2023 "Field of Dreams"

Yeah I have rain coming with no end in sight starting Sunday…


We have it coming Sunday night and then hard as fuck Monday. :grimacing:


Are you going to cover them? I’m slacking this year. Last year I did and not only did it keep them warmer but the only bud rot was from caterpillars. It worked great!

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No they are on their own. Sink or Swim.

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Well, I’m back on the BT 3-day interval routine until harvest, at least for the 907 which has proven itself highly susceptible to shitterpillar attack. I don’t blame the moths for laying their eggs there, she smells RIDICULOUS like fruit cobbler.

Sprayed BT this morning and “fed” with about 1/2oz insect frass juice water per gallon (10 gallons among the 3 plants). Despite going really light on this last weekend I’ve got a little tip burn going on, really slight but apparent. I think it’s making a difference in nute availability, and a sizeable one.

I think we’re within a week of harvest for IBG so I chopped a some little nugs off her and the 907 to bring inside for trich check. Drying cabinet is ready to roll. The only things I need to be ready is distilled water and a bunch of hydrogen peroxide for wash.

IBG Trichs:

Here’s the plant and flowers IBG:

907 Trichs:

907 flowers:

Panalawi is starting to flower with a hustle:

Here’s my weather for consideration (nice):
sep end forecast

In summary:

IBG: Smelling awesome, definately not as “Bazooka Joe” as it has at windows of time, but good nonetheless. I think it smells more bubblegum in the early mornings, which is when I would harvest anyway. What do you guys think? I could chop her this weekend but I think I’d regret not giving her another week. We have a chance of rain on Tuesday but the weather is due to be pretty nice and the cloud cover and cooler temps end-of-next-week may bring the terps in (hopefully with the frass juice assist).

907: I want some amber in this one, going to be my nightime medicine. Stoked with the blueberry scent and the colas are huge, even with chunks removed due to rot.

Panalawi: She’s doing her own thing. With the step ladder on my tippy toes I managed to spray the top colas with BT this morning.

Cheers guys, have a great weekend! I’d love to get some opinions on when to chop IBG, please let me know what you think. :slightly_smiling_face:


Outta likes.

Big WOW and beautiful!


I can see the similarities now with my IBG last year late bloom. You’re IBG has more dark red pistils. Has to be close “curious what the trichs say”. I took mine right at 10 weeks of a 10 week minimum cut. @FieldEffect

Great growing Field. :sunglasses: :metal:


Damn, they do look similar :sunglasses:

Nice growing yourself! I looked back at the pics, flower started late July and obvious first week in August. So I’m going to call it ~8 weeks in. Trich pics are at the top of that last post, what do they say to you?

I’m super skeptical of using indoor flower times for outdoor growing - I haven’t seen any of them match up real well yet :rofl:

@Baudelaire what do you think in terms of potential harvest window? All relevant pics and background a couple posts up :arrow_up:



:+1: :+1:


Beautiful lush trees you have grown!

If it doesn’t rain Tues., i would wait a week or more to chop the IBG. I can see clear trichs still and IBG will benefit from getting to 10% amber.

But If it is definitely going to rain Tues.,
At the very least, you can stake the branches so the rain water weight doesn’t break the buds. Then when rain stops, shake the buds to remove rain drops clinging to them.

3 other options in order of complexity. These are not ideal or easy, but might help:

Easiest is you could use an outdoor gazebo tent. Most home or garden stores have these. Weigh the legs down w sand bags.

OR at least 4 step ladders. Weigh the ladders down w many sand bags so they don’t tip over.
Then rig a tarp over the IBG during the rain, trying to keep the tarp from touching or hanging on the buds; but the outside RH will still be high.

Or could place exterior fans OUTSIDE to blow directly at the plant to dry it quickly as soon as the rain stops. This is problematic because of electricity + wet outside = danger. And the noise from the fans.

Or with help from a friend because it’ll be heavy, maybe consider carefully digging the IBG out of the ground, and placing in a whelbarrow. With much of the root mass intact. Then wheeling the plant into the garage where fans can reduce the room’s RH. And the plant can ripen a bit more.
This will be a big stresser to the plant so is not ideal.


These are available at Lowes, paper inside plastic out side. Throw it over the plant and secure at bottom. GL


That is where I like to take it. Cloudy, few amber and a few clear. Maybe a few more of cloudy and amber. So yeah within the next week.


That is a great tip. Have you used these outside on big plants without promoting rot from humidity?


@ColeLennon will be unavailable for the next 6 weeks as he undergoes a process of trim therapy.”


Trimming ain’t shit. My buddy and I just knock out a good wet trim that’s it. Death fan is going knock this down by hours. Its all good. Days of rain that’s going to be a fucker. My shits got 2 more weeks min. Bad timing for 3-4 days of rain.


It’s just one measure to get through a day or so. One good thing ,the paper starts to get wet around the edges . The moisture is easily seen through the material,so you know by looking It’s still dry under.


I wish mine were smaller. I’m not going to try that on my monsters with 30 MPH gusts. I will be chasing these things for days. :rofl:


Sounds like I need to calm down and drink some of that LITFA Kool Aid. I vaped some of @ColeLennon’s IBG last night calmed me right down. I’ll have enough IBG to last me a lifetime soon. Next Friday I’ll scope some nugs again and likely pull her down that weekend.

I love the idea of a gazebo/sun shade cover. I think the MIL has an EZ-up, I have to go over in a few hours anyway to fix something. I’ll pick that up if she has one. I could certainly get at least one of the plants well-protected under there. They are somewhat mobile, but 50 gallons of dirt is, let’s just say, challenging, to manuever around. I’d probably set it up in-place over the IBG and heave/spin the 907 under the cover.

@Hashpants I found these at Home Depot online, I’ll pick up a few packs when I go to work Monday. That’d be convenient for the “small” 5’ tall 907 Blue Genes, who is the most sensitive. It’ll be nice to have those in the shed for quick protection whenever I need it. I’ll pick up some stakes at the same time so I can make a proper ghetto-tent around the plant without touching it.

I’m imagining that. Could easily happen to me too, but for the 907 I think it’s perfect. IBG marginal, she’s wide and colas sticking out everywhere I wouldn’t want to touch.

Hopefully the MIL doesn’t ask why I need the EZ-up, everyone except me thinks the plants are beyond spoiled. Wife especially. Pot calling the kettle black there :joy: :rofl:

Hope you all are having a fine weekend! Thanks for the input!


That’s a good idea. So is the gazebo. Just have to start them later so they don’t get too big and use squat pots.

I’m starting to not think the greenhouse cover is not a good idea. Have to maintain and clean it. That’s a lot of work. I can’t stand on a ladder. Going into my 30th year compensating as partial paraplegic. I’m strong as a bull, but I need to eventually look at growing smaller plants outdoors anyways. I’m going to remove the old greenhouse open up that south end. Leave the gauntlet right where its at. The other point of leaving it is I can sit at my bench right in the center of the platform and feed and water all 6 pots. When I start growing them smaller. I will look into an easy pop up canopy 12x12 that I can just pop up in storms like the one coming and cover my 10x10 gauntlet. Stake the legs down. Plus I like my scenic open air pics of the gauntlet.


I may just go to in-ground next season, and plant June rather than May. Maybe mid-June. Or, knowing how quickly I forget my mistakes, I’ll wind up in exactly the same situation as this year.

Part of the reason to get a tent is to reduce my seed-popping excitement so I don’t have as big of weed plants. Enthusiasm gets the best of us :rofl: