2023 "Field of Dreams"

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :metal:


Well, on the plus side I’d be very sad had I gotten the DJ Blueberry and MOB. I’m much more relaxed with these two because they aren’t grail cultivars to me.

I’ll give everything a kelp aloe foliar in the morning. I’ll mist their burlap before I go to a party and hope for the best. I’ve seen some tomatoes and peppers come back from worse, so I’m not worried about it. Not thrilled either but chock it up to another lesson learned.

Don’t transplant without acclimation. Especially in the peak of summer. Probably should have just set them by my window in the office until the weekend when I could put them out a little at a time. :sun_with_face:

I figured 907 would be the finicky one as well. The seedlings had a rough ride. She’s the most robust one now. IBG is struggling the most, if you even could call it that. Panalawi is somewhere in between. I’m surprised how evenly they are growing, and their leaves are all turgid and skyward pointing despite the heat. I interpret that as being in good health :man_health_worker:

Thanks for the support and input @ColeLennon @noknees


That’s how we learn. God love curve balls. :upside_down_face:

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It’s from chlorine I believe. The crispy edges

I didn’t see any clone pics, but it sounds like you didn’t harden them off slowly to be outside. Hopefully they have got with the program.


just keep them in the shade when you get them i also wouldnt plant them with the others until after theyve been quarantined. mine were clearly sprayed before transit so i waited a good while (not as long as recommended but should be good).


Update. Sad morning here in the Field.

Regrettably, the clones did not survive their desert transplant. Hindsight, I should have brought these outside like seedlings. I did place a burlap tent over them but it wasn’t enough. Lessons learned, onward and upward. There may still be some life in them, but it’s not looking better than it did a couple days ago. RIP Blueberry Muffin and Skywalker OG.

I was telling @ColeLennon that sure, it sucks but it’s great to learn these lessons NOW, than at a time when the stakes are higher. My other plants are rockin’ and none of this small stuff is going to shake my otherwise righteous season :adult:‍:microphone:

I live in an extreme climate. 100F during the day, 65-70 at night right now, usually cruising around 10-20% RH. It’s 5000’ altitude and the sun is serious business. Mistakes like I made above were simple but I’m not in a forgiving place.

Balls on my Original Bubblegum Auto. Sprayed STS each Friday morning for the last 3 weeks (3 sprays). I think now I just wait until they are ready to make pollen. Is that about right? I think I’ll do what I’ve seen around here, clip the flowers pre-burst and take them inside to sift the pollen out. Fast Feminized IBG may be a go this season :sunglasses: They smell distinctly bubblegum-ish, pleasantly surprised. Probably shouldn’t be surprised, it’s what I paid for but I’m always a skeptic. It’s not as in-your-face as the sample herb I got but its only week 3 of flower. She/he/zer/ze was the sole survivor of the 3 seeds I planted, I’m glad it not only is making it but has the terps I was looking for.

The Fastberry Auto is getting along. I’ll reverse this too and cross to the 907.

The rest of the girls are living their best life.

I fed everything a nice compost tea on Saturday morning, and an Aloe/Kelp foliar Sunday morning. This morning just some water, we’re consistently above 100F every day this time of year. Hoping between the good soil, lots of microbial activity promoting root growth, and lots of water cycling (it’s not like I get a choice there :rofl:) we’re in cruise control now.

Going to top dress on a 2-3 week interval, that’ll be coming up in 2 weeks. I’ll use my home soil test kit to check levels, I think I’m good on K for the rest of the season but I’ll keep an eye on concentrations rather than guess. Once things are all balanced out and settled it should be more of a “put a cup of general purpose nutes once a month” sort of thing, but for now I’m still trying to get ratios where I want them so it’ll be more N and P than anything else.

Also, a note on my IPM. The new cards I laid down Tuesday night have much fewer critters on them. So the neem, even though I burned some leaf margins applying it at a drenching doseage in the evening, seems to have done something. Still going to send Arbico an email and request advice on adding biologicals to the garden. I’ll post those pics here as well.


Sucks brother. Best to move on and upward. My third year outdoors. So far I have lost something every year outdoor. Grow enough plants going to lose them. It’s part of the deal. I’m sure I will lose more. You have great plants to look at and love. Intense heat we are getting also. That heat you have is unreal. RIP little ones.


@ColeLennon well here’s to hopefully not having any more big problems this season. If we can stay hot-n-dry all the way to Thanksgiving I wouldn’t complain :sunglasses:


Here’s the 3 sheets placed sticky-side up on the soil underneath the plants:

Here’s one and a close-up with a ruler for scale:

Here’s one of the suspected leafhoppers (Empoasca Decipiens?), ruler is 1mm increments:

Here’s one of the fly things:

So, I’ve definately got leafhoppers of some kind, and a few fungus gnats but I’m not sure they’re a problem. What thinks the great minds of OG?

Regarding the leafhoppers pirate bugs may be the pick, but they may not do it all on their own. Empoasca decipiens - Wikipedia

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Most bugs are your friends. Just like I posted on @Mrgreenthumb thread. Remember “A Bugs Life” Most. Some ya got to kill. :skull_and_crossbones:


My favorite part of the movie


Unless you have an infestation of one particular insect outside, you are fine. Mother nature usually balances them. Except the MF caterpillars most bugs hate cannabis in flower. The smell deters them. You could throw some marigolds in next year for companions too


Getting some dying leaves, any input?

These things just blowing through the N and P?

Can add some fish tomorrow if I’m on the right track with that. The hydrolysate is 3-3-0.3 maybe that’s the ticket. If just plain old N I’d use Alaska Fish :tropical_fish:

Just as a note, some of the leaf margins have been burned for more than a week after a 3-day Neem IPM run. That appears to be a separate issue, or at the very least something that appeared 8-9 days ago


A good shot of Alaskan fish ferts is always a good thing. Your on the right track. I get those. I just had 3-4 lowers yellow like that. I yank them off and give her shot AFF. and Big bloom"bat guano and worm castings"


With regards to Silica @FieldEffect, @TopShelfTrees1 has dug up some facts and has an alternative, quik acting recommendation…



Gave 'em a shot of Alaska, did a little trimming of the dying stuff and general overgrowth. Will need to start slimming these girls down and getting 'em trained the way I want.

I used a bit of the Silica I have left from last season (Advanced Nutrients Rhino Skin). It’s expensive potassium silicate, which will work just not as well. I went by the grow shop today looking for monosilicic acid but no dice. Could’ve bought a bag of AgSil but may as well use the rest of the bottle i have from last year. Just get some in there. It was well in to the 100s today.

@TopShelfTrees1 and @MissinBissin have you seen this thread?

Definately appreciate the conversation and advice. It’s great to get as much as possible! I tried to find the brand suggested by TopShelf but can’t find it available retail anywhere here in the states. Checking with Black Swallow whether or not they can ship it down here. Alternatively, there are other monosilicic acid brands but they are indeed an arm, a kidney + a leg.


Wow @FieldEffect, what a great read !
Thanks for sharing that last article, I had no idea that Silica presented too many benefits lol. And Green Sand was spoken of, and once again in a positive light

There is a new respect for that element
and I Will be taking my pH’s above 8.5 to start Nute batch’s

Wonderful way to start the morning, here’s to Growing happy plants

Really liked the 1:1500 dilution rate of the Black Swan product; Zumsil


Nice brother. I am doing some training and topping starting tomorrow when it cools. I will be removing some shoots that are coming in towards the platform and topping. Going to split each plant topping over a couple of days to limit the stress. I use my Solo sprayer last night with double-strength Monterey. Bad Bugs are out this year. Got to stay on top of these fuckers. Your plants are moving now. :sunglasses:


The one you posted above is absolutely a stellar product as well, ratios are off the charts! If you can’t source it direct hmu and I’ll see if I can help. I also have friends who own an extremely popular grow shop here in Ontario that may be able to help if need be.


A lot of people swear by powersi as well but it’s ridiculous too! They even have Veg/bud silica to rape your pocketbook a little more. I actually swore by rhino skin for years as well, had nothing but great results when I ran AN the entire time but that stuff is absolutely nuts price wise especially if you wanna run the microbes and feed them too it’s ludicrous tbh. After all this discussion I’m gonna try a few side bys with some silica first in Veg, then bloom just to visually see if there’s a difference. I’ll take some clones this weekend (if I feel better :crossed_fingers:t3:) and get them prepared for a nice little side by side, going to do the same with dynomyco as well just so I can satisfy my own questions and see if what I have noticed is 100% provable.