2023 "Field of Dreams"

First place. Kick ass. :sunglasses: :metal: Woot woot. :100: Good looking pumpkin. :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face:


Be very careful :rofl: might get what you wished for.


:+1: have been meaning to order a bunch of mango. some others.

light dep?


That’s exactly the goal.

There’s definitely a few interesting ones. I remember the strain descriptions from 20 years ago

Hmm. Maybe :thinking:

I was more thinking about the pumpkins and trying to grow a few-hundred pounder. Dedicating the front bed to a pumpkin hoop house so they get an earlier start

Maybe more, smaller cannabis plants for variety and a few giant pumpkins


I think about this all the time. It’s so strange that this one type of plant can and does smell like pretty much every other plant, and even non-plant things. It’s very interesting.
I look at the analysis of, say, my pure “oil of oregano” and see all the terpenes, and that’s pretty interesting too. I only really even know about terpenes because of cannabis, so I see “B-Myrcene” listed and think “Hey, I know you from weed!”.

Been wanting to make some for so long, especially since reading @ReikoX’s tincture thread. I have the molds, and have done some recipe reading, it’s just the cost of high proof ethanol makes me not want to experiment, yet.
Edit: I see you easily managed to get this shit done. Nice.

If you do end up doing any tissue sample testing, please share the results. I’d be very interested to hear the calcium levels.

Hah. Reminded me immediately of the SNL sketch. For the caulk lovers out there:


It is truely amazing the diversity of things cannabis produces. Especially terpenes. The variety is staggering, despite being cultivated almost exclusively under prohibition for the last 50-100 years.

Now when I see “oil of oregano” I think, “well, I wonder what oregano cultivar they use” or “what was the farming method” or mental debate about the extraction method. :rofl:

Just go buy a bottle of Everclear and give it a go. Or whatever you have access to up there. You can also buy food-grade ethanol not “intended for consumption” I believe. It’s not dirt cheap here either, maybe just get a small container if you can. I only used ~200mL of my 750mL bottle. If you have kief you won’t need as much as washing buds, that was abundantly clear. I’m sure I could have used only 100mL of ETOH to dissolve my 10g of kief. I was intimidated too, but it was pretty straight forward. The candy was easy too, just followed @ReikoX’s instructions to the letter.

The difference between doing and wanting to do, is the doing part. I’ve been learning to just go do things. Sure, I spend a bit of time reading, then decide I’m just gonna go give it a shot. Otherwise I’d just read all day and accomplish little. I’d rather do these days. Maybe it’s age. All gas, no brakes. If you put weed in alcohol, it’ll work. :wink:

As far as tissue testing goes, I spent some time looking into it but haven’t followed through. It’s kinda like the soil testing, a little nebulous as to who actually uses who for cannabis testing. Maybe it doesn’t matter and I just send to one of the university extension offices that pops up when I google.

I hadn’t even see those sketches but I would have used some of those lines :rofl:

Cheers man!


Those are some beautiful pics, aswell as some sweet training! :open_mouth:


Glad your enjoying making oil and candies. There is something magical about growing your own and turning it into medicine. :sunglasses: :metal:


There’s magic at every step :grin:

Soil, feeding, training, pruning, drying, brewing, eating and smoking. Thanks for the inspiration!

Feels like it’s been a group project and I’m just sitting here enjoying the ride. Well, I’m boarding the ride now it’s kicking in :rocket::metal:


The Field of Dreams is pretty this AM. Fed that flower tea and did some plucking/trimming.

Everything smelling lovely.

May sit out and smoke a cigar this morning. My smoke spot is becoming fantastically secluded by the Panalawi tree :grin:


That Panalawi is almost as big as your tree your chairs under. Its a good thing you muscled those pots around for some room.


I’m worried it’s going to continue :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I pruned the tree out around Panalawi so all you can see from the road is tree :palm_tree:

She’s under the radar for now, deep cover. Entertained putting some fake sunflowers on the shoots but decided to move her instead.



:rofl: :rofl: :metal:


Make sure and pull those colas back away from that wooden fence. If they lean on it when it rains could be a problem. Wood holds spores. Fat ass Hulk size donkey dicks. :sunglasses: :metal:Don’t let them lean on anything. Beautiful plants. :sunglasses: :metal:


OhMan I had forgotten how BIG those Pots are @FieldEffect. Might have something to do with your Soil.
Your yard looks awesome, and thats a Fine place to light a Doobie or a Stogie or a Mortgage on Fire

Homer Rocks FE


I thought you were on a trip @MissinBissin

I think there’s something in the soil for sure :grin:

@ColeLennon good point the 907 I actually spun around a little to stay clear of the fence. The Panalawi I may just need to trim to fit because of that whole stealth camo situation. It wasn’t touching when I moved it there, and I’m pruning back the tree to accommodate it. There’s one limb that’s going to want to lean there for sure.

Thanks for the reminder maybe I’ll try to stake it clear this evening. I’m debating fixing the cage to the fence and some T-posts anyway that beast is hopefully going to get top-heavy


I’m getting some leaf yellowing on Panalawi and IBG. I added a small amount of worm castings to the IBG as shes a few weeks into flower already so I don’t want to just dose her with giant N. Panalawi, just starting flower and 10’+ tall, obviously needs some more of that N to keep her going. Added probably 4 cups, just a thin layer I worked into the top with a hand rake. I don’t want them wanting or needing for anything right now, they should be focused on growing. Nugs in the case of 907 and IBG, I think Panalawi is still stretching and growing shoots I’ll give her whatever she wants.

Sprayed BT again this morning as per the 3 day routine to never let moths live beyond hatching. I can’t get to the top 2’ of Panalawi but I’m not as worried about her. Lots of other bugs around the garden, mostly desireable - bees, dragonflies, ladybugs. Fucking grasshoppers though. Those dickheads keep stripping leaves and I always find some humping on Panalawi. Little babies are everywhere. Maybe planthoppers too, can’t tell if they are micro-grasshoppers or what. Not sure what I can do about those but neem, which isn’t a real option because I have no interest in smoking neem oil.

Maybe time for a battery of sticky traps? I bought a giant package of them.


Have you heard of Spinosad? Just another tool for ipm, if you’ve never heard of it.


I have some spinosad, sure. I’ve got a fresh bottle of Captain Jack’s Dead-Bug Brew. I view it more as a last resort, so I’ve got it in-stock and ready if there’s a big enough problem to warrant it. I’m worried about the other bugs it can harm, especially the bees.

However, doing research as I do, maybe its not so bad after all? It’s just essential to let it dry first, so evening application after bees go home for the night?

Spinosad General Fact Sheet.


Yea, I figured you’d probably heard of it.
And I thought there was an issue with pollinators, but couldn’t remember if that was Spinosad or Pyrethrin (pyrethrin, I think). One of which might also be the substance that’s an issue for Felines/cats. The point about it being fine/safer once dry sounds very familiar to me, from when I spent days researching, looking for, and realizing its another product canadian gov keeps from canadians.

Pyrethrin daisys would be a cool thing to grow, companion for one’s garden, maybe. I fantasized about growing them.
Here’s a recent video on them by Daniel Fernandez, I don’t remember if I’ve watched it yet.