Brutal paw f2

Anyone growing brutal paw f2?

I guess I’m supposed to find a sativa leaning pheno-

That’s about the extent of my knowledge of this cross…

Any hints would be greatly appreciated :slightly_smiling_face:


I think you should ask @Instg8ter he grows and crosses Brutal paw I believe.


No but it’s on the list… I got 3 kinds

Probably spring 22


Have a BP cross from @Instg8ter that I have going in my room currently. Can’t remember which cross it was though, will have to check when lights come on.


I grew some seeds of Brutal Paw that I got directly from Kinetic Genetics, and I had “high” hopes for it since Monkey Paw is my all-time hands-down favorite strain of weed I have ever come across anywhere (hence the name monkeyman), but I have to say it wasn’t all that I had hoped it would be, and it makes me doubt it’s claim to have some of the original Paw in there. Maybe I am either deluded by my memories, or a strain like that doesn’t really stand out like it did back in the day, but I honestly think that older heads in Michigan came to use the term “Monkey Paw” to describe any premium weed that they came across, and it became a slang term of sorts rather than referring to a specific strain. The Monkey Paw that I grew to love disappeared from availability long ago, at least through any of my connections, or any I heard of, and it is something I was actively seeking out through many well-connected sources, That being said, the genetics of Brutal Paw, though questionable (at least the Paw part) my friends still enjoyed the smoke - it just wasn’t what my brain was looking for to satisfy that Monkey Paw itch, so if you never had that strain back in the day, and have no point of reference, it is a good potent strain.


I think Instg8ter’s Brutal Paw/F2 just might show up in that planned September Thing…“hint-hint”. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:


I have Black Willie x Brutal Paw in veg at the moment so would be interested in this info also….


Original Monkey Paw’s lineage is unknown, and it’s origin is the stuff of legends in Michigan, with many stories floating around as to where it came from, but the best guess is that it was a heavy sativa with a touch of indica - a mix of Acapulco Gold and Colombian Gold sativas that were crossed with some Afghani indica. It showed up in the late 1970’s, and those were the strains that were around then to breed with. Both @Instg8ter and I share a love of the original Monkey Paw and we are on a mission to either recreate it or unlock it from Brutal Paw.

Brutal Paw is Monkey Paw x Brutal Kush (Katsu’s Bubba Kush x Tom Hill’s Deep Chunk). Bubba Kush is an indica dominant strain, and Deep Chunk is a straight up Indica, so to go back to the original Monkey Paw, assuming that the genetics are the same as they were on original Paw, and although Paw has some afghani in there, you would want to try breed away from any heavier indica tendencies, so look for the taller pheno. You will find a short squat pheno that grows almost like a cabbage, with almost zero internode space at first, and those are the deep chunk indica leaners that you will want to breed away from, if you are on the search for Monkey Paw.

If you have no interest in returning Brutal Paw to it’s supposed Monkey Paw lineage, the cabbage-like Deep Chunk influenced pheno is fine.


Yes, @Instg8ter sent me the seeds, but I haven’t seen him around-


I have Acapulco and Colombian gold, can’t verify the Acapulco legitimacy as it came from an online retailer but I guarantee my 1970 Colombian. Be happy to donate it to your cause.

Never gotten to try monkey paw myself as it was before my time but I’m all about Michigan stuff.

Been putting the word out for Pinconning Paralyzer to people who live in the area and know lots of people… Here’s hoping something fruitful comes of it

It’s the obvious sativa in these land races

Edit: sorry I posted this in your unrelated thread, guess I could’ve done a PM


Maybe send him a Pm.


Hey there @monkeyman

Glad to see your still allowed to post


I grew up smoking Kentucky skunk, never tried monkey paw-

I’m not playing with males at the moment, just looking for decent smoke that will give me an appetite without putting me to sleep…

Thanks for sharing about monkey paw :+1:


Fastest beans to germinate :laughing:

48 hours after the drop, they’re already looking for light…


I looked at his activity-

Says @Instg8ter hasn’t been seen for a long time…

Has anyone heard anything about him???


Been wondering the same thing @vaportrail , idk it freaks me out when someone who’s normally on all the time just drops off face of the earth(or at least OG) for this long…especially since just before he disappeared was not long after getting seeds out to members.

Also I checked the Brutal Paw cross I have going and it’s the black willie x BP.


Still in veg, 3 months later-

It showed female first, so I up potted to 7 gallons…



Time for an update…

I haven’t been posting much lately.

Kinda going through a learning curve, growing under LED, and trying to use toasted egg shell vinegar, instead of calmag-

While also incorporating recycled soil with the goal of eventuality figuring out no till…

Also trying to fight bugs, doing everything as organically as possible.

My results have been mixed.

I had to re adjust, and go back to using cal mag plus, before I put this one int

o flowering.


Lower fans show the issues I was having, but went back to my proven style of feeding teas, along with calmag plus, and seeing decent results from the new growth-

I just adjusted my tea from Transition and fed a bulking brew


It’s smelling like mango candy, packing on trichs, and I see a slight purple tinge to the fan edges.

The other 2 BPF2 plants I flowered out looked similar.

Here’s an upskirt shot, stretch has just finished-


This is my first brutal paw also from @Instg8ter.
5 weeks into flower.

Based on the info above I wish I had a clone of this girl.