2023 "Field of Dreams"

Well, I’m back on the BT 3-day interval routine until harvest, at least for the 907 which has proven itself highly susceptible to shitterpillar attack. I don’t blame the moths for laying their eggs there, she smells RIDICULOUS like fruit cobbler.

Sprayed BT this morning and “fed” with about 1/2oz insect frass juice water per gallon (10 gallons among the 3 plants). Despite going really light on this last weekend I’ve got a little tip burn going on, really slight but apparent. I think it’s making a difference in nute availability, and a sizeable one.

I think we’re within a week of harvest for IBG so I chopped a some little nugs off her and the 907 to bring inside for trich check. Drying cabinet is ready to roll. The only things I need to be ready is distilled water and a bunch of hydrogen peroxide for wash.

IBG Trichs:

Here’s the plant and flowers IBG:

907 Trichs:

907 flowers:

Panalawi is starting to flower with a hustle:

Here’s my weather for consideration (nice):
sep end forecast

In summary:

IBG: Smelling awesome, definately not as “Bazooka Joe” as it has at windows of time, but good nonetheless. I think it smells more bubblegum in the early mornings, which is when I would harvest anyway. What do you guys think? I could chop her this weekend but I think I’d regret not giving her another week. We have a chance of rain on Tuesday but the weather is due to be pretty nice and the cloud cover and cooler temps end-of-next-week may bring the terps in (hopefully with the frass juice assist).

907: I want some amber in this one, going to be my nightime medicine. Stoked with the blueberry scent and the colas are huge, even with chunks removed due to rot.

Panalawi: She’s doing her own thing. With the step ladder on my tippy toes I managed to spray the top colas with BT this morning.

Cheers guys, have a great weekend! I’d love to get some opinions on when to chop IBG, please let me know what you think. :slightly_smiling_face: