2020 Cannabis with Meesh

Don’t be hard on yourself, Alzheimer’s is incredibly hard for caregivers. You are only human and it can be so frustrating at times. I’m quite certain it’s pretty normal in your situation. It’s a very difficult disease.


I’m trying to imagine how I’m going to build a giant mosquito net barrier , it’s really transparent so no light blocking issues but the frame and all is daunting, but when I think of the time I’m spending hunting these bastards down I think it will be well worth it. Now I just need to find the most affordable source cuzz I’m a broke ass mtn dweller :joy:
So far this is what I’m looking at , structure would need to be taller and much wider but I want a enclosed area I can walk in so the plants aren’t draped in it.


I have the exact same relationship with my dad. To a T. We use to grow together and every time we went to our grow he wanted things this way and that way. He would say stuff like I’m calling the shots just hut up and listen… then after the fact the guilt would set in. So I just stopped growing with him I apologized and moved on. I did that outta love. I wish we could do one more grow together though just one time. If so I would keep quiet do what he wants and see how good his pot would turn out


I would suggest 20 foot pvc bowed and planted each end. 2 would give a frame and then stretch a net over them. Lot of material though and it would block some sun. Might have to brace it but should do. Think hoop house or covered wagon.


I actually have a 12x 20 metal framed hoop house but the plants grew out of it this year :joy:


Can you just get the net and throw some over them for right now and maybe just set some bricks on the bottom of it to keep it closed on the bottom, since you are almost there? Then build something for next year?


I’m so close to done I’ll be chopped before it gets here, next year it’s definitely happening


My big problem now is that I have no more drying space and my work schedule is pretty full this week. I have 2 strains that need a couple more days to dry, but even once that happens I have to find time when I’m home that day to start on the next plant. Everyday is just one more day of bud rot that they stay outside.


Drying space is always especially challenging when everything wants to finish close to the same time , I live in a very small space sense its just me but all my cacti have to come in for winter , between that and the weed my indoor space gets consumed, like buds hanging over the bed lol


@corey Well, we don’t exactly grow together. We split the costs, Dad does any construction type activities, whether it be staking or building the trellises. Then he helps harvest and trim. As for all of the growing, it’s all me. I prepare the plots, soil tests, dig, till etc… I do it all. My guess is Dad will rethink his idiotic response to the net idea and figure it out for next year. We rarely disagree or argue about my grow or about anything in general. If we disagree on regular, say political issues etc… we just listen and agree to disagree politely and move on to the next topic. I suppose why I was so hurt that I ended up that angry with him. We talked on the phone today and neither of us mentioned that bitch session yesterday. All will be well.


Same. I have tiny little house and gigantic yard! What was once my office is now the drying, storage and basically weed room. It’s packed to the hilt. I’m actually gonna tackle it today and at least try to organize some crap, so I can actually move around in there. sigh

I wish my garage wasn’t 60 years old, spooky, spidery, cobwebby and otherwise inconducive to drying or I’d do it in there.


What’s your method of hanging, are you using coat hangers on lines ?


No. No room for that. I have one of those huge drying racks with 8 tiers that hangs practically from ceiling to floor. We have to trim wet and lay the nugs to dry…

btw clothes pins work great for hanging on lines and they are cheap.


Ahh I’ve used those before, I’m not a fan of wet trimming or shelf drying but sometimes it’s the best option, esp when rot is present.


Due to space and just the size and amount of plants I grow, it’s the only feasible option for me


I’d run metal lines across the whole ceiling, it’s not the best look though and if you rent really isent a option.
Those are definitely handy,my buddy has three hanging in his hallway you have to push past lol


I own, but I also have clients come to my house and can’t have weed hanging all over in plain sight and I’d rather not put more holes all over my walls and ceiling etc… It’s already enough that the entire house and my entire lot reeks of cannabis lol


So the podcast i was listening to that had this lady on said that a minimum of 3 inches is whats needed.


My Mom lives in Las Vegas and they use burlap to wrap their cacti outside for winter. Hope this helps. Maybe you can do that and save yourself some indoor space.


Sounds much more reasonable than the 8 - 12"… Regardless, I need more mulch for my planters in general then as I probably only have an inch or two down. Winter project.