2023 "Field of Dreams"

Well, things are cruising along here. Fed Panalawi some Terp Tea Bloom and some fish hydrolysate, she’s been dropping lots of yellow leaves despite giving her supplemental fish sauce. Same routine last few weekends.

Here’s a chest high side shoot Panalawi:

Here’s what my hand looks like as high as I can reach on her:

Here’s the overall Panalawi:

And a stalk shot:

907 and IBG have mostly been harvested, less some larfy stuff or pollinated branches. 907 is left, IBG right:

907 has obviously suffered the wrath of my botrytis elimination regimens. I think the final leaf-burner was the HOCl at 500ppm.

Here’s a 907 larf bud plumping up, I think these last “larf” buds are going to be the best samples of the plant:

And an IBG larf:

Finally have a somewhat relaxed weekend. Bunch of stuff going on this afternoon and then I can relax.

The IBG and the 907 that I harvested last week are in the dry cabinet and curing. I still haven’t opened the cabinet to really check on them or inspect, I want to wait until I start trimming next week to preserve the suspense/surprise.

Cheers guys. Hope you all have a nice weekend and happy harvests this season!