2023 "Field of Dreams"

We got results! 3 females IBG and 3 907s!


Awesome man!!! Looking great too. :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol:


Well, did some transplanting last night. Did the curumbits in the garden as well, the seedlings were getting too big for inside.

Daughter (18mo) had fun trying to help but I may have overestimated her capability for delicate stuff. She enjoyed shaking the bag of Mycos everwhere, so the front veggie bed got a huge $20 surprise dose - by the time I realized what was happening it was too late. She held the seedlings by their stems and ripped out one of the first watermelons. She was trying to roll the little coco pucks in the spilled mykos like I was. Adorable. Nothing I could do but laugh and try to keep her close, good times. We’ll see how they fared later today and if they didn’t make it I’ll sow some seeds. Glad we started with the veggies.

Barely had enough mykos left to do my special herbs but there was just barely, so probably will buy another bag today in town after work. Maybe pick up the bag of fish compost as well for teas while I’m at the shop. After the experience with the freshly-abused curumbits (luffa, squashes, melons, pumpkins) I opted to do the herbs after we put her to bed. Night-planting went well, I used some additional seedling mix about an inch or two lining each hole to buffer to the spicier custom potting soil. There was just enough mykos to get my root/soil balls well seasoned before they entered the holes, and I watered in with a few gallons of the tea.

The extra tea went in all the beds and berries, the cover crop is sprouting so theres roots to sustain life in even the “empty” bed. Note to self: I can’t let the tea go for 2 days, it’s lost it’s pizazz I think. Not nearly the quantity of bubbles and smell last night as Monday night, noted for the future. 24hrs. Different sources say different things, this was the first time I let it go 48hrs. I cleaned the brewer out and started a new batch of water dechlorinating. I setup a fill hose with a valve on the end to fill my watering jug on the ground outside the shed which is a marked improvement compared to holding the jug to the brewer for minutes at a time filling it. The hose and now 5 foot drop from the bottom of the brewer substantially increased the flow rate as well. Tangible benefit to some of my modifications. I put a quick release hose coupling so I filled the container again through the same port which avoids issues of the hose flying out of the jug and spraying all over the shed like used to happen.

I want to give a shout out to these guys: 13-Seed Mix (50% Clover Mix + MORE) – No-Till Solutions I got their cover crop mix on Amazon (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07JQC188Q? ) as well as the BAS seed mix from the local shop. The linked cover crop has done fantastically well, germinated super fast compared to the veggie beds which used the BAS. There’s a beautiful sea of small green leaves covering my soil in the containers, sprouted beans and such got pulled up when I dug the transplant holes. It’s working! My soil food web is starting :star_struck:

I couldn’t figure out where to put the mutant 907 seedling, so I pitched it with the males. It’s too late now, but I remember hearing so many people saying the ugly duckling is the dankest one. I’ll never know now. Happy with the 3 females each of the IBG and 907 though, they were all doing well when I moved them. At this point I still expect to cull down to one of each cultivar over the next month or so, two at a maximum.

I did most of this solo transplanting with a flashlight after sunset last night, so no pictures. I’ll snap some when I get home this evening, we’ll see how everything fared. I’ll get pics of the blueberries and freshly transplanted veggies as well.

Have a great day guys!


that’s the number. :+1:

good tip, thanks! :call_me_hand:

looking fwd to it :v:


Sounds like you had a great time with you’re daughter. Those are the best times. Mines 28 now and been out of the house a decade. I have to make an appointment with her. :rofl: Don’t blink. :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face:


It’s brutal weather here today, like 40mph winds. The squashes and watermelons may not make it but the pumpkins are hanging in there. Power has been out this afternoon. Nothing a few more seeds can’t fix :slightly_smiling_face:

The herbs are well, here’s the Panalawi’s living their best life. Both have been topped.

And the Indiana Bubblegums with their appropriate pink clips. One topped so far.

907 Blue Genes, also the biggest got topped the other day.

Autos to be going in here this weekend

Thanks for the comments!

@noknees yeah 24hr seems like the sweet spot. They’ll get another go at it this weekend :+1:

@ColeLennon we’ve both lit the rockets :fire::rocket:

Have a great night!


Jezuz, that is no fuckin around wind. I didn’t realize you were putting multiple girls in those 50s. :cowboy_hat_face: Them girls are gonna be monsters. :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol:

My thinking is that as they grow a bit I’ll try to get some stem rubs, a feel on their handling of my weather, and narrow them down to one selection per pot. 1 pot, 1 lady. Uglies get voted off the island :desert_island::beach_umbrella::grin:

We’ll see if I’m strong-willed enough to actually cull any.

The 50 gallon for the autos is gonna be a party. Probably have 5 autos cooking in there soon. I’ll sequence them a couple weeks so I can keep on top of em. First up are the Fastbudz Original Bubblegum. I’m going to top and reverse half of each plant, gather pollen, grow out the female halfs and pick my pollen donor (whatever had the best buds). That’ll pollinate a branch of my IBG and I should have fast fem IBG seeds for next season.

Also planning on IBG x Shiskaberry and 907 x Shiskaberry. Thanks to @SHSC-1 for the killer pollen

Maybe also in the works might be a Panalawi x Zamdelica Express cross using donated pollen.

Next season I may be running only my own crosses :sunglasses:


Sounds great. Crosses coming out your ass. :rofl: I like the voted off the island deal. :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol:


i can’t decide if it’s more exciting or terrifying that they’re already in a fifty…like :astonished:

just take clones of everything… :slightly_smiling_face:

@SHSC-1 :+1: :+1:

wonder if @Upstate has something Oaxacan that would pair nicely… :thinking:

best-looking smiley face i’ve seen in a while!


The former. I’m thinking about how I’m going to train that one, and what I learned last season. Will know more soon as they recover from being topped. If it goes well, much more topping is in their futures. Good news is that my tree appears to be growing taller this year, thanks to its revitalization last year. I may have more height to play with, and I was considering digging a hole to buy me another 18" or so. EXCITING :grin:

Clones I’m not sure about. I don’t really have a place to keep them long term, I have been watching the thread about keeping cuttings in the fridge for several months. I’ve also entertained putting a small tent in the shed during the winter. We’ll see. The more I learn, the more I want to do. Unfortunately, everything is limited by time and my finite amount of energy. Such is life.

Oaxacan was also recommended as a candidate to run this season, as was Purple Satellite. I picked up a few seedlines of those (stashed in the fridge) but I decided on the Panama x Malawi based on conversations with folks here and research about particular effects. I’ll definately run those, it just ain’t happening this season. What do you find interesting about the Oaxacan in particular? From what I read it’s definately on the more approachable side of Sativa, both as a plant and as a smoke.

Just as a note, the reason I’m intrigued by the Zam Express is that it’s the closest thing to a NLD autoflower I’ve yet come across. I’ve been fascinated with “fast” cultivars (Photo x Auto) since last season, harvesting my Sweet Afghani Delicious F1 (Black Domina) mid-August. It was a very convenient timeline for me, managable plant, good smoke. I’d like to make more varieties of these myself. Hence the IBG Fast Fem project I’m going to attempt this summer. When I saw another member here doing pollen collection for the Zam Express, not to mention really nice-looking specimens, I realized that there was the opportunity to create a more sativa-leaning “fast” than I’ve ever seen on the seed market. There’s an interview with Daz, the breeder of ZE, in which he mentions the potential of ZE in crosses with pure sativas to reduce flower time without introducing a ton of BLD influence, and he was starting to understand the appeal of mixed photo/auto cultivars and found it interesting. If I get any pollen, it’s happening :sunglasses: I’d certainly welcome other pollens as well :slightly_smiling_face:

We’ll see how sucessful I am with that. I think I’ll probably get some beans, but like anything I think there’s an appeciable learning curve. Even voting plants out of the 50g islands is going to be a challenge for me. :rofl:

Yesterday was another shitty spring day, windy and breaking local infrastructure - cell phones and land-line internet all went down yesterday afternoon/evening. I welcomed the lack of cell phones and actually hoped it would continue for a few days, but it’s back. I have starlink so I could hop on OG anyway :sunglasses: The plants are all fine. Blueberries got ravaged Wednesday and I moved them to shield from the wind a bit, the weed plants are tucked away in the yard protected from much of that anyway. At least until they get bigger, then the winds still make a big impact, as learned last season.

Going to go out and make another compost tea recipe to apply tomorrow morning. I prefer to water in the mornings but can’t do that during the week, I leave to work before sunup and don’t like working in the dark.

Have a wonderful day/weekend guys!


Looks just like an Early attempt at a Mission Control type environment @ColeLennon

I can just see you sitting in your Chair running the show

1 Like

I can only think of this with that comment :rofl:


Thanks for my Morning Chuckle @FieldEffect

Your Grow is amazing Sir


mainly this. just thought a Panalawi/Oax cross would produce some kind beans (what I assumed you were looking for in the Panalawi)

always wanted to run this one :pleading_face: (…aaaand make a “fast” cross w/it :grin:)


have wanted to SOG this one (to hunt a speedy keeper)

smart :nerd_face:


@MissinBissin thanks for the compliment, it wouldn’t look/work nearly as nice without the feedback and advice I receive here. I went to the local dispo because they had a “Clones” sign outside and I was curious what they had. Tried to start talking cultivars and…well, let’s just say it was nothing like the discussions I have here. Not to trash them or anything, hell if I worked at a weed store I’d probably be blazed AF all day too, but I just expected more knowledge of what they were growing and characteristics. Probably won’t be back, don’t think they want to see me again either. Summary of that little ramble is that I’m growing [pun intended] increasingly thankful for the level of these conversations, quality of people, and the depth of knowledge and passion that is exhibited/readily shared here.

@noknees I have no doubt you are correct that Oaxacan would make a fantastic cross to this. I absolutely was looking for something balancing the line between “approachable sativa” and something requiring the most flowering time and growth characteristics of the more wild sativas I know I can manage. You know I think exactly what my goal has been, get as much of the growing skills and experience (as well as smoking skills) as I can get without driving myself crazy either growing/smoking the result. I’d love some Oaxacan pollen, and think it would be a killer combo to try next season. We’ll see if upstate chimes in or someone offers some :slightly_smiling_face:

Regarding the fast/auto stuff that is available, that Auto Desfran was certainly something I had my eye on. I wish I could execute all the projects I’d like to, but I have to limit it a tad. The IBG project is a thing that is happening because I’ve lusted after IBG since I started smoking in the early 2000s. That passion is even more alight [pun once again intended] now that I’ve been smoking some from @ColeLennon :sunglasses:

On the topic of keeping clones of “fast” stuff, I wonder how that works out. My SAD F1 from Sweet Seeds started flowering mid June, right around solstice. Shockingly close actually. I wonder if they will stay in veg indefinately or not, but they sure have a hair trigger.

June 29 Sweet Afghani Delicious @ 34N 2022:

That Killer Kush looks like an enticing choice, go for it!


Have you thought about.

I think mine are 52" just over 4 foot.
Your going to need the protection from wind and you can zip tie tall shoots come bloom. Flowers are going to be heavy.
I’m sure you can find some local in NM. :sunglasses: Make sure they wire is heavy gauge. Thin will cut through heavy branches in a wind storm.


Thats a great use on the bigger plants, short of wrapping the wire cages!!

Just before it was stolen, I had a beautiful 8 Cola Jack Herer, growing through a similar cage…



I love my heavy-duty cages. I got them from a good friend of mine last year. He couldn’t grow anymore. Passed at home with Hospice a few months ago. Intestinal cancer.


Well phuk Cancer.
Sorry to hear that Cole, of your losing a Colleague. Now your making his Cages famous !

Last summer we built some bamboo structures inside the plants… and they really worked. Setting the support early still makes so much more sense