2023 "Field of Dreams"

Sorry to hear of the funeral.

How does she smell now that you’ve cut her down?


Strong is the only word for it in the Car after an hour of travel, and a whole day in a garage Full o Ganja I cannot smell anything distinctly… i will finish that question when I get to the garage!!!


She looks great my curiousity is strong.


I will say the Buds are spectacular !
Technicolour report this a.m.


I trim and keep the big colas and medium colas and some small, wet trim them all. I let my buddy take home quite a bit of the smalls and trim and keep.


Like this one @ColeLennon ?


I wet trim better than that. :rofl: I keep all colas that size.


Mummified nug wrapped in leaves for protection

All that remains as of this morning :sunrise_over_mountains:


I need to get out and clean up my zip ties, stakes, cages and shit. Get ready to turn the outdoor water off.


You clean zip ties?


Clean them right into the recycling. Only hold onto toilet paper rolls. They still have a little TP on them. How I justify it.


:joy::joy::joy::joy: let it go


You picked up a bowl trimmer? What death fan did @Pigeonman post? I had selected a trimmer based off searching this forum too. Can’t remember the name, it’s an amazon deal, the only powered option for less than $1-2K cad that I learned about.
I still haven’t been able to afford it though. I bought a second pair of chikamasa scissors, haha.

You could also use HOCl for this, instead of H2O2, I think. I don’t know what dilution rate. And someone recently mentioned that HOCl is highly oxidative and that they think it could possibly, somehow have negative effects on trichomes. I don’t know, either way, just saying.
Which HOCl product did you buy? Could you test it’s pH right out of the bottle, if possible. I’m curious.


I love it. It’s high-tech ghetto fabulous, or something.
Do the buds get flat on one side?

Does it seem like something other than just natural “senescence”? I guess so.
I’ve had one of these for years, it’s pretty good/helpful for various things (including trichome viewing, pics or videos): https://www.amazon.com/Plugable-Microscope-Flexible-Observation-Magnification/dp/B00XNYXQHE/ref=sr_1_3?crid=2X9FN5YPCVGBB&keywords=Plugable+USB+Digital+Microscope&qid=1697655306&sprefix=plugable+usb+digital+microscope%2Caps%2C131&sr=8-3. I can hook it up to my phone to use the phone as a screen (using the USB OTG dongle for the android phone).

Fuck, man that really sucks. I had some this round. First time I’ve ever seen it, personally. When I’d cut down a nice looking cola that looked suspect, it hurt. I just threw it right in the trash, washed up with iso and kept moving, just like you said.

Sounds like a good idea.

I was wondering if the HOCl could’ve contributed to the leaves/general sadness in the pic you were asking about before, maybe due to being to concentrated. That’s possible, I think. If it was homemade HOCl I’d think it could’ve possibly been from “residual” NaCl maybe, but I guess it’s not.

They look excellent. Great job.

Some of my comments/questions may have been addressed already, I quoted as I read, so you can just ignore those.
A lot of work this grow and harvest, still on going. Great job with all of it @FieldEffect.

I use one of these for testing drying buds “moisture content”. https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B01J5B9NSY/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1. I got the suggestion/idea from a thread on another forum. It’s just another “data point”, if you will.


That’s a great post @Nitt!

I think there’s a few fundamental topics in there: HOCl and harvest/drying primarily


I ordered this https://a.co/d/76MMZvc

I think I definitely burnt the leaves with it. I overreacted probably. And I did add a splash to my budwash for the 907 due to the known mold environment. I’m drying all this stuff in a closed environment so I want to avoid cross contamination.

I’ve read a few things, generally that 300ppm is where you want/need to be for efficacy. I sprayed this at least once and probably went to undiluted as a last ditch effort. My concentration in budwash was very low probably because of it’s “hospital” scent but I wanted to ensure dead/no mold as much as reasonably possible

I’ll check the pH and report when I get home in a few days.

It’s a manual bowl trimmer pictured above. The specific one isn’t available anymore. I didn’t get a death fan this year but may next year. I’m going to wait for harvest season to conclude and prices to fall. There’s quite a few links posted in pigeon’s thread and a warning to seek models with straight leaf slots on the protection grate.

Does it flatten the buds? There’s often a small flat area but I don’t mind. I’m getting to the point where I’ve “overgrown” my drying capabilities, packing efficiency and terp preservation are my only real concerns. That’s a good place to be as far as I’m concerned :sunglasses:

I have a WiFi microscope, one of the $30 Amazon cheapies. I entertained dropping serious cash on a higher-end one but decided unnecessary. I’m not a single guy anymore :rofl:

On that note I almost bought a moisture balance but made the same conclusion. If I had the time to conduct experiments that are carefully controlled I could add some valuable information to the cannabis community. First on the list would be a few high-fidelity sorption isotherms. It would be interesting to also compare the types of moisture meter, like the prong type you linked. I’m skeptical but have seen several folks post reasonable success.

Thanks @Nitt! I’m posting from my phone so probably missed some things but wanted to get back to you. Thanks for the HOCl tip several weeks ago :sunglasses:


This is the one with the good grates. Mine hasn’t showed up yet. Already got refunded. I’m sending it back and going to buy this one in the dead of winter when the price drops more. It just dropped 40.00


…Just getting caught up on this thread. You knocked it out of the ballpark @FieldEffect ! Great help from all the commentators here too. You are all inspirational, and the fellowship here is top flight.

I’ve read good things about the IBG, but that strain never made it to my neck of the woods when I was smoking – at least not that I knew about. And the Panalawi looks like it’ll be a treasure easily worth the pains you took to see it through.

GREAT JOB all the way around! :+1:


I appreciate it! Lots of questions, answers and the results were wonderful. It went well and I learned a ton this way, kinda as a community grow. It’s been hugely educational to me. Thanks!


It had been 6 days since I stuffed 4 trays of larfy small Panalawi buds into the dry cabinet. The larger nugs are still a week from being dry. Conditions are, on average, 64F & 62% RH in my dry cabinet.

Here’s a tray of larf (you can see I literally just filled trays with small untrimmed buds). I figured they’d dry quickly due ot the airspace, and they did. Felt perfectly pliable with no snapping character but certainly not soggy or wet.

Bowl trimmer to the rescue:

Larf came out to about 5.4oz. It smells incredible. Absolutely incredible. Doesn’t smell like weed as I know it, still heavy on the Pinesol/Lemon Pledge/Spice Shop odor. According to @ColeLennon 's scale this is solidly in the dankest tier. May not look like much, but this is the larf and mechanically trimmed. The smell blows my fucking mind.

I rolled up some cobbs. I wish I could have taken pictures of this but it woulda required someone else taking them. As @MissinBissin has shown, scrunch up the weed into a turd shape rolled in parchment paper. I made 4 cobbs at about 1oz each, and 2 at about 0.75oz each to total the ~5.4 oz total weed. Experimented with different aspect ratios and “rolling” techniques.

Here’s the instructions that I initially found from @MissinBissin but were originally posted by @US3RNAM3

According to this I cook it 24 hours at 104F. Simple enough, I have a sous-vide rig for cooking steaks.

Cobbs are unexpectedly boyant. I had already read about this, but I’m still surprised how they insist on floating so stubbornly. I arranged them so that the extra plastic in conjuntion with the lid and the fill level keeps everything submerged with the lid closed.

Lawn mower battery serving as ballast

Expect there to be an update tonight.

Our starlink stopped working and I got an RMA, which sucks. I hope they send a new one before they receive the broken one, it’s possible I’m without home internet for 2 weeks or so. My coffee machine simultaneously started leaking, it’s also on its way back to the MFG.

Life is hard sometimes I guess :rofl: I think this will actually be the worst for our daughter. I’ll get by with coffee made by a $20 machine and ocassional OG browsing. At least I have weed to weather the storm of inconvenience :cowboy_hat_face:

Cheers guys. Hope all your harvests are going as well as this has been! Thank you all for contributing to the growth that’s occurred on this end. Mostly personal growth, knowledge acquired and put to use. Also cannabis, that grew quite well indeed. Have a wonderful day!


BeUtiful job in prepping those Cobbs @FieldEffect.
Love your descriptions of the Smells from your efforts. Wish I was standing right there helping.
Do you have a Seat Belt on your Smoking chair?


LOL I think I’m going to need a helmet more than a seatbelt



There’s a morning laugh.
Have a great day @FieldEffect

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