2023 "Field of Dreams"

I want micro clover everywhere. 2 inches. Green and flourished with little to no maintenance. What I’m getting is clover with patches of regular grass that is going to grow high and weeds to brighten the day. :rofl:.


Mine’s worse. :joy: Patches of weeds mixed with little hairs of grass. Was going to go out in the morning and start pulling weeds, watered well tonight so it would be easier.

As long as we have good weed we’ll be alright :+1:


Thank God for cannabis. :100:


Got a new phone, let’s try it out :grin:

Rained last night, it was nice :slightly_smiling_face:



907 Blue Genes

Fastbudz Original Bubblegum Auto’s (in the dirt yesterday evening, not popped above dirt yet). Made them a little windbreaker/partial shade to make early life a little easier for them, being autos and all.

Happy Mother’s Day and have a great day everyone


Coming along nicely. Healthy and flourished. :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol:


By micro clover do you all just mean the Dutch white clover varietal? Best way to seed clover is to frost seed it in late winter.


Yes, you are right two weeks before the last frost.


Looks like it is still a white clover. Also check out fedco seeds for cover crops. They are a cooperative and seem to be cheaper than shitazon. I really like the clover with the nitro-coat. Pre inoculated to make sure it is actually fixing nitrogen, also have higher germ rates. Hope this helps!!!


These worked well. I just didn’t prep the soil properly. I also sowed late. I should have sowed a few weeks earlier. :upside_down_face:


Looks absolutely Fantastic @FieldEffect
Great work
Love all the companions you’ve brought along for the ride @ColeLennon


@Radicle_Reefer checked out Fedco that’s great prices, bookmarked for later this summer :sun_with_face:

Thanks @MissinBissin, hopefully they grow up to look like yours :wink:


“Brought to you by Carl’s Junior.”


Heard you guys like to see pictures of weed growing :rofl:

Panalawi tonight with my hand for scale - this is about double the size of transplant about a week ago:

Also Panalawis:

IBG (all topped now I think):

907 (all topped also). The one in the bottom is doing the best I think:

The Original Bubblegum Autos have been seen above ground for all 3, impossible to tell in the picture but here it is anyway:

Like @ColeLennon I’ve got some blueberries feeling a little under the weather. They have grown quite a bit but showed some lingering/worsening signs of P deficiency (purpling/dying leaf tips). I added a little MAP last night hoping that it brings the pH a little farther down as well as providing a little P boost. This is a tough one, because I need more acidic soil FOR SURE, which contributes to the P def. I figured a bit of MAP should help both without jacking the rest of it up. There’s sulfur in there but it’s going to take all season I think to really work its magic. The one on the right is a different cultivar and is handling things much better. The left pot isn’t so happy. We’ll see what happens this week - I need to let them dry down the next few days. The strawberry in the middle is doing OK and producing some flowers.

The horrible winds here the last few days really ravaged the blueberries, they were less shielded from the wind than everything else. The magical herb is in a pretty protected spot with 8’ fences on the N wall (seen in the pictures) and about 20’ away to the W. May need to move the 907 a bit, the tree on the W side is much bigger this year and is shading quite a bit more in the evening than it did the same spot last season.


I like to FIM the first topping. Those blackberry fire and BBM I didn’t touch them until July 6th and I FIM’d them all once. Weather is fuckin wack. 90’s and it’s going to be 67 high next Monday 44 in the morning. WTF


I’ve read about FIM but scared to do it for some reason. I got comfortable with topping last season and in certain ways I just stick to what I know I guess? :man_shrugging: Lord knows I didn’t stick to what I knew in terms of everything else :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

How many shoots usually come off? 4 rather than two? Last season I topped each plant a total of 3 times symmetrically, so I had 8 main stems/colas per plant staked around the perimeter. Some more, some less as things broke or otherwise got amputated.

That weather doesn’t look bad to me. I’d think they’d love the rain, they do here. Maybe just put a bag around the pots to keep the roots from getting too soggy. Or are you worried about the foliage getting damaged?

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I’m not worried. We aren’t suppose to get rain until like June 1 and a day here and there. I was just talking about the huge swings in heat and then 67 :rofl:
This is a great FIM video. Helps to use dull scissors or if your finger nails are a little long pinch it off. You don’t want a sharp clean cut. I got like 7 shoots off FIM’ing those last year once. The whole idea is your suppose to fuck it up. “fuck I missed” You can FIM anytime. You can FIM side shoots.

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LOL that’s so counterintuitive to me, I love excessive precision

Well, I’ll give it a try this season, thanks for the link :+1:

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Why not worse case you get 2-3 shoots best case 7-8. That’s what makes it so intriguing.
This MAC fem was FIM’d once at the 5th node very young and then I topped 5-6 July 10th…


Wow, that what sets Overgrow apart from the rest of the ‘interwebs’…

I think anywhere else you would be getting ‘dog-piled’ by the Miracle Grow haters… :laughing: :vulcan_salute:



That was 2021 my first outdoor and first grow since 2008. My first 3 years of growing up learning indoor. I used 50% MGMC and 50% Perlite. It is how I learned. So 2021 my first outdoor. My 30-gallon pots. 50% MGMC 20% Coco 30% Perlite. Monster MAC tasted like ass. :grimacing: 2022 I used 1/3 Coco 1/3 MG Performance Organics 1/3 Perlite “tastes great less filling” :yum:. This year reusing all of it. Topped with more Coco and Vermiculite. :sunglasses:
I grew this JTR 07 1-gallon perfect pots with 50%MGMC 50%Perlite and used advanced nutrients with MG synthetic slow-released granules :rofl: :rofl: Live and Learn…More like Grow and Learn. :sunglasses: