2023 "Field of Dreams"



Well, it would only suck about the DJ if you didn’t have the Skywalker OG “love og kush in anything” and that BBM. Two incredibly kickass clones. That packaging is pretty cool. That would of drove me nuts knowing they were on the porch in your heat. Looking forward to watching all your plants and your clones. Epic Grow this year. :sunglasses: :metal:

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Sounds good! I’m sure they will take care of you! Looking forward to your beneficial bugs putting in some work for you this year!!


…i just realized you can now make Skywalker X Shiska and BBM x Shiska also :slightly_smiling_face:

does that make you feel any better? :thinking: happy Friday, dude!


Serious crosses and pheno hunted mothers to boot. :100:


@ColeLennon and @noknees
Yeah, you guys are right. I’m happy that I got them but I didn’t get the prize. I almost grew BBM this season from seed but decided I’d go heirlooms. Still wound up copying 2/3 of your grow from last year Cole. It would have been truely hilarious if I did the Blackberry Fire too, I saw it on the list :rofl:

I don’t think I’ve had legit Skywalker before either, I’m just following the advice. I had some maybe 4-5 years ago from a dispo and wasn’t impressed, but I’m not sure anything from a dispo would impress me anymore. Luckily, I know I like the BBM because you hooked me up already :sunglasses: Skywalker has a nice lineage with BB in it as well as Mazar. I’m sure it’ll be good.

It’s been a hell of a week for me at work. I don’t think I’ve ever had as many, or as severe, conflicts with adults in a professional environment ever. 50-60 year old men acting immature and hostile because they didn’t get to do what they wanted. Frustrating. I think half of the problem is that I’m younger but have somehow bumbled into a position of authority. I do find it ironic that people who WANT to be in control are generally the ones least fit to occupy that role successfully. The best leaders I see, are the folks that genuinely want the best outcomes for everyone. Things just kinda work out if you make good decisions, I hope. I just gotta keep my cool, maybe go blaze a Hawaiian Snow J this afternoon.

Hopefully I get some pollen out of my Bubblegum auto. This morning marks week 3 of flower and the third mist of STS. The big plants are looking good but still a little crispy around the edges from the neeming last weekend. I haven’t peeked under the burlap shade canopy I erected yesterday morning over the clones - it’s been 100+ and searing sun. I’m afraid. Of course, the other weed plants have grown at least 10" in these conditions. They’re nearing the next rung on the structure.

So far my most hopeful crosses are the 907 and the BBM to the Shiska. Also excited about the Panalawi x Zamdelica Express. I’ll be stoked if I can make a fast IBG fem. I considered trying to clone the 907 since I’ll be trimming tops anyway, and reverse that maybe get some fem BBMx907. I think maybe I’m getting too ambitious. One screw up doing that and I’ll have a seasons worth of seeded bud and I don’t want to get anybody else’s grows contaminated. I should raise males in the winter inside if I find a place for a tent. The autos are lower risk because they are flowering before anything else.

@Dirt_Wizard and @Radicle_Reefer thanks for the tips and links!

I’ll post some pics tonight or in the morning.

Thanks for the support and chiming in, it brightens my day. Especially after a hard week.


No problem @FieldEffect !

Your work culture description is capitalism at it finest. All the bullshitters get ahead as they throw others under the bus because they know it’s the only way they can get power. While, all the humble people who wait to get acknowledged for all their hard work get disgruntled.

Good thing you have your zen garden to relax and decompress in. Wishing you the best this season.


Work stress is the worst. Try your best to unwind when you can. :slightly_smiling_face:


Does anyone know how I can edit my first post? It won’t let me do it the normal way, the edit pencil doesn’t appear, evidently 30 days is the edit window. I wanted to add an index because I frequently go back to look at recipes or older pictures to see progress. Mods? Can someone please add this to the top or bottom of the first post?

4/7 Selection
4/9 Seed Popping
4/14 At-Home Soil Testing
4/21 Initial Lab Test Results
4/28 Soil Flush and Ammendment Decision Point
4/30 Ammendment Mixing
5/1 Ammendments Complete and Final Recipe
5/6 Prepare 50 Gallon Pots
5/9 Sex Tests and Outdoor Transplant Night
5/12 3 Days Outside
5/19 Turbo Compost Tea Brewer Build and Base Recipe
5/20 Hailstorm/Seedling Damage
5/22 CSU Lab Results/Bad Sample Conclusion
5/25 —Compost Tea Master Recipe—
5/29 Selection Voting and PICs (20 days outside)
5/31 Vote Count/Cull
6/3 Garden Update and Pics
6/4 Laugh at 2021 and Lawn Ammending
6/10 Pictures, a Month Outside
6/15 Auto Bubblegum Flowering, First STS treatment, Pics
6/18 —Foliar Spray Recipe—
6/19 Worms Spotted
6/23 Soil Test Results, Low N Identified
6/26 Over Applied Neem and Burned my Shit
6/28 Clones Arrive


Some pics. Did a lil bit of trimming this morning and applied a tea. Added a little aloe hopefully it helps everything with the heat. Small amount (1/10 regular dose) because I’ve read that aloe has antibacterial properties and in larger quantities can kill the tea.

Have a great Saturday everyone :sunglasses::grin:


Looks good. I have to get out there and do some foliage removal. I really like that upshot plant sky pic. Plants are taking off big time.


man, they look perky. no pics of the clones? did they make it? :hushed:


He has them under a shade cloth. Plant shyness. :slightly_smiling_face:


@noknees I hope they make it. It was kinda the worst possible time to do it. Always hindsight of course. I had asked for them to be shipped Wednesday so I could keep an eye on their first few days but they didn’t do that. They sweated their first day in the heat in this ghetto rig.

I’ve been moistening the cloth here and there to cool em off a bit but they got thrown in the oven.

I figure they either make it or don’t. Not sure what else I can do, but any advice let me have it!

The smaller leaves are looking OK I think they’ll both eventually rebound

For reference here’s my weather


Fuck I don’t know. You are so close to the sun. I can barely see the one with all the cover crop. I know I have to be very careful taking them outside after being under even LED. So I take them out in the morning and keep them in the shade and pop them out in the sun for a couple hours. I’m home to do that though. Be much more difficult working full time. Maybe a big white umbrella. Come on lil ladies. I feel for ya.

Do those three 50’s next to the fence catch more shade?

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Yeah I was really hoping they would wait to ship them so I could do something like that. But, as they say “gotta piss with the cock ya got”

It’d be great if they recover, they got tea and aloe this morning and like I said I’ve been misting the burlap here and there. 100F/10% is a totally different environment that they are probably from maybe 75F/50%. I’m shocked anything grows outside when you see what the indoor folks target. I think they just adapt and deal, obviously fairly well in the case of the other plants.

The 50s definitely have shade for the first hour of the morning and about 45 minutes before sundown. Mostly they are up against the fence to shield from wind (it’s running almost due E-W) and the pots are a few feet south of it. The 907 gets a bit of scattered shade late afternoon from the scraggly tree.


Your home to baby them. Do you get a long weekend?

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Yessir, don’t go back to work until Wednesday :sunglasses::grin:


They will make it. Stay on top of them. Get that cloth off them early morning and as soon the sun passes over. Water and feed them less but more frequently and foliar them every other day early early morning.


i’m of the opinion it’s more the small root mass, not the DLI. can’t take up enough water

geez that’s air fryer territory. i’ve grown plants in Central Valley, similar. beyond rough on a clone. unfortunate timing to boot. c’est la vie.

on the plus side, the other girls look solid, and am surprised by the 907. tougher than i expected

indoor and outdoor are so dissimilar, people underestimate it. i don’t grow any “indoor cats”

pulling for you, dude! :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers: