2023 "Field of Dreams"

Geez @ColeLennon, sorry to hear that. I’m glad you are honoring his cages and keeping them going.

I was at Tractor Supply earlier looking at cow panels. The same type that I use for my tomatoes, which just got installed. The 8 foot ones, wrapped into a cylinder, would be about the right size for the 50 gallons. That’s almost comical to think about, 50 gallons is a BIG fabric pot. Anyway, that would fit just inside the fabric and about an inch in from the edges. Maybe I should do something like half the pot diameter though.

Also entertained building a wood structure out of lumber - a flat 2 x 4 on posts to accommodate the main stem split, some t-posts around the pot to support the colas.

@MissinBissin I’d be so disappointed for someone to steal my plant like that. Knowing they couldn’t even dry it properly and wasn’t ready to smoke either. What a waste. You’ve got plenty of ladies now though!


That really sucks.


Yeah, I like the fact they have 4 levels. Makes it easy for me to train shoots where I want them to go. These fuckers with zip ties come bloom is what’s up. :100: He did my dad’s lawn shit for years. Jeff was one of the good ones “humans”. :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face:

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There is all kinds of shit you can do to maneuver and stabilize monster plants. Just figure out something that works. 2021 my first outdoor. I used these cages but didn’t zip tie my shoots and we got hit with a 3-day ground and pound “wind and rain”.
You can’t see it because this is the north side of the Mac. I lost half the S.E. side of it mid-Sept. The wind and the weight of the soaked big ass flower shoots. Ripped off 3-4 shoots. Now I zip-tie the fuck out of them. :100:
Anesia seeds Fem Mac

I don’t want to fight to work around a net or full cage. Fuck that. :rofl:


Yes I gave the Humans a chance, again. That was 2nd year running.

With regards to this Summers selection @FieldEffect … How do find an imoji for a “Big Shit Eating Grin”


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :100:


There you go… lol
Thx Cole

These are all going out to Family and Friends in a Couple/3 weeks. Just waiting to see Who’s Who



Looks good man. Healthy and flourished. Tight node space. The bush is back. :100:


Thanks @ColeLennon I’ve never had the pleasure of using the Ppfd value to set the lite intensity until just this year.
Working from the 18” aspect and running accordingly. Also I don’t want them reaching, I got Nailed last year with 48 monsters indoors lol (i built a dexter-room)


Got it dialed in. I have a brand new HLG Blackbird and HLG UVA30 sitting in the box. I can’t wait to hook up. Maybe next winter.


I’m vapin GG4 and took 14MG of Pineapple Jager homemade gummies. I got lost in the blue. :rofl:

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I got lost in the blue and I’m stone sober :rofl:

Glad the new light is working out well, can’t argue with those beautiful squat plants!



Is that clover companion plants?

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There’s clover and a bunch of other stuff. Creeping thyme, lentils, buckwheat, peas, flax, more I can’t even remember.


Right On. I planted about 1/2 lb of Micro clover seeds directly out back of my place. Easy to maintain. Average 2" max 4"-5". Sprouting I will take a pic later.


The strip in the back of the house I planted micro clover. I did this completely wrong. :rofl: When I do the front sometime before my dads gone. I will do it the right way. Cleared it out and laid the soil last fall. Should have done it all this spring. I should have sowed seed when the soil was fluffy and rented a roller. Instead, I threw 1/4lb of micro clover seed out on hard soil and tried to water it in. :rofl: An hour after I did that looked out the back window and had 15-20 finches pecking like chickens eating the clover seed. :yum: So I grabbed another 1/4lb of clover seed and went out there with a rack and broke the soil up. Hacking it with a rack. :rofl: Threw seed and watered that shit in with high pressure. :rofl: Now my weeds and regular grass are waging war on who finishes first. Oh, I will do it right the next time. :rofl:
Gopher 'Mole" showed up this afternoon. Always makes me think of Bill Murray in Caddyshack. :rofl: “That Motherfucker”


LMAO got me cracking up over here :rofl:

Beautiful story


The whole thing is pretty hilarious. I have to fuck my way through shit to figure it out. My way. :rofl:


You and me both. I tried to grow grass (the lawn kind) last year and it went about exactly like your clover experience. This spring I put a ton of work into it…and right now it’s not looking any better than last year. :rofl:

Hopefully the weed turns out better than the yard, we both have the same issue having little trouble growing dank weed and lackluster yards :grin: