2023 "Field of Dreams"

I gotcha there. It was the giant tomato trees that liked the kelp the most. I got away with the liter or so one until mid-June last season. Hopefully I have a garden worthy of the 2 gallon monster this season.

Picked up mykos, high-end EWC for tea to innoculate the veggie beds and feather meal today. Probably grab a bag of fish compost on my way home tomorrow. Time for compost tea!

Sent out my gender tests today hopefully it turns around quick so I can cull males. The Shiska pollen showed up this afternoon so vacuum packed that with dessicant and put it in the back of the fridge :slightly_smiling_face:

Kelp: The rest of the garden drinks it up!


I can’t wait to kelp the gauntlet.


Got the pots filled. 4 x 50 gallons, so my guess of a cubic yard was a little heavy. I’m glad I went conservative with my application of the ammendments, I rode about 10-20% below “optimal” which is close to perfect for how much my estimate was. This was a happy accident combined with my fear of over-doing it.

I made pot shade/insulators from the double-sided mylar bubble wrap insulation. The space blankets I used last year were cheaper but wore out and tore apart in several cases. I used some $0.79 sets of pinch clamps from Harbor Freight to identify the pots. Blue = 907 Blue Genes, Pink = Indiana Bubblegum, Green = Panalawi and I’ll do all my autos in the Yellow pot. They’re about 2" longer than they need to be, so I have an adjustment for how close they hug.

Did a covercrop blend and creeping thyme in all of them as well as the veggie beds. I’m seeing really slow germination in my beds, and quicker germination in some pots on the back patio, because they are partially shaded. I added a temporary burlap ground cover in the pots to partially shade the top of the soil and I’ll remove it once things start to sprout.

Got the compost tea brewer fired up and dechlorinating a batch of water for the first compost tea brew, likely in a few days. May flush it out today and refill with fresh water. This was partially to finish cleaning the old airstones and container out, may as well get it all the way clean. I’ve got some time. The sound of the airpump running in the shed brings back good memories of last season.

Here’s the girls, soaking up the morning sun and freshly fed some half-dose fish sauce. They look much better since last weekend, two doses of fish juice now. You can see the tags of what I sent to gender testing last week. Farmer Freeman received them Friday so I’m hoping to pot them up Monday/Tuesday when I get results. Send them feminine vibes please :rofl:

Then there’s the mutant 907. I may keep this going out of curiosity, maybe in one of the veggie beds. It doesn’t hardly look like cannabis.

Have a great weekend guys, right on the precipice of official outdoor season 2023 starting here. :cowboy_hat_face:


Right On!!! Everything looks great and those plants really took off after that shot of Alaska. :sunglasses: :metal: :peace_symbol: I’m going to finish my pots this weekend. I bought a set of clamps this year. Still don’t know what I will use them for but I got them. :rofl:

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It feels good to be ready! Can’t wait to get them planted. Same goes for the veggies, got those all sprouting right now. I sense I’m going to need a new jug of LITFA soon, I feel fussy :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Thanks for the tip of the fish juice, really livened them up! May be throwing some of that in the compost tea, gotta do some reading.

Clamps are always great to have around. You can never have too many, did you get the same colorful Harbor Flaw ones?


Looking like Wed

I love Alaskan fish ferts. I supplement with it all through veg. It’s how I get that neon lush green. Small amounts like 1/2 tsp - max 3/4 tsp per gallon

I’m close to being ready. Just need to replace my pots and amend. I have all my nutrients and supplements. I got 30 gallon clear trash bags on the way for my helmets in case of wind and rain.

I will start The Gauntlet 2023 thread when I transplant.


So looking forward to your high desert grow brother. What I would give for your SUN. :sunglasses: :metal: :peace_symbol:


You guys are taking a page out of @gramps playbook. Looking forward to watching both!


This is going to be a great outdoor for everyone. I have a feeling. :slightly_smiling_face:



:+1: you needed speed! that’s what it’s for!


so much room for activities!


I can’t wait to see those monsters take off in those 50 gallon pots.

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@Tejas I don’t think we can hold a candle to @gramps but I’m trying :wink:

@noknees and @ColeLennon Hell yeah, hopefully we get some monsters. I’m just hoping for some healthy plants and soil come fall.

My only real concern right now is hoping I get a couple of each the 907 and IBG that are girls. Don’t know why I’m so worried about it but I am.

Got a brisket smoking and sitting on the patio smoking a cigar. Did yard work all morning so relax time here. May have to twist up some IBG or Hella Jelly and go to the park with the little one later.

Cheers guys, hope your Sunday’s are going well too!


A great way to spend your Sunday, have fun!


Good Eats!!! :sunglasses: :metal: :peace_symbol:

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Got a nice tea going hoping for transplant tomorrow.

About 4-5 cups of EWC (Colorado Worm Company), a good glug of Age Old Kelp Extract, and a decent goober of Alaska Fish into 20 gallons of well-aerated water. Fortune wasn’t shining on me, got a big fish loogie splash to the cheek probably means I’m kissless for a while.

Tomorrow I’ll have the plants out all day (same as last several days), but I’ll leave a bit of standing water in the bottom of the tray since I’ll be at work. Is that a reasonable idea? I usually water them twice a day outside, they get dry fast being so small and the sun out here. It’s not long term so I think it should be fine. I’ll place them in a half-shaded area rather than full sun like they’re used to. I think last season I let them get bigger inside and sparingly took them out, they had a hard time after transplant. These are acting much more vigorous, despite being smaller in size.

Hopefully the sex tests come back tomorrow, I think I’m planting them regardless. I can chop males in a few days if the results are delayed - but they want space ASAP so I’ll give 'em that.

Dinner was good :cowboy_hat_face:


Yeah, I dropped my LED’s to 15/9. Looking at Wed. Back out on the deck Tues.

They want their forever pots. Alaska’s nasty shit but boy do the girls like it.


Certain girls love it, definitely not all the girls in my life :rofl:

I may be fully retarded now but for example Wednesday 71/46 means Wednesday early AM will be 46 right? Not Thursday morning. Just making sure I understand that right because I’m using the same forecasts, although mine is a little better right now :wink:

Let’s get our girls in their forever homes :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Yep, 46 in the morning. It’s a good day to pot them. Gives them a day to seat themselves and 3 great days Fri, Sat. Sun. They will be on their way.


Farmer Freeman emailed me that the test results are going to be coming tomorrow. So I decided to wait a day.

Compost tea is stinking of life

Cover crop is sprouting, that burlap cloth for protection did crazy good for their germination speed.

Topped some of the taller specimens, they fared well with the water in the reservoir today, so I’ll repeat that tomorrow and plan on potting when I have the results.

Top row is IBG, 907 beneath it, bottom row center 2 are Panalawi. They’re looking pretty good with all the sun they got today.

Sent a soil sample to CSU, we’ll see what that comes back like. I mostly want to see if my work has accomplished anything, if it’s unchanged I’ll stick to taking a more casual approach. Regardless of the outcome, I have learned a great deal. I’ll certainly post it so you guys can see.

The blueberries are thriving with the same ammendments/base mix plus a little sulfur on top. The darkening of leaves due to suspected P lockout (high pH) is dissipating and new growth is lush and green. So I think it’s doing something good, better than before anyway…meant to take pictures of those but forgot.

Weather looks good with some rain likely this weekend, and they’ll have an easy day on Wednesday with some cloud cover. We’re low humidity here so I’m not worried about some rain this weekend, they took off in the rain last summer, especially as youngin’s.
forecast 8may23

Looks like all signs are go for launch, I think we’re both firing up the launch pads tomorrow @ColeLennon :sunglasses: :rocket:

Updates tomorrow of course.


Plants look great and that home brew looks tasty for a plant. :yum: I’m putting them back on the deck tomorrow and over night. Prep my gauntlet pots in the late afternoon. Put them in the pots by noon wed. I like the google weather you can click ahead and know when shits coming. Plant recon. heat-wind-rain-humidity. Houston it’s close to go time.