2023 "Field of Dreams"

It’s time. She’s mostly browned pistils and a few amber trichs going on, not seeing any clears except for the fresh bracts. Here’s the IBG trichs:

Smells delightful. Not pure “Bazooka Joe” but beatiful sweet musky odor with strong “similarity” to bubblegum. Had I not gotten that sample from @ColeLennon I’d think this was IT.

Too dark for me to take full plant pics.

The 907 is declining in health. Between grasshoppers and IPM/budrot mitigation lots of crispy and broken leaves. I think she’s gonna be lucky to make it more than another week or two. I’m gonna keep her going as long as I can. I think @shade is right IBG is packing more bud weight than I thought and I’m not going to have much room if any to get 907 chopped and drying unless I can keep her alive another 2 weeks. I may just dry the A++ colas of IBG and freeze the rest so I always have room for an emergency 907 chop. Will revaluate when harvesting the IBG in the daylight and make the best decision I can.

Panalawi is blowing up. Ridiculous. Colas that are multiple feet long sticking everywhere. I don’t have any idea what I’m going to do with it all, she’s full steam ahead right now. It’s kinda ridiculous. The others are starting to die off, she’s just warmed up and flying down the track :rofl:

P.S. I hate grasshoppers and moths.