2023 "Field of Dreams"

Fed a nice tea/nutrient brew this morning.

Recipe: 23 gallons filtered, bubbled water
8c EWC
0.8c Sucanate
0.4c Fish Hydrolysate
0.4c Kelp Extract
50g Terp Tea Bloom Booster
25g Terp Tea Bloom
100g Seabird Guano
30g Epsom

Brewed 12 hours at 88F.

This morning I added about 2tbsp of fulvic acid, 500mL of fish hydrolysate, about 5g horticultural aloe flakes and 160mL of Rhino Skin.

The Rhino Skin was the last of the bottle now I have an excuse to buy something like AgSil or monosilicic acid. Waste not, want not I guess. Figured I’d burn through it before I drop money on supplements again. I need a fresh gallon of that GEM fish while I’m at it - it’s gone now. Added the stuff I did this morning in case it may inhibit growth of the microbeasties that brewed already.

I calculated that brew to be 175-150-115 (N-P-K in ppm). That’s assuming everything is in solution, which I doubt but with everything micronized it’s not completely out of the question either I don’t think. Bumping P while retaining a healthy amount of N as we go into stretch. Epsom to balance the Ca of the seabird shit. 1.4ppm Si in solution.

Since I am writing my thoughts, I notice that my N levels disappear very quickly and my volume of soil is lowering fairly quickly. I suspect strongly that my compost is pretty quickly breaking down and I had too much of it. That is taking my N levels for a ride. I mean, from what I read it’s always on a ride, but I think my case is a particularly wild ride. Lessons learned, get compost tested before making it half the soil mix, and maybe less of it.

Experimenting with the fulvic seems like it should enhance chelation but generally people add it at the end. Intuitively I think it makes more sense to add at the beginning of a nutrient brew like this. Next time I’ll switch it up.