2023 "Field of Dreams"


Things are generally good in the FieldEffect yard.

Inspired by a post from @ColeLennon’s thread showing a month of growth, here’s my own progress pics.

More generally, I’ll follow the format I used in the last update June 6 so it’s easy to do comparisons.

Front Veggie Bed:
Installed a shade cloth about a week ago and have been ammending similar to the cannabis (primarily N) as the soil testing has shown a dominant, lingering deficiency. I’m assuming the N is being used for both the plants and decomposition of the compost. Planted some new chiles yesterday, late but I think they’ll still party hardy. Pumpkins and zucchini killing it, Luffa gourd doing well, watermelons beginning takeoff, tomatoes starting to fly. Volunteer determinate tomatos are interesting, fruits look like Romas but they have the physical structure of one of the hybrid bush tomatoes I ran last year. Must be an inadvertent hybrid, but I like it. Hopefully they taste good.

Back Veggie Bed:
Tomatoes and peppers (ghost and jalapeno), volunteer tobacco coming up over there in the right-hand corner.

Holy shit this actually worked. I assume it will continue to fill in, and I’m going to shop for an electric mower. Been ammending with the Moorganite (high-N organic yard fertilizer) and gypsum as there exist similar nutritional issues between the compost and alkaline native soil as the beds and containers do. Accidentally weed-wacked some mushrooms this morning, went ahead and tossed them into the cannabis pots to get some mushies going. Not sure what they were, I didn’t take a pic.

These were doing better than ever 10 days ago, the heat over 100F the last week or so is really killing their buzz. Feeding them aloe, compost tea like the other stuff hopefully giving them the best shot they can have. The decorative pots aren’t helping with the heat situation, but they are visible on the patio so they can’t look like spaceships (like my weed containers).

The chair over there is becoming my favorite spot to smoke a cigar or doob. The tree is providing more shade, and I can chill with the plants. They seem to be doing well, they’ve been getting trimmed up a bit because we’re about to enter early flower/stretch and need to get them under control ASAP.

Thanks for the video @blowdout2269! I’ll do that next season :sunglasses: