2023 "Field of Dreams"

Making a nute tea tonight:

23 gallons of water
2 cups GEM fish hydrolysate
350g Terp Tea Bloom
1/2 cup 90% fulvic acid (went too hard on this, was aiming for 75g but wound up doubling it because I dumbed the math)
2 tbsp Mycrobe Complete
1/3 cup sucanat

I’ll add some of the GG Mono-Silicic before I dispense it tomorrow.

I can’t go inside right now because I’m avoiding something else happening. So I searched my shed for something like a can to show my donkey appendages.

I settled on a tube of caulk. Everyone has seen one of those. Standard caulk. Run of the mill, “average” white caulk.

907 Blue Genes base next to my turgid caulk

907 cola featuring my caulk

IBG stem next to my beautiful white caulk

IBG cola, next to, you guessed it, my caulk again

Panalawi tree base

Panalawi starting to form flowers, probably because it’s aroused by my caulk

Inviting @Foreigner specifically because he probably inspired this string of innuendo with his salacious calendar, which I am eagerly awaiting