2020 Cannabis with Meesh

So the Blue Gelato is rotting the worst of the 2 blues. Although, I saw a wonky bud leaf on the top cola of the blue dream. I have to get on the ladder to cut it out, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it today after a pulling off a few more chunks of rotten gelato.

As far as the GDP goes, I only had one spot that I thought was rot, but it was actually a caterpillar. Haven’t seen any other issues on it, but that one pillar in one spot. The top bud leaves on her are purple underneath now. My bud from her will never be purple however as I don’t get low enough nighttime temps.

The Spectral Tangerine turned out to be a perfect container strain. I think she would have been huge in the ground, but her long straight spiky spears are holding great in the container. I doubt I will ever have to stake her. She is still sturdy as hell


Man all those are looking so good I hope you can keep the bud rot under control . My Blue Dream never had any of the blueberry smell maybe you have a Blueberry Muffin . My wife and me both grew Blue Berry Muffin Last season they smell so good .


This is the first Blue Dream I’ve ever grown that had much smell, let alone how much this one reeks of blueberry. It’s truly the strangest one I’ve ever grown. By looking at it, you’d think it was an Indica plant instead of a hybrid. Def a weird one! This one originally had a twin that I cut off. Really think it must have split the genes right in half. My plants are also covered in ashes from fires, although the fires are pretty far from here. Seems like all of Cali is being effected. The air quality is so bad right now.


:wave: I think you’re right about most of CA… maybe the whole west coast. Better than no bud! :sweat_smile:

I got the aphid-itis again… went to grow-store & told them my woes; the essential oil product “Tough Love” they had me using was sticking to my sprayer & not going out the wand. Grow-dude said he was sorry to say everyone is reporting aphid apocalypse & nothing safe for flower is working, spray-wise.

This time, today, though I went full strength & added some surfactant “Earth Juice Assist” & hope to see at least a dent in their activity.

Random recall: @Meesh a legitamate reason to use some sugar water on ladybugs for sticking their wings? Indoor :bulb: growing. :sunglasses: They fly up to the light & catch fire. :frowning_face: :fire: :smoking:

Your buds are really hittin that frustration time now :wink: c’mon plants!



Dude, hit those aphids with spinosad! It will knock them right out with no funky oily shit getting in your bud. It’s still organic.



@PlantShepherd recently posted this & I’d heard it before, & that California Weed Czar forbids it(fails lab tests), so… :thinking:

I’ll use it in veg 100% but not in flower.

That said, I’m probably going to rinse everything at harvest so it shouldn’t be too big of a deal. Just hate those fuckers.



Dude, we both smoke cigs. I won’t spray from 10 days before harvest and wash my bud. I’ll live. lol Better than smoking aphids imo

Regular old Dr. Bronners soap and water worked on my aphids too. Every day for like 5 days or so and blasting the hell out of them with the hose


Damn nice plants @Meesh! Just keep doing your thing. Your gonna have some great smoke!

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I have to say again how much I love fabric pots! I wouldn’t have been able to keep those 2 plants in a 10 gallon plastic pot through finish, they’d get root bound. However, even with their self pruning, the roots have grown through the bottom and into the ground. I would have to tear them up at this point if I wanted to turn or move them. lol Of course this wouldn’t happen if they weren’t sitting on the grass. lol I only like the final destination to be fabric though. I transplanted quite a few last year from fabric. Tearing the roots out of the bag was traumatic. Not for the plants though, just traumatized me. :crazy_face:


Actually @cannabissequoia come to think of it, I’ve never had to spray spinosad in flower before, only BT.
I probably would though, at least once if I had aphids. Probably spray it first to kill most, then move to hose blasts in the morning and Dr. Bronner’s in the evening for a week. It killed all mine. Then of course the plant hermed so it was all in vain, but ya know. I don’t think a dose or two this early would hurt, especially with a few days of water blasts after. But now I know not to over do it. I probably used it twice this year total. I doubt it’s even a drop in the bucket with all of the malathion I’ve ingested in decades of store bought veggies. lol


The Amazing Doctor Zymes Eliminator This works great and you can spray right up to the day of harvest . No stink no smell completely organic . A couple of applications and all is good you need to spray the undersides and on top evenings are best no sun just follow complete instruction . Sorry about the large print it must have been the Blue Dream .


Man, I’m smoking this White Widow my friend grew. It has no taste or smell, but the high is nice. No anxiety and I’m obviously social cuz I’m rambling like crazy. This stuff makes me relaxed to the point of sleepy, but my brain is awake and suddenly I have an opinion on everything! Oh wait… that last part isn’t too different. tee hee :blush: :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Same here. I just smoked some sativa and I could talk someone’s ear off


The air is completely brown outside. All of the cars are covered in ash. My eyes have been burning and itching for 3 days straight. I wanna pull them out and rinse them off and put them back in! Using my inhaler 3 or 4 times a day. Usually it’s like 3 times a week. Fire is horrible. Mother Nature is not screwing around. She wants to take us out. 2020 can suck it.


All that ash-fall = fertilizer for next year… :smile_cat: & it’s mostly non-urban material :+1: unlike 2017 & 2018 :unamused: PCB fun



Chocolope was one of the first strains I ever purchased.

Honestly can’t say that I was super impressed… never thought about revisiting it… also didn’t end up with anything that was super chocolately in the nose or taste department.

Was many years ago.


Can’t believe how much of the west coast is on fire right now… Cali is starting to sound like armageddon and now up here in Washington they think someone just started some of these fires as arson possibly.

Stay safe


Right?! My friends in Oregon are on fire too with gale force wind conditions. It’s bad. This year is apocalyptic. I’m over it.


Yeah its not that often I hope for early winter… or like can we maybe get some rain up here for once in 3-4 months.

I was just hearing that, at least up here, the winds are supposed to shift and hopefully blow the smoke more to the east( good for us, not for some im sure)

Hopefully you and your ladies can get a break from the haze and get some breaths of fresh air.