2023 "Field of Dreams"

Well, we’ve got a stormy week ahead! I sprayed BT this morning and fed each plant this:

5 gallons aerated water
1/2 cup blended whole aloe leaf
0.63mL (1/8 tsp) Grow Genius Mono-Silicic


Came back from town to find pretty ridiculous wind. Time for some more bracing. Spent about an hour adding bamboos, more zip ties, more support wires. Plucking leaves and clipping off hopeless larf branches.

IBG is a photogenic girl, I’d think these donkey appendages were big if I didn’t have bigger ones 30’ away. She is stinking something fierce. Pistils starting to look about 30% dark, so we’re getting into the final leg with her. Beautiful, heavy colas. I think she’ll be done in a couple weeks.

907 also delightfully intoxicating aroma. These colas are dense AF. I plucked a moth that was stuck to a sugar leaf, happy I sprayed this morning. Still almost entirely white pistils, we’ve got some time on the clock still. Which is good, because I’m getting some pollen for another cross attempt.

Panalawi lost some serious leaves as I plucked, she’s really hungry for N and getting quite a few yellows going on. I have a suspicion that part of the flowering routine is perhaps having less N available, so I’m a little reluctant to add any other than the castings and the flower ration of N she’s already getting. Does anyone KNOW? Should I just add some fish to help the yellows or let it happen without worrying about it? Being half-stupid and in a hurry I didn’t take pics until after I plucked them. But it feels like a lot to me.

In my haste my arms are covered in resin reaching around all the plants and my watch is sticky. Didn’t notice until afterwards but my watch and I seem to need a shower in isopropyl so I don’t smell like I rubbed charas all weekend :rofl:

Generally everything is in great health here, myself included. The girls are happy and sturdier. The worst of the wind seems to be today and they’re pretty stable. Cheers!