2023 "Field of Dreams"

Thanks guys! I’ll probably take you up on that @blowdout2269

Hope your weeds are pulled successfully and you did pass out from heat stroke. I’m avoiding being outside right now :hot_face:

Hopefully she smokes like it, she seems like the toughest girl in the brood. Her stalks are sturdy and she was unfazed by the neem burn the others got.

I don’t intend to top anymore, just manage the existing shoots. Hopefully I don’t have to resort to craziness to keep 'em low. Panalawi is accelerating vertically, but so are the others :rofl:

Giddyup! I think this is gonna be a wild month :cowboy_hat_face:


I’m alive! Definitely done until this evening…or maybe tomorrow, lol. Still alive, but barely. My knees and back hurt.


I didn’t have this set to “watching” and I’ve got some catching up to do later. Hope it’s going well, FE.


When you take pictures throughout the grow, you realize just how fast they grow!


Glad you survived bud. It’s hot AF. Going to be another 100+ week here :hot_face:

Life has been throwing me some curve balls but I’m hanging in there. How’s it going up around your parts? How’s the rodent situation going?

For sure! It’s absolutely nuts. Pretty rewarding too. I can’t believe they are loving the heat. Yours is looking good too, just peeked over at your thread. Seems like a happy plant in it’s new pot :sunglasses:


Mission accomplished. :wink:


Damn man, that looks clean. Does the soil cook bare like that?

What peppers are you running? I’ve got some ghosts, jalapenos, green Chile, and a Hawaiian one I got gifted here.


It will stay fairly bare if it stays dry. That’s why I isolate water to plants individually. I have excellent soil. If you look closely at my tomatoes to the right, you see weeds only around the base of them. That’s next weekends project. :wink:
Peppers? Oh my…to many lol. I’d have to look at em to list them all. Off the top of my head; bells, italian sweets, banana, hot banana, moquerito, desperado, jalapeno, big jim, Anaheim, habanero, ghost, cayenne…uhh idk lol. :crazy_face:


Nice work, :eyes:


Some pics this morning

907 really seems like an early starter.


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Bubblegum Auto reversal attempt. Not sure I’m going to get any pollen from this, or if it already busted. I can hardly see the male flowers


Almost at the top of the fence. Looks real good. Is that auto flower going to pollinate everything in the yard? When does bloom start down there?

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The plants have reached the tops of the Towers, that is so nice @FieldEffect and to see those bud sites getting crowded.
Awesome work :clap:


Hopefully not, should have another week to go before any pollen goes. I’ve only seen male flowers for 2 weeks, and I can’t even hardly see any more - they are covered by female flower bracts. The plan is to chop that side of the plant (that could make pollen) before the flowers open.

Normal photoperiod bloom started late July last season. It’s bizarre to see the 907 really getting going already - should finish pretty early OR she’ll be THHICCC. I’m happy with either outcome :rofl:

Thanks for the help along the way! I don’t have the diversity you do in your plots, but I’m very excited to see my girls flourishing. I think the Panalawi is starting to accelerate vertically :sunglasses: I love its skinny dagger leaves.

Need to clean out the shed and update the firmware on my drying cabinet. Was going to modify the routines a little and clean up the interface. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel - 3 months or so to go. Looking forward to this year’s harvest. Hopefully everything plays well in the last half of the season.

Have a great day boys, hope your gardens are doing well today too!


Going to have to hook those neighbors up on the other side of the fence. :sunglasses:


The funny thing is the guy is retiring from a place I almost took a job at, another engineer.

I need to take them a congratulations gift anyway, he and his girl recently got engaged. Warn him Panalawi is probably going to be creeping into his kitchen view soon :rofl:

I probably don’t need to be as worried this year as the tree that shields these from view from the road is much larger and healthier than last season. I think I can let her get as high as 10-12 feet if she wants too. I’m not going to go crazy trying to keep it short.

I mean…how tall could it get? I don’t see it getting more than a couple feet taller than it is now. I think Hawaiian snow maybe added 2-3’ and they’ll wind up being similar sizes. Who knows, maybe with the 50’s they’ll keep the gas pedal to the floor longer. We’ll find out…


beautiful garden. better safe than sorry with looky loos though imo.


Should I pluck this male flower? Is it ready?

Hopefully I can get enough pollen for a few seeds


I have no idea.

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I have no idea what I’m doing there’s more chick parts than dude parts :rofl:

Thank God almost everything else is still flowerless


Where is this male flower you speak of?
Help a blind person here.

Edit: Oh wait, I think I see it! This?

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