2023 "Field of Dreams"

LOL I’ve never done this either, just guessing and crossing my fingers I don’t screw up too bad. This whole thing is an adventure in the unknown jungle. Thank goodness I can post here and get set straight if need be

Need to setup the Bluetooth speaker for the girls :rofl:


Maybe play some Survivor or The Bachelor. I want them happy, but a little competitive vibe wouldn’t hurt :rofl:

Definitely some mariachi sprinkled in here and there

Perhaps some Hallmark channel and slow jams to get em in a romantic mood come late July. I just got Zamdelica Express pollen from @Morde to make some babies with Miss Panalawi :sunglasses::smiley:

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Blueberry Yum Yum :large_blue_circle: :large_blue_circle: :yum: Mine also like a good “Indie Rock” channel on Pandora.

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That’s the truth. Some people really do hate the stuff, even saying it has PGRs. That’s bullshit. All Miracle Gro is is crushed and superheated rocks, basically. They use a chemical reaction with methane gas to accumulate nitrogen, but methane is just hydrogen and carbon.


seems pretty straightforward. :+1: I’ve only grown blueberry crosses, when/how often does the scent come through in a pure BB? :thinking:

hope you get the terps you’re looking for! :call_me_hand:


I really like the performance organics. This year using the Performance Organics Edibles granules to jump-start my reused coco that has been sitting outside all winter. Working like a champ. Keeping my pot PPMs up while I dial in the Mega Crop 2 part.


I have no idea, we’re learning in real-time here :upside_down_face:

I wonder if because that’s the last plant in the row I don’t have as sensitive a nose to nuance. Tonight I’ll try starting with the 907s and a clean “scent palette.”

They’re really starting to fly in terms of growth. This is why I wanted to narrow it down, so I can train them better. At this rate there’s only a few more days to cull before it starts to become a mess. It’s crazy. That tea must have hit the spot to that soil and those roots. I’m happy of course, but starting to get a little scared of what’s going to happen :rofl:



BOOM is whats going to happen. :sunglasses:

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Not just boom…OPTIMUM BOOM. From the NW coast to the SW desert :rofl: :sunglasses:

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Looking out on my modest field of dreams enjoying what I think is the best afternoon I’ve had in a long while.

Hope you all are enjoying your day!

Plants are happy too :grin:


Good use of that mylar bubble insulation. :+1:



Grown a foot in a day. :rofl: That is a stone-cold party going on at the roots there. Reaching for the sky. What I would give to be growing that close to the Sun. :sunglasses: Better get a 12 foot ladder. :rofl: That fence ain’t hiding nothing. :rofl:


Here’s a flashback to exactly one year ago. We’re on track +/- a few days. Less cultivars, bigger pots.

May 28, 2022

I think we’ve both got root parties going @ColeLennon :grinning: Hopefully the weather is decent up there with your northern sun :sunny::sun_with_face:


Yeah your right on track 8xs the pot :rofl:
The weather is perfect.

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Glad to see it! Wish we had a few more of those overcast days.

I was just thinking that somehow, I have half the number of plants and more than twice the amount of soil :yum: Should be exciting. What could go wrong? Don’t answer that…:joy:

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That is perfect weather. :sunglasses: I’m jealous of the heat you have coming. Your dry off is easy. Water bill not so much. :rofl:


My apologies as I had to summarize your topic. First, because I am just not on here as much as I used to be and secondly I just feel lazy af.

So, seeing as I’m summarizing, tell me if I have the jist right… You are fairly new to organics and you used to be an engineer or still are so you are geeking out with all the soil numbers trying all the tests out etc… Loam, sand, silt etc… Home tests, lab tests etc. You are gonna grow out 3 monster plants in grow bags outdoors and it looks like you started them pretty early. It did not show me which strains you actually decided on in the end.

Am I fairly on track and caught up so far? Where are you located? US?


LOL that’s a fairly reasonable summary.

Currently an engineer, southern New Mexico. Almost completely new to organics and serious gardening. It got fairly in-depth last season but going deeper this season.

I’m running:
AK Bean Brains 907 Blue Genes (Alaskan heirloom blueberry cultivar cross)
Fleur Du Mal Indiana Bubblegum BX2
Ace Panama x Malawi

My intent is not to make monster plants but I think that’ll be what happens if all goes well. Aiming for highest quality - so careful soil ammending, microbial life and other plant life, and multiple females of each cultivar for relatively early selection.