2023 "Field of Dreams"

I’m a huge Ducks fan. No Ducks hat. Under Armour Baseball hat and Camo Bucket.

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Found a pic don’t mind the finger. :rofl: Go Ducks!!!


Why not mind the finger?
That’s the most important and used finger I got!

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Got some really nice steady rain today. Plants are still chugging along, Panalawi starting to flower. IBG and 907 thickening up and loading up on resin. I’ve been spraying BT every 3 days to keep the moths away, although they seem to prefer the Morning Glory around the other side of the house. They’re both dense flower stacks so worried about bud rot.



Panalawi seems confused by precipitation :rofl:

Cheers, have a great night


Bro, swelling donkey dick colas. Like Hulk donkey dick colas. What I do is pull them gently apart and keep an eye out for bud rot.


I can tell there’s going to be some serious weight on that plant but it seems small. IBG is going to produce well too. The buds are beautiful on both and smell great. I’d be surprised if they go past September at this rate.

Panalawi, only God knows she’s just getting started I think she’s 9 feet tall


You scope them and harvest by trich color? Beautiful plants bro.

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I’ll start watching once there’s more brown pistils, they’re mostly white still on both. I need to take some funny girth pics cause that 907 is thicker than it looks



Looks like King Kong’s Dong. :rofl:

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Lucky! That 907 would mold up pretty good here! I’m envious. Pumpkins need Cal/Mag hence the crispy edges


Interesting on the Cal Mag…

I’ll supplement their feed this weekend with Gypsum and epsom salt in the proper ratio, we’ll see what happens! There’s so much Ca in the soil test I didn’t even consider that. Mg on the other hand may be a tad short compared to the Ca. Thanks!


Making a nute tea tonight:

23 gallons of water
2 cups GEM fish hydrolysate
350g Terp Tea Bloom
1/2 cup 90% fulvic acid (went too hard on this, was aiming for 75g but wound up doubling it because I dumbed the math)
2 tbsp Mycrobe Complete
1/3 cup sucanat

I’ll add some of the GG Mono-Silicic before I dispense it tomorrow.

I can’t go inside right now because I’m avoiding something else happening. So I searched my shed for something like a can to show my donkey appendages.

I settled on a tube of caulk. Everyone has seen one of those. Standard caulk. Run of the mill, “average” white caulk.

907 Blue Genes base next to my turgid caulk

907 cola featuring my caulk

IBG stem next to my beautiful white caulk

IBG cola, next to, you guessed it, my caulk again

Panalawi tree base

Panalawi starting to form flowers, probably because it’s aroused by my caulk

Inviting @Foreigner specifically because he probably inspired this string of innuendo with his salacious calendar, which I am eagerly awaiting


This is a veritable smorgasbord!

I’m glad you’re looking forward to it. Shouldn’t be long now.


That’s a nice size caulk. :rofl: Cola’s are swelling awesome. Skies are so blue. :sunglasses: :metal:


How dare you share so many unsolicited pictures of your caulk! :rofl:


99.9999% of caulk pictures are unsolicited :rofl:


Once you post pics of your caulk on the internet. They are there forever. Do you want your grand kids seeing your caulk.


I’m proud of my caulk. And my donkey dicks. That is the smut here, not my caulk. My caulk is as pure as the driven snow.

Spent about an hour today shaking a pound of Dragon’s Hashplant in the shed with the trimbin. Yielded 10 grams of beatiful dry sift. Saved the rest for later extraction. Bought a bottle of Everclear as well. Going to gently boil the jar of kief to decarb it like I did with the kief butter experiment last year. Just want the A grade for now. 10g of 500g is like 2% recovery. There’s probably another 8-15% left in the bag.

@ColeLennon I’ve reviewed your RSO methods and will do the same thing with the seedling mat and bought a pyrex tray with lid today. The plan for now is to deep freeze the alcohol, jars, filter assembly and do a cold extraction in the morning, maybe filter a few times, then lay it out in the shed on the mat to reduce. That about the jist of it?

Gummies here I come…


Really it’s the fusion that concerns me most.


Cool man. Gets better every time. I’m decarbing 53 grams of Blackberry Fire tonight. I can’t keep any of it. My buddies are chewing up 75-25 MG gummies left and right. I use it at least 2-3 days a week myself. BF is a great med high. It just works. Looking forward to your first round.