2020 Cannabis with Meesh

Same here. I just smoked some sativa and I could talk someone’s ear off


The air is completely brown outside. All of the cars are covered in ash. My eyes have been burning and itching for 3 days straight. I wanna pull them out and rinse them off and put them back in! Using my inhaler 3 or 4 times a day. Usually it’s like 3 times a week. Fire is horrible. Mother Nature is not screwing around. She wants to take us out. 2020 can suck it.


All that ash-fall = fertilizer for next year… :smile_cat: & it’s mostly non-urban material :+1: unlike 2017 & 2018 :unamused: PCB fun



Chocolope was one of the first strains I ever purchased.

Honestly can’t say that I was super impressed… never thought about revisiting it… also didn’t end up with anything that was super chocolately in the nose or taste department.

Was many years ago.


Can’t believe how much of the west coast is on fire right now… Cali is starting to sound like armageddon and now up here in Washington they think someone just started some of these fires as arson possibly.

Stay safe


Right?! My friends in Oregon are on fire too with gale force wind conditions. It’s bad. This year is apocalyptic. I’m over it.


Yeah its not that often I hope for early winter… or like can we maybe get some rain up here for once in 3-4 months.

I was just hearing that, at least up here, the winds are supposed to shift and hopefully blow the smoke more to the east( good for us, not for some im sure)

Hopefully you and your ladies can get a break from the haze and get some breaths of fresh air.


…just waiting to buy plane tickets outta here :shushing_face:

My curmudgeony-ass says A LOT of them are arson. :unamused:

It’s just like school shootings. Population growth + television inspiration - brains + 20__ = :poop: :fire: :wastebasket: :derelict_house:

And Gavin thinks he’s gonna be president… :laughing:

:evergreen_tree: plane tickets. :tickets:


Have you thought about taking a few cuts of that Blue Dream and trying to reveg them to self the plant and create some seeds?

I get the impression its pretty special…:wink:


:thinking: This got me thinking, & not about what it should have :sweat_smile: but instead of Spinosad I decided to try cigarette tea & we’ll see how it goes. :wink:


:evergreen_tree: :bulb:


I read somewhere that you shouldn’t mix tobacco and mj
don’t remember why
anyone heard about this ??


I’m mostly uncertain about concentrations. This morning’s spray didn’t exactly work like Raid but I made it weak out of precaution. Will give it another go with stronger % tomorrowish. (Steeped 6 light american spirit cigs in boiling water, diluted to 1.5 gal… probably too weak I’m guessing).



The concern is spreading Tobacco Mosaic Virus (among others) to the cannabis plants. Though I’ve never heard of anyone getting TMV that way.


The UFS has got it’s stink on now. Quite delicious, no skunk smell though. Very sweet and heavy citrus.


OMG you Guys! Whatever my plants started throwing off the last few days, I don’t know, but all I have to do is open the back gate and step into the garden and I break out in hives on my whole left side and start itching so bad I feel like I’m gonna tear my skin off! Last year, it was only the Botafumeiros I grew with the pine terpene that caused this. No idea which plant is doing it this year.


That sounds horrible! That’s really unfortunate :worried:

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Yeaks. The plants do weird things to me too in terms of itchy. I must be in similar place to you. Im in coastal SD. Suffering from smoke and caterpillars and wet mornings. You’re winning the battle much better than I though. My plants are practically trash. Keep BT and drying off the dew. The next few weeks of determination could really pay off.


Yeah, the smoke is killing me too! I’ve been spraying with BT every Friday since May, religiously. I buy BT by the $100 a piece gallon. Last year the pillars destroyed half of my bud, so this year I am not messing around. Southern Cali just gets killed with these fkn gypsy moths. I have a spray tonight that I am dreading, since I can not stop itching. It’s been an hour straight nonstop. I barely went out there too.

Also, try sticking to sativas and sativa leaning hybrids outdoors here. The fat indica buds just rot from the humidity and it is so frusrating


I have two autos that just started blooming. Do you think I could put a little fine netted shelter over them to keep the moths off and effectively eliminate the pillars? My photo I had going I was picking off 5 a day and they literally ate every single fan leaf on the plant.