2023 "Field of Dreams"

Nice. Sign me up.


So you applied powdered green sand instead of azomite? The OG strip is the one on the edge of the corn field, where the monsters grew last season? I guess we’ll see how it works!

I looked for an elemental assay after reading that article.

I had heard of azomite, and see it at the grow shop, but it didn’t fit my specific needs so I pretty much breezed right past it, same with greensand - I didn’t use either directly. Although greensand is in many of the all-in-one organic fertilizer solutions, like that BAS craft blend I haven’t used much of yet. Seems one of the primary organic K sources.

Some things I notice about the two in comparison:

Element Greensand Azomite
Iron ~15% ~1%
Calcium ~0% ~3%
Aluminum ~2% ~6.5%
Magnesium ~2.5% ~0.5%
Sodium ~0.3% ~1.3%

Silicon is in the same range (25-35%), as is potassium (4-7%). So sure, in terms of K they are similiar, as are the Si levels. I haven’t learned anything substantial about aluminum contents but that is a fair difference, as is Ca/Mg ratios (Azo looks somewhat balanced Ca-Mg, greensand is just Mg from what I read). The difference in Fe content is pretty staggering.

Interesting to add to my collection of documents and mental library. I used the Montmorillonite clay to do the same primary functions (probably), adding slow-release micronutrients that are fairly balanced as well as up my CEC a bit. There’s some K in that but it’s pretty much just for the micronutes. Then I added the debatably organic sulfates to bring up my balances into the optimal ranges, also with the benefit of immediate availability. I would think that last bit would be dangerous without a soil assay and careful computation, as we’re talking about single-digit grams of additions for a yard of soil. I would also pay attention to the greensand 15% iron level (and will figure that into calculations for the BAS craft blend fertilizer). Again, I have very little idea what I’m talking about. I know more than I did 2 months ago, when this started in earnest, but I have negligible experience. Maybe that’s a non-issue, successful gardeners seem unconcerned by it.


Makes my “Field of Dreams” kinda look like just a few pots in my backyard. :rofl:

On a more serious note, do you have any idea about that picture? Are those autos? I can’t tell if they are the tops of a bunch of giant plants or a field of shorter plants?


Pic Dump this morning. Topped some more last night. I’m kinda going ham on it, likely need to stop doing that soon.

The Collection:

907 Blue Genes:

This plant is wild. She’s rippin’


I think IBG doesn’t like being kept short, I’m gonna let her go now and do what she wants within reason.


Seems to react well to the topping, love those leaves. Hopefully they thin out as it gets hot this summer. We’re barely into June :grinning:


I’ve not done well on this front. Granted, I kinda just planted the seeds, and topped them a week ago. Could be that extra spicy soil, maybe too early in the season, maybe I shouldn’t have topped. Planted 3 seeds, one didn’t pop above soil, one died mid-week, this is the sole survivor. Hoping to make some fem pollen to cross to my IBG. Just planted (yesterday) some Fastbudz Fastberry to try the same thing on the 907. If it goes well, great. If not, I’ve learned some things. I won’t top the Fastberrys.


great color on the plants!



It is just a feed on FB. Cannabis Hub. I have no idea where or what. Looks peaceful though. :slightly_smiling_face:


Plants are looking awesome great color and steady growth. I’m going to top in a couple days. I am going to continue super cropping from here on it is the only way I will stay on top of it.


So, question with this living soil thing - when SHOULD I be doing anything to it?

Like, do I need to fertilize it? What’s the plan now?

That probably is a truely retarded question, but I’ve created a condition for myself where I added stuff based on test results and numbers. Which is great, I like numbers but now there aren’t any new ones. I was considering sending another sample out just out of curiosity, mostly to see if the levels are equalizing N/P/K and check that my Na levels are dropping and Ca-Mg is balancing.

The Craft Blend fertilizer says to top dress at the rate of 1/4-1 cup per plant. Should I do that now? It’s been about a month of in-ground at this point. In July before flower?

Guess I wasn’t thinking beyond the immediate needs, now I don’t know what to do :rofl:


I got nothing with living soil. I don’t know if I could help myself from not at least micro dosing. :rofl: I have no idea brother. Oh yeah. You have teas for micro dosing. :sunglasses:


seems like a no-brainer to do more testing. why do it all on the front end, if you weren’t going to check the results?

I would wait on test results before doing much else…are you a tiny bit bored, perhaps? :grin:
keep working on your tea game!

p.s. any plans to pollinate the panalawi?


Appropriate tune for you now. :sunglasses: :metal:


I’ll do that then. Get some results. I’ll do a better job collecting this time.

Panalawi plans? Absolutely. I got the Zamdelica Express pollen from @Morde. Panalawica Fast :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I think in terms of more serious crosses, I think I want to get a feel for these heirloom sativas better. Maybe run Oaxaca next season or something like Vietnam Black. Just to see. I may shift my growing style to focus on one cultivar and doing full-season selections.

Current List of Hopeful Crosses:
907 x Fastberry Auto Reversed
907 x Shiskaberry Male
IBG x Bubblegum Auto Reversed
IBG x Shiskaberry Male
Panalawi x Zamdelica Express Auto Male


Props on the breeding commitment. :sunglasses: :metal:


LOL it may result in spectacular failure. We’ll see. Thankfully I got some pollen from folks that know what they are doing, rather than just me and reversal spray.

I do like the fast-type strains and August/September harvest. That would allow me to grow more variety without as much stress.


Helmet kicks ass.


Fuck Ya!!!


Sunday Update June 11, 2023:

Windy AF today. Camera did pretty well capturing pics of moving plants. Grabbed soil samples from the two veggie beds, and the 4 containers. Sending bed samples and container aggregate sample to CSU again tomorrow for follow-up testing.

907 Blue Genes:



For giggles, here’s what those three looked last weekend (a week ago):

They’re moving. Almost a foot of growth.

For another comparison, here’s my setup last year similar day (6/10):

The plants last year were a few days ahead of where I’m at this season, and were doing well on Megacrop 2-part. It’s just helpful for me to look back in time at my first real grow, side-by-side with this one with considerable effort so far invested. A lot of excess foliage and branching has already been removed this year, lessons learned. Also, I’ve got them woven into the support cages already.

Here’s bags of soil (nicely labeled with my name on the reverse :wink: ), I’m getting the beds individually tested.

It’s some good looking dirt, particularly the containers. Not exactly a surprise due to the fact that it’s been tested so much already. The front bed has quite a bit more clay in it, the rear veggie bed looks very similar to the container soil. The container soil feels good. The compost has continued it’s breakdown, texture is really nice. I don’t think I’ve ever handled better feeling soil - maybe that’s just like smoking your own herb, it tastes and feels better when you “build” it yourself.

Took multiple deep samples from everywhere, dryed out a bit, mixed up well and scooped up about 3 cups of each. Hopefully I avoid hotspot issues like last time. Took the instructions and went a little above and beyond this time.

Hope you all had a nice weekend!


Nice those are really starting to move. Look Great!! :sunglasses: :metal: Going to have some serious living soil monsters. :100:

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I think the 907 is the fastest so far, I expected Panalawi to be the scary one in terms of growth speed. I actually expected the 907s to be pretty frail, they were fickle as seedlings.

Thanks man, I think we’re both on track for a bountiful season. Must be the vibes :sunglasses:


I made a vortex tea brewer years ago. That was fun and pretty easy. I used one of those big 5 gal water cooler bottles.

Search: “diy vortex brewer cooler bottle”.

Yours look nice very aerated and vigorous, though.

Me too. Sometimes I get it at 0 seconds.

That’s interesting, your technique. I sometimes notice individuals that are stinkier too, in veg, and wonder if it’s “a sign”.

I didn’t know this grow/thread was happening. Can I not “follow” og members on here? I couldn’t find it, but I miss some things without that ability.

Edit: And, damn, you’ve been busy with this - the plants look very healthy.