealousy Pollen in the mail from Strainly.
The Genetics are (Lemon Icee Tiki Madman Cut x Jealousy)

Here are some pictures of a few plants getting close to pollination window.

Indigo Child x Runaway Bride - This one started flowering around Aug 1st
Looks 1-2 Weeks into Flower, I think 1 more week Maybe Aug 15th-20th for Pollen Time

(Tropicana Cookies x Herijuana) x Cherry West Bc - This one started Flowering August 1st with Indigo Child x Runaway Bride. Aug 15th-20th for Pollen

WalkenStein - This plant was flowering a few days behind the above strains Aug 5th
I think it will be a week or 2 later for pollination. Maybe Aug 20th-30th

Close Behind Strains are Goji OG, Sunshine #4 x PuTang, London Pound Cake x ?, and Chem Del La Black.

Rainbow Serpent / (Vintage Blueberry x Blueberry Muffin) F2 / Blueberry Butcher / White Runtz Clones are moving along will have some pics soon


Hey Overgrowers, back with another update.
On August 21st I pollinated the first two strains
They were about 21 days into flower.

Indigo Child x Runaway Bride - Passion Fruit / Tropical Punch Stem Smell
(Tropicana Cookies x Herijuana) x Cherry West - Cherry Icee / Tropical Soda

I got this Lemon Jealousy Pollen from Strainly. I’m not sure how viable it is. I used like half the vial for these 2 strains, might have used too much :sweat_smile:

Indigo Child x Runaway Bride

(Tropicana Cookies x Herijuana) x Cherry West

Next for Pollination is…
Sunshine #4 x PuTang
Walken-Stein (Skywalker OG x FrankenStein)
Chem Del La Black F2 (Chem Del La Chem x Black Triangle)
Goji OG F2 (Nepali OG x Snow Lotus)

I might run out of Pollen, so I’ll be looking around for some more in the meantime.
I got a fever, and the only perception is more Pollen.
Screenshot 2023-08-22 at 21-33-24 Walken-Cowbell.jpg (JPEG Image 365 × 273 pixels)


Just noticed you got some of that Putang cross too, of the two I had, one stayed green while the one I kept turns purple quite early, you can see if you check my history, some of the stinkiest/stickiest herb in my garden atm :slight_smile: oh and I made a bunch of F2s cause why not


I like the Indigo Child and PuTang, or rather the Sunshine #4 x PuTang and Indigo Child x Runaway Bride!
I had gotten both as a freebie from Great Lakes, I really wanted to try the Sunshine #4 @Varuna

They both come from Mass Medical Strains’ Star Pupil which is supposed Thai/Afghan/Pakistan genetics
On Seedfinder it just says Star Pupil = Thai x (Afghan x Pakistani)

PuTang is Star Pupil x Tangie
Indigo Child is Star Pupil S1

I think my Indigo Child x Runaway Bride is getting Purpleish Buds, really nice stem smell, tropical fruit
Sunshine #4 x PuTang has a nice Citrus / Skunk / Cleaner smell, hard to describe, its good!


Totally missed that thread. You put yourself in an epic chucking there. Can’t help on the strain/pollen choice, when I read your post I realize how ignorant I am to all this new crosses. Hope you’ll succeed and won’t be drawn in all that chucking.

Nice plants btw :slight_smile:


Thanks for your thoughts and descriptions! Sunshine 4 in its own regard has a wonderful lemon cleaner/cedar/funk in my experiences, these two combined is magnificent, Im getting strong bergamot on the most recent run of ‘Pushine’.

So yeah I recently re-read Star Pupil & Putangs description on MMS’s website and Pupil has got a murky backstory.

“A result of crossing genetics from seeds gifted by a friend, with supposed Thai/Afghan/Pakistan genetics (recently confirmed correct by genetic mapping)”

Im surely not the morality czar, but let me tell you I started growing with bagseed and pollen chucking them just like many of us here and part of me still wants to dig into those seeds because it was mostly amazing smoke, I am only wary because of unknown lineage, which seems kind of silly for your average consumer to care about stepping on other breeders toes…

In any case the descriptions he gives of Putang and even Star Pupil tracks with so many attributes that Putang x Sunshine 4 have been showing me, he seems to give alot of notes and feedback about his creations on IG as well, might be all ego touting bullshit, might be some great info in there, I just like to glean what I can, always looking to learn :slight_smile:

I never had Bodhis, but I have Bad Dawgs Freebie Sunshine #4 x Sunshine #7 - #8. Made a few crosses and F2s. Lost my mother last season (I miss her) and just recently got some of the aforementioned crosses out of storage…

Bit of a ramble at this point but I want to add if you process for concentrates Sunshine 4 consistently gave me >20% returns on the press, incredibly greasy trichomes.


Hey guys I have a few plants approaching pollen time.

I think these all started flowering around August 5th-15th
Looking around Week 3 of Flower, maybe even pushing into Week 4

WalkenStein has these nice light pink hairs, very strong stem rub, Skunky, Berry
Sunshine #4 x PuTang is pretty frosty, nice Citrus, Kush, Cleaner aroma / stem rub
Chem Del La Black is also frosty, strong Kush, Chem, Pine, Melting Marshmallow stem rub

WalkenStein (Skywalker x FrankenStein)--------------------------------Sunshine #4 x PuTang

Chem Del La Black (Chem Del La Chem x Black Triangle)


Hey Overgrowers, this is Round 2 Pollen Time
I got some Blue Moon Rocks Pollen from @DougDawson

Current Crosses are…
Blue Moon Rocks x WalkenStein
Blue Moon Rocks x (Sunshine #4 x PuTang)
Blue Moon Rocks x Chem Del La Black

Previous Crosses were…
Lemon Jealousy x (Indigo Child x Runaway Bride)
Lemon Jealousy x ((Tropicana Cookies x Herijuana) x Cherry West)

Bob Ross Valley View


Nice bud, hope it works out well for you :v:


Thanks @DougDawson , I’m stoked on this


Very ambitious, alot of great strains!
Good luck


Hey Guys it been a bad year, been having trouble wraping up the results of this Grow.
The Bud was great!

I only got like 4 Seeds across 8 attempted Seeded Clones. I’m not sure what went wrong. I used two different types of Pollen from Different Sources, Shoutout to @DougDawson for the Blue Moon Rocks Pollen, I was really happy to even make an attempt at Seed Making.

Seed Results
1x Chem Del La Black x Blue Moon Rocks
1x WalkenStein x Blue Moon Rocks
2x Blueberry Butcher x Blue Moon Rocks

I’m gonna call this one a Fail but I want to give you guys some info on the process.
I attempted to Polinate each Clone around Day 21-28 of Flower
I took them into my Bathroom and did all the Pollen Brushing
Left them in Porch Room over night
In the Morning I went in and misted a little water over them to bring them back outside near near my other plants that were Non-Seeded. ( I had 2 different areas, Seeded and Non-Seeded).
To be honest I didn’t see any signs of Pollination. I was watching the pistils and no shrivel.
It was 85F+ all Summer maybe even 90-100F. I think the heat messed up the process.

On a plus note, My Outdoor Crop was Un-Seeded. So anyone worried about trying a Seeded + Non Seeded Outdoor Run. They are not as pregnatable as you think. I could have danced around with Pollen all over me and only got a few more seeds.

That being said I think a Live Male will blast all those pistils to Motherhood.
And Next year I’m going All Out. I’m Growing a Male.

I might give away one of the four seeds in Free Seeds thread later after I germ test one.

I’ll keep you guys Posted on my Next Chapter here. Love you all and Hope the Growing Enlightens.


Hi @SleepySails Just stumbled across this thread. It was fun to follow along. Did you end up growing out a male this summer?

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Hello! Didn’t think I would be updating this anymore but since there is interest, I did grow some males, 3 exactly. Wasn’t 100% sure about this being a success so I was waiting to get some Germination to post about the results. But it’s almost complete so I will raise the curtain.

:evergreen_tree: :pineapple: :sunny: :cake:

Pine Apple (Congo Kashmir x Lavender Lemonade) :pineapple:
Sunshine Daydream x Kush 4 F2 :sunny:
Cakefighter x Epiphany :cake:

I put the pollen on 3 different females.

Pine Apple on (Sunshine Daydream x Kush 4 F2)
(Sunshine Daydream x Kush 4 F2) on (Sunshine Daydream x Kush 4 F2) (F3’d)
Cakefighter x Epiphany on Snow-G

Snow G is MendoTwenty20 (SFV OG x Sour Snow)

Sunshine Daydream x Kush 4 F2 Male

Cakefighter x Epiphany Male

Pine Apple Male

I chopped all the tops off right as they were opening and put them in Red Cup with Water, Inside a 10x20 with a 7" Dome, with a Plate / Paper under to catch (Pine Apple Pollen)

After a week when my plants were around Week 3 Flower, (August 30th)
I put the pollen in a folded parchment square, and put that inside Brown Paper Bag.
Then Placed Bag over Flowering Branch and tied it closed.
Then I lightly shook the bag, flicked the sides so it spread around.
Left it on for 1 Full Day, (Midnight to Midnight)
Carefully Removed.
Done. (Shown Signs of success 2 days later seeing some Pistil Shrivel)

Pine Apple x (Sunshine Daydream x Kush 4 F2)

(Sunshine Daydream x Kush 4 F2) x (Sunshine Daydream x Kush 4 F2)

(Cakefighter x Epiphany) x Snow-G

Here are the Seeded Branches

Pine Apple x (Sunshine Daydream x Kush 4 F2)

(Cakefighter x Epiphany) x Snow-G

Anyways that’s my Big Update. Not sure how things proceed but I’m hoping to have some Seeds to enjoy and giveaway. Stay tuned for Christmas :santa: