2023 "Field of Dreams"

Hows the Panalawi stackin & packin. :sunglasses: :metal:

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It looks alright from what I can tell. Dusk anymore when I get home it’s crazy how fast fall comes once it shows up. But she’s a monster in person and starting to smell more strongly. Definitely needs some additional bracing Friday when I have time to tend to it. Talk about dicks flopping :rofl:

Haven’t opened the cabinet other than the other night to throw the last tray of 907 in. We’ll see how things turn out. Life seems to choose end-of-season to get batshit crazy it seems. Work turns nuts every fall, holidays and family, daughter growing up. I feel kinda disconnected and exhausted. Wish things were simpler sometimes but I’m trying to look at it more like I have a tough job sometimes but it’s pretty easy life mostly. Wouldn’t appreciate the easy part if it was always easy. Rambling I think. It’s good to do that sometimes.

I feel like I just bumble around here looking at pics but don’t have much to say, just too tired at the moment to come up with real questions/insightful commentary.

You really seem to be gearing up for indoor I’m keeping an eye on it. I still need to order my tent and fan. Thanks for checking in man :slightly_smiling_face:

One love


Hey man that’s the deal. Family, job it’s all good. Busy is good. That is the deal. Blessing. Plants just the frosting.


Well, things are cruising along here. Fed Panalawi some Terp Tea Bloom and some fish hydrolysate, she’s been dropping lots of yellow leaves despite giving her supplemental fish sauce. Same routine last few weekends.

Here’s a chest high side shoot Panalawi:

Here’s what my hand looks like as high as I can reach on her:

Here’s the overall Panalawi:

And a stalk shot:

907 and IBG have mostly been harvested, less some larfy stuff or pollinated branches. 907 is left, IBG right:

907 has obviously suffered the wrath of my botrytis elimination regimens. I think the final leaf-burner was the HOCl at 500ppm.

Here’s a 907 larf bud plumping up, I think these last “larf” buds are going to be the best samples of the plant:

And an IBG larf:

Finally have a somewhat relaxed weekend. Bunch of stuff going on this afternoon and then I can relax.

The IBG and the 907 that I harvested last week are in the dry cabinet and curing. I still haven’t opened the cabinet to really check on them or inspect, I want to wait until I start trimming next week to preserve the suspense/surprise.

Cheers guys. Hope you all have a nice weekend and happy harvests this season!


Love those up shots on tall colas. That is a great pic deep blue sky. Seasons wrapping up as we speak. My 3x3 gorilla is sitting on the porch in a box. :rofl:


Huge round of Applause :clap: can be heard from Ontario…
That is One Big-Ass batch of carefully Grown, Reckless Weed there @FieldEffect
Love those Bud shots


Nice crop, and well done!


Thanks guys!

Pulled a few grams of each from the cabinet this AM. Trimmed a little and into Grove bags. They aren’t quite dry yet but:

  1. Let’s see how Grove bags vent excess moisture
  2. I’m impatient

907 is less dry than IBG. I can smell that. Little damp plant matter smell on both. Encouragingly, the 907 reminds me of my Hella Jelly, and the IBG is smelling like the real deal. I think I got what I wanted when this all started 6 months ago :grin:

907 Nuglet:

IBG Nuglet:

IBG is the hairiest bud I’ve ever seen :joy:


They both look dank as f. Love the hairs on that IBG. :100: :fire: I’m glad you got that bubblegum terp… Smells like heaven. :slightly_smiling_face:


Nice man! Those buds look very nice and frosty! I bet they smell great too!


I know they need another week in the cabinet, but already very promising. Curious how the Grove bag handles damp buds we’ll see. Got weights on both bags we’ll see if they lose weight :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Panalawi is smelling good too, almost like Pinesol mixed with Lemon Pledge in a Penzeys store. It’s good, but foreign to me. Never smelt anything quite like it.

Thanks guys! For the compliments and guidance along the way.


I’d be cautious about putting the buds in the grove bags wet. I like to dry the buds out completely and if anything reintroduce them to 60% humidity and they will soak it back in from the air. Let me know how it goes.


Totally. I would never attempt this with any real quantity. It’s about 7 grams in each bag right now and I’m super curious how permeable the bags are

Will post results next weekend


I used the bags with the last harvest of GMO. I can vouch that they work great. It’s been in the bag over a month and when I put it in a ziplock to give to friends the stuff stinks through the bag. They’re a game changer for sure.


I think you be surprised at how they handle it. I love my groves. 1lb bags and half ounce glass less. :100:


Trim Jail Diary Day 1:

IBG this morning perfect dry level at 2 weeks on the dot. Total of 3-4 trays mostly processed (of 9 or 10). 2.5 hours in the shed. She smells great. Little different than what I sampled from @ColeLennon but bubblegummy for sure. I imagine some age will change the smell quite a bit, but I’m over the moon. It’s great smelling and looking bud. YOU BETTER BELIEVE THE SMOKE TEST IS TONIGHT :rofl: It’s been hard to resist snagging a nug and sparking it up

Here’s what a tray looks like (the one at the bottom is my larf/B-grade stuff for the bowl trimmer as I clean up the colas):

This morning’s “top-shelf” yield. These are just the hand-trim nice nugs from the 3-4 trays so far, all the larf is gonna get bowl trimmed. Nice density on these compared to most of what I had happening last year. 6oz. Almost surely there is at least another one of these fat sacks of the good-good. I’m only a third to maybe half of the way. I’d say of each cola I pick up to trim about 50% made it into this bag, the other 50% is going to the bowl trimmer for edibles, gifts and massive blunts for the Halloween party - I’ve got my homegrown tobacco too so that’ll be a FULL-SEND EVENT. My girl is gonna dress as Cheech and I’ll be Chong.

You may notice some seeds there. I found those during the trimming of that bag. There are two distinctly different maturity levels - so some of them are probably from the early-August pollination with Shiskaberry pollen from @SHSC-1 and some of the reversed Auto Fem Fastbudz “Original Bubblegum” pollen I tried to make. The mature ones surely correlate to that event. Then I dusted 907 with NL#1 and Black Domina x (TKNL5 Haze) from @Klyphman mid-September. That BDxTKNL5Haze pollen definately blew places I didn’t want it; of course accompanied by my expletives, so it’s probably that. Despite only having 2-3 week gestation time they look like they may be viable. I’ll definately try some next season just to see. Or it’s entirely possible they are from random pollen outside. It’s hard for me to believe that 2-3 week old seeds look like this. As a note, the deliberately-pollinated branches are all still growing, these are all branches intended to be sinsemilla. The photo doesn’t really do justice to the difference in shade, the ones in the left sack are MUCH lighter in color, almost white.

First bag into the cooler this season. Thanks for all the help guys!


Very nice brother. Day 5 out in the shed here in the drying racks. I can smell it the second I walk out my front door. Your IBG is hairy as F. :100: :fire: Enjoy Halloween as Cheech and Chong. :sunglasses: :metal:


I bet, you had quite a harvest despite the weather troubles. :sunglasses:

Halloween will be a blast as long as I don’t pass out right after the party starts :rofl:

Panalawi looks like she’s starting to get towards the finish line. Getting chilly at night now (40s) think it’s pushing her faster now. Most pistils dark, very few fresh ones left. Gonna do a trich check later today.


She is looking Beastly…
Can I ask how tall she stands ?


I can’t complain about harvest. What I do have is looking real good. I’m considering running the 90’s Kush again. I will decide after I smoke some and make gummies with it. I’m also thinking of running the BBM again. Such a beautiful cola plant. So easy to trim and everyone loves it. Yield is massive. BBM is must run for anyone that loves massive open structure long fat dripping colas.

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