2023 "Field of Dreams"

They’re looking good but I’m seeing some aphid damage and something else munching leaves.

907 Blue Genes: Stem rub distinctly sweet, huge relief because when the others got culled the biggest risk IMO was that I wouldn’t get a blueberry expression. I think it’s promising. Needs some pruning/training cleanup.

Indiana Bubblegum: Stem rub getting stronger bubblegum scent with some fuel notes. Increasingly vigorous, maybe she was just mad about the topping.

Panalawi: Getting more afraid of this getting out-of-control. She’s smelling reminiscent of cedar with a spicy side. Excited to see how that evolves.

Original Bubblegum Auto:
Starting to flower and applied STS to the right half this morning. She’s stunted. Smell of stem is similar to the IBG which is encouraging.

I’ll do some cleaning up and training Sunday, and a batch of tea. Maybe a kelp/aloe/neem foliar Monday morning. Overall I think things are chugging along. I’m not having good luck with the autos in the extra spicy soil, should have just done 3-gallon bags with normal potting mix for those. Hindsight :yum: