2023 "Field of Dreams"

Hey Nitt, was thinking about you and the mice the other day. Life has been busy indeed, not just with this.

I had looked into a vortex brewer but wasn’t sure what to use as a tank in the 20-30 gallon range. Since I started doing the teas it seems like that’s the perfect batch size for all my garden including the veggie beds. This was kinda an experiment, and it’s working well.

I don’t see how veg stinkiness could be a bad thing. I’ve just let them go but the next time I’m out I’ll see how that’s changed. They definitely smell stronger than they did when I culled them, at least one of them does, I can pick them up from a fair distance away :joy: they’re stinkier than most of what I ran last year. I have no idea what I’m doing with selections so that seemed intuitive, especially since I’m looking for particular phenos.

Regarding “following” someone there’s a way to subscribe to the thread but I don’t think you can blanket keep tabs on what they post. I look at people’s profiles and threads to find their grows and stuff.

Good to see you and thanks for checking in :+1:


They’re looking good but I’m seeing some aphid damage and something else munching leaves.

907 Blue Genes: Stem rub distinctly sweet, huge relief because when the others got culled the biggest risk IMO was that I wouldn’t get a blueberry expression. I think it’s promising. Needs some pruning/training cleanup.

Indiana Bubblegum: Stem rub getting stronger bubblegum scent with some fuel notes. Increasingly vigorous, maybe she was just mad about the topping.

Panalawi: Getting more afraid of this getting out-of-control. She’s smelling reminiscent of cedar with a spicy side. Excited to see how that evolves.

Original Bubblegum Auto:
Starting to flower and applied STS to the right half this morning. She’s stunted. Smell of stem is similar to the IBG which is encouraging.

I’ll do some cleaning up and training Sunday, and a batch of tea. Maybe a kelp/aloe/neem foliar Monday morning. Overall I think things are chugging along. I’m not having good luck with the autos in the extra spicy soil, should have just done 3-gallon bags with normal potting mix for those. Hindsight :yum:


:laughing: you’re 100% in a fight. even if it flipped today

you have a cloning setup?


Those are looking really good. At attention and climbing cages well. Great growing. :sunglasses: :metal: :peace_symbol:

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@noknees I think I have this way of ignoring warnings when I don’t want to believe them. I’m sure my parents would agree :joy: I don’t have any setup for clones, no. I’ve been entertaining a small tent in the shed so I can do selections over the winter. I’m sure I could get some good cuts, maybe give some away. I only know one person that could keep them indoors in veg.

@ColeLennon it’s pretty easy I mostly just watch and water them now :sunglasses:

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My micro clover is blanketing well.

Done watering it. On its own now. :slightly_smiling_face:


That looks really nice. The mixed cover crop I used gets pretty tall, so I “mow” it once a week in those bags. Hedge shears gets it done pretty quick but I love how low that clover is staying. It’s a pretty “yard” you got there, lush.


Yeah, I’m having my lawn guy mow it this weekend. It’s like 4-5 inches tall


Happy Father’s Day Field. :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face:


Appreciate it man! You too! Hopefully you see your daughter today.

All my girls (human and cannabis) seem happy today :heart:


Those are looking good. At attention. :100: Mine are dripping water off the cages right now. Today is rain off and on. Tomorrow we going to get some.


Did 2 gallons of foliar with the new jungle sprayer. It’s getting hot really fast with lots of dry wind so I wanted to get everything some aloe.

2 gallons filtered water
30mL kelp extract (Age Old)
30mL fish hydrolysate (GEM)
2 tsp horticultural aloe flakes (BAS)
1/2 tsp quillaja extract (BAS)

New sprayer fuckin’ rocks. Got all the veggies, fruit trees, the flowers. Just ordered a new strap because the one that came with it is too short for me to use comfortably. It’s maybe 40" I ordered a 56" one.

Also that quillaja makes a huge difference in the wetting of the foliar. @ColeLennon you may want some of this stuff

Started a new batch of tea this afternoon. The water was 82F so I think closer to 12 hours will be better than 24. Same recipe there. I felt like the last batch 2 weeks ago was a little stale compared to the first really good one 3-4 weeks ago, probably because the temperature of the water is increasing and I’m starting to over brew. Measuring now so that should help.

Ironically, or not ironically at all, I’m getting an infection in my nailbed. Paronychia… bacterial. I trimmed my nails the other night and jacked up my cuticle. So, I’m filling my garden AND fingers with bacteria now :rofl:

I’ll go see the doctor tomorrow if they’re closed I’ll just have an antibiotic called in for me. No biggie but when I really looked at it (it’s been getting sore which I just thought was me fucking it up the other night) I just chuckled. Maybe I should be wearing gloves with this stuff, maybe it’s totally unconnected but damn ain’t that some shit.

Pics tomorrow afternoon we’ll see if the tea and foliar did anything :+1:

Cheers everyone and happy Father’s Day!


I looked it up. Interesting.“my plants might need it after this rain” You will live you have another 9 if you count thumbs as digits. :rofl:

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I was pretty surprised how much different it looks wetting down the leaves. I’m used to things getting wet and the water kind of beading off but it doesn’t bead hardly at all they just look shiny and almost uniformly wet. Also nuts how little went in there…half a teaspoon into 2 gallons.

Who knows, maybe the plants will be dead tomorrow. But it sure seems like good stuff right now.

If my finger falls off I’m blaming that :rofl:


We have life! Out of curiosity pulled back some of the mulched cover crop trimmings…worms! In every pot!

Does this mean I’m full-blown living soil? :rofl:🪱🪱

The only worms I introduced were from the first batch of primo compost tea, where I put a handful of spent castings in all the pots smack dab in the middle. Just that a month ago, each other batch has gone to the trees or veggies.

Also the weed seems fine :sunglasses:

Really appreciate all the input and banter on here. I’m more excited about seeing worms in random spots than I am about the quickly growing cannabis plants.

Also that Panalawi is looking like it’s living the dream. Very much looking forward to all of these cultivars.

Have a great night everyone, hope all your grows are well :slightly_smiling_face:


You going to have plants coming out your ass. :rofl: Jumping daily now. :sunglasses: :metal:




Make sure to stop the second week of flower, Bro. :smile:


You’re cute! You have tested and amended. Now stuff breaks down and you just water it. You don’t always have to be adding stuff. Has anyone introduced the term LITFA to you yet? Plants look good, so all is well. Just water it now and LITFA

oh yeah… I added a pound of red wigglers to my backyard about 4 or 5 years ago. I literally have MILLIONS now. They have even made their way into my potted plants and my hydro veggie thing. You’re gonna have worms up the wazoo eventually. They hide out when it’s hot though.


My last topping is around July 6th-10th. July 1 for the DJ short blueberry. She takes longer to recover. She is still recovering from the 22 tops I took off her 10 days ago. Anything I touch on her again will be in 10 days if needed. My others snap right back.