2022 Cannabis Cultivation Network: Picture of the year contest: Art, Cannabis, Life. OverGrow the World!

Round 2 sticker chain giveaway
1 @jamMAKEcan
2 @Tracker
3 @E5_Wilk
4 @Rhai88
5 @anonymous4289
Congratulations winners, you were all chosen by the previous OG who can pick from anyone on OverGrow, you will all receive addy request in the next 24 hours to send your stickers will ship Monday.
@mota you are receiving a Medium sticker because I announced you as a winner at random. Besides that your awesome, keep on breathing and stay cool. :sunglasses:

Think about having a sesh but your alone and want to hang out at a party?

Hang out with 420 OG’s

Next medium OverGrow sticker awarded tomorrow, next sticker chain starts Saturday,
Have a great day!