2023 "Field of Dreams"

I appreciate it! Lots of questions, answers and the results were wonderful. It went well and I learned a ton this way, kinda as a community grow. It’s been hugely educational to me. Thanks!


It had been 6 days since I stuffed 4 trays of larfy small Panalawi buds into the dry cabinet. The larger nugs are still a week from being dry. Conditions are, on average, 64F & 62% RH in my dry cabinet.

Here’s a tray of larf (you can see I literally just filled trays with small untrimmed buds). I figured they’d dry quickly due ot the airspace, and they did. Felt perfectly pliable with no snapping character but certainly not soggy or wet.

Bowl trimmer to the rescue:

Larf came out to about 5.4oz. It smells incredible. Absolutely incredible. Doesn’t smell like weed as I know it, still heavy on the Pinesol/Lemon Pledge/Spice Shop odor. According to @ColeLennon 's scale this is solidly in the dankest tier. May not look like much, but this is the larf and mechanically trimmed. The smell blows my fucking mind.

I rolled up some cobbs. I wish I could have taken pictures of this but it woulda required someone else taking them. As @MissinBissin has shown, scrunch up the weed into a turd shape rolled in parchment paper. I made 4 cobbs at about 1oz each, and 2 at about 0.75oz each to total the ~5.4 oz total weed. Experimented with different aspect ratios and “rolling” techniques.

Here’s the instructions that I initially found from @MissinBissin but were originally posted by @US3RNAM3

According to this I cook it 24 hours at 104F. Simple enough, I have a sous-vide rig for cooking steaks.

Cobbs are unexpectedly boyant. I had already read about this, but I’m still surprised how they insist on floating so stubbornly. I arranged them so that the extra plastic in conjuntion with the lid and the fill level keeps everything submerged with the lid closed.

Lawn mower battery serving as ballast

Expect there to be an update tonight.

Our starlink stopped working and I got an RMA, which sucks. I hope they send a new one before they receive the broken one, it’s possible I’m without home internet for 2 weeks or so. My coffee machine simultaneously started leaking, it’s also on its way back to the MFG.

Life is hard sometimes I guess :rofl: I think this will actually be the worst for our daughter. I’ll get by with coffee made by a $20 machine and ocassional OG browsing. At least I have weed to weather the storm of inconvenience :cowboy_hat_face:

Cheers guys. Hope all your harvests are going as well as this has been! Thank you all for contributing to the growth that’s occurred on this end. Mostly personal growth, knowledge acquired and put to use. Also cannabis, that grew quite well indeed. Have a wonderful day!