2023 "Field of Dreams"

We have life! Out of curiosity pulled back some of the mulched cover crop trimmings…worms! In every pot!

Does this mean I’m full-blown living soil? :rofl:🪱🪱

The only worms I introduced were from the first batch of primo compost tea, where I put a handful of spent castings in all the pots smack dab in the middle. Just that a month ago, each other batch has gone to the trees or veggies.

Also the weed seems fine :sunglasses:

Really appreciate all the input and banter on here. I’m more excited about seeing worms in random spots than I am about the quickly growing cannabis plants.

Also that Panalawi is looking like it’s living the dream. Very much looking forward to all of these cultivars.

Have a great night everyone, hope all your grows are well :slightly_smiling_face: