2023 "Field of Dreams"

LOL I did wait to move the IBG because things were starting to tangle up. It was heavy AF even dry, kinda drug/spun/slid it. Moving them was easier before there were plants, it wasn’t as clumsy

I’m worried they aren’t wide enough. The pictures are a little deceptive the pots are 3’ in diameter and they are all about 6’ total height including the pots :rofl:


It will make it easier to work on them when they start blooming. Weight of those colas are going to make the shoots do the dope fiend lean. Get some zip ties. Some long 18 inch and short ones 12 inch.


I’m armed and ready :muscle::sunglasses:

I’ve got wire for the big shoots farther from the cage.


That will work. :100:

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right on… it’s great to see that shiskaberry pollen get put to good use :wink:
your plants look fantastic.
Best of luck this season!!


I really appreciate it! The 907 is starting to get a really sweet stem rub scent going on, hopefully she brings some nice extra blueberry to the Shiska. I hope it’ll be a really nice cross. :crossed_fingers::sunglasses:


Some “artistic” shots inspired by @MissinBissin


907 is flowering and building colas already

Looking up at Panalawi waiting for the sun to show up to the party :partying_face:

Have a great day everyone!


You bet we will have a good day.
No fooling around on your part THIS MORNING @FieldEffect.
Crop looks amazing, and the Panalawi Waiting for the Sun and Towering over the Tower, is gorgeous.

ps my Son is on Vacation for a week, has your info, Thanks. He and the Prof will be in touch !


Thanks Missin!

Season well under way now, hopefully we all have successful runs. You’ve got quite a bit cooking :wink:

Sounds great, hope your son enjoys his break :sunglasses:

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Those are looking great brother. Great shots too. Flowers all ready. Right on. :sunglasses: :metal:


Fed a nice tea/nutrient brew this morning.

Recipe: 23 gallons filtered, bubbled water
8c EWC
0.8c Sucanate
0.4c Fish Hydrolysate
0.4c Kelp Extract
50g Terp Tea Bloom Booster
25g Terp Tea Bloom
100g Seabird Guano
30g Epsom

Brewed 12 hours at 88F.

This morning I added about 2tbsp of fulvic acid, 500mL of fish hydrolysate, about 5g horticultural aloe flakes and 160mL of Rhino Skin.

The Rhino Skin was the last of the bottle now I have an excuse to buy something like AgSil or monosilicic acid. Waste not, want not I guess. Figured I’d burn through it before I drop money on supplements again. I need a fresh gallon of that GEM fish while I’m at it - it’s gone now. Added the stuff I did this morning in case it may inhibit growth of the microbeasties that brewed already.

I calculated that brew to be 175-150-115 (N-P-K in ppm). That’s assuming everything is in solution, which I doubt but with everything micronized it’s not completely out of the question either I don’t think. Bumping P while retaining a healthy amount of N as we go into stretch. Epsom to balance the Ca of the seabird shit. 1.4ppm Si in solution.

Since I am writing my thoughts, I notice that my N levels disappear very quickly and my volume of soil is lowering fairly quickly. I suspect strongly that my compost is pretty quickly breaking down and I had too much of it. That is taking my N levels for a ride. I mean, from what I read it’s always on a ride, but I think my case is a particularly wild ride. Lessons learned, get compost tested before making it half the soil mix, and maybe less of it.

Experimenting with the fulvic seems like it should enhance chelation but generally people add it at the end. Intuitively I think it makes more sense to add at the beginning of a nutrient brew like this. Next time I’ll switch it up.


25 gallon pots ?

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50 gallon pots, 4 gallons of tea each with about a gallon of plain water to get the soil moisture where I wanted it, it dries back pretty quick. Rest of the tea went to the garden beds.


Thanks !! wow them there plants sure get hungry and drink a lot _do you make your own tea’s ?

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That’s the brewer I cobbled together. It brews all the teas I apply.

I put a lot of effort into building my soil and carefully amending. Lots of soil testing. Bit of top dressing and lots of tea. As close to organic as makes sense.

It’s hot here so they are thirsty girls :cowboy_hat_face:


Just putting an index here for my convenience with some words I’ll search for later

summary history recipe

4/7 Selection
4/9 Seed Popping
4/14-15 At-Home Soil Testing
4/21 Initial Lab Test Results
4/28 Soil Flush and Ammendment Decision Point
4/30 Ammendment Mixing
5/1 Ammendments Complete and Final Recipe
5/6 Prepare 50 Gallon Pots
5/9 Sex Tests and Outdoor Transplant Night
5/12 3 Days Outside
5/19 Turbo Compost Tea Brewer Build and Base Recipe
5/20 Hailstorm/Seedling Damage
5/22 CSU Lab Results/Bad Sample Conclusion
5/25 Compost Tea Master Recipe
5/29 Selection Voting and PICs (20 days outside)
5/31 Vote Count/Cull
6/3 Garden Update and Pics
6/4 Laugh at 2021 and Lawn Ammending
6/10 Pictures, a Month Outside
6/15 Auto Bubblegum Flowering, First STS treatment, Pics
6/18 Foliar Spray Recipe
6/19 Worms Spotted
6/23 Soil Test Results, Low N Identified
6/26 Over Applied Neem and Burned my Shit
6/28 Clones Arrive
7/1 Clones Suffer
7/3 Clones RIP/Leafhopers
7/6 First Ballz IBG Auto Reversal
7/8 Garden Update and Pics
7/16 First Pollen “Collection” IBG Auto
7/21 Plants Seperated
7/23 Nutrient Tea (High P)


Out tending the garden and admiring the flower starting to spiral around the 907. Did a little pinching and I swear I got a whiff of blueberry, like actual blueberry not sweet candy blueberry. I’m fucking STOKED. Hopefully it’s not just in my head.

907 already blasting pistils, good news because @LD50 said she seemed to want to run long. I’ll let her go as long as she wants :sunglasses:

Panalawi is officially spying on the neighbors today. Love the skinny leaves.

IBG is smelling great. If she turns out like @ColeLennon’s flower I’ll be over the moon.

Have a great week guys. Thanks for tuning in.


Just beautiful man, I can’t wait to see how the 907 turns out for you.


It’s on once they get over top of those cages. Soon won’t be able to see the cages. Way to grow. :sunglasses: :metal: