2023 "Field of Dreams"

Trim Jail Diary Day 1:

IBG this morning perfect dry level at 2 weeks on the dot. Total of 3-4 trays mostly processed (of 9 or 10). 2.5 hours in the shed. She smells great. Little different than what I sampled from @ColeLennon but bubblegummy for sure. I imagine some age will change the smell quite a bit, but I’m over the moon. It’s great smelling and looking bud. YOU BETTER BELIEVE THE SMOKE TEST IS TONIGHT :rofl: It’s been hard to resist snagging a nug and sparking it up

Here’s what a tray looks like (the one at the bottom is my larf/B-grade stuff for the bowl trimmer as I clean up the colas):

This morning’s “top-shelf” yield. These are just the hand-trim nice nugs from the 3-4 trays so far, all the larf is gonna get bowl trimmed. Nice density on these compared to most of what I had happening last year. 6oz. Almost surely there is at least another one of these fat sacks of the good-good. I’m only a third to maybe half of the way. I’d say of each cola I pick up to trim about 50% made it into this bag, the other 50% is going to the bowl trimmer for edibles, gifts and massive blunts for the Halloween party - I’ve got my homegrown tobacco too so that’ll be a FULL-SEND EVENT. My girl is gonna dress as Cheech and I’ll be Chong.

You may notice some seeds there. I found those during the trimming of that bag. There are two distinctly different maturity levels - so some of them are probably from the early-August pollination with Shiskaberry pollen from @SHSC-1 and some of the reversed Auto Fem Fastbudz “Original Bubblegum” pollen I tried to make. The mature ones surely correlate to that event. Then I dusted 907 with NL#1 and Black Domina x (TKNL5 Haze) from @Klyphman mid-September. That BDxTKNL5Haze pollen definately blew places I didn’t want it; of course accompanied by my expletives, so it’s probably that. Despite only having 2-3 week gestation time they look like they may be viable. I’ll definately try some next season just to see. Or it’s entirely possible they are from random pollen outside. It’s hard for me to believe that 2-3 week old seeds look like this. As a note, the deliberately-pollinated branches are all still growing, these are all branches intended to be sinsemilla. The photo doesn’t really do justice to the difference in shade, the ones in the left sack are MUCH lighter in color, almost white.

First bag into the cooler this season. Thanks for all the help guys!