2023 "Field of Dreams"

Help a person not good at sex changes :rofl:

Debating chopping that side of the plant to let it dry a bit and try to pluck pollen sacs off.

Already pulled a little nugget and put a few male flowers (not yet open) on a paper plate to dry and we’ll see

She smells like bubblegum :sunglasses:


Yeah I don’t know. I got nothing.


Suppose to look like bananas or little dicks. Wait a min I’m thinking Hermie. That is different than what your looking for right? @FieldEffect


This is the Fastbudz Original Bubblegum Auto that I sprayed with STS. So it’s supposed to have male flowers. Was going to use a bit of pollen to make some seeds with the big IBG momma.

I think I sprayed too far apart, so it didn’t work well. It’s not easy to tell what to do because most of the ones I have seen here on OG are full of balls and it’s pretty obvious. I’m hoping to at least get some pollen if possible but I don’t know the timing because it doesn’t look like the pics I studied


That little sac should have some pollen. But you’ll have to time it perfectly. Just snag it off with tweezers and rub on the other gal.


When sprayed, they take longer than normal males.They also make less.GLScreenshot_20230217_151301_Chrome|310x500

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Here’s some pics of what I brought in.

So the pollen is in between the bananna bits? I think I can see it, but this one got a little wet so probably ruined

I’ve got these drying on a plate and we’ll see if I can shake some pollen loose tomorrow. Any estimates for how long these would have taken to open on their own accord?

Here’s the bounty from probably a half-gram nugget section. It’s a big pain in the ass to try and work with sticky bud like that

Other girl ain’t ready yet, my plan is to dry the flowers, open them and try to shake some pollen out, then chuck it in a tupperware with dessicant, and toss in the fridge vacuum packed for another month or so. Thanks for the help! Fast response :sunglasses:

The real question is: Am I too late or too early? Do I need to go chop the rest or be patient and wait?


Little bunch of bananas. :banana:

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It looks like the majority is female flower with little chance of pollen.I don’t know about autos,but if they reverse properly there is mostly pollen sacks with very little bud.There don’t look to be enough to collect yet.GL

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Looks like you start Autos with sts when at 2nd node.Also states you may need sts,colloidal silver And gibberellic acid to flip some autos.So autos may be harder to do.GL


Thanks, the instructions are nice for reference

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for me, the 907 starting so early means it’s been time to chop.



Exhibit A, lol


Yeah :joy: @blowdout2269 @Hashpants

That’s not what I got. Sprayed at the wrong interval and needed to spray the whole plant at a minimum. I chopped the reversed half and plucked through what may be viable male flowers. I’ll dry these in my office and run em through the powdered sugar dispenser to see if I get anything.

Too bad because she smells really nice. I don’t know why I’m so skeptical about the origin/lineage of stuff like this (big label Spanish seed companies) but I am. It doesn’t smell the same as the IBG from @ColeLennon but it isn’t too far away from it either. Still has another couple weeks to go I think for the unreversed side to ripen up so we’ll see how Fastbudz did with this strain. But I’m pleasantly surprised at this point. To say the least. I’ll take the Fastberry auto to my MILs place to get that a few miles away from town because I’m reversing the whole plant. Don’t want to contaminate my or other grows now that we’re going into photoperiod flowering starting up. Fortunately living in a desert it’s pretty easy to confirm nobody else is growing anywhere close, she’s 15 minutes out in the middle of barren tumbleweed land, I’m down in the relatively lush valley.

Applied some fish hydrolysate at a rate of 2oz per pot for the big girls with 2-3 gallons of water. Sprayed BT at recommended dosage (bit over 1tbsp/gallon) on the cannabis and tomatoes. Started a bin of water dechlorinating for a batch of tea.

Things seem healthy. Panalawi is continuing to grow vertically while the others haven’t seemed to grow much. @noknees I think you were right :rofl:

Pics once sun is out.


My other reversal, the EFOG Auto fem got a seriously late attempt though. It started flowering way to fast and I thought I missed my window. But then, a few weeks into bloom, she started throwing sacks. She’s been dropping pollen and has successfully pollinated the other. :grinning::+1:


I have IBG this season.Im reversing them as well.Mine are photos, but they were clones from a friend and they are really bubblegum smelling as one flowered early and revegged.I may get some seeds,so keep an eye out in my outdoor thread."Hope springs eternal ".GL


Yeah I would get those are far away as possible. Like now. Bloom down there has to be starting.

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Yeah the reversed Bubblegum auto is already chopped and the Fastberry is just starting to flower I’ve got a week at least to get it out of here.

Here’s the ladies.

FDM Indiana Bubblegum BX2:

AKBB 907 Blue Genes:

Those lower branches are going to get pollinated with @SHSC-1’s Shiskaberry pollen - planning ahead so I can bag them without pollinating everything :cowboy_hat_face:

Ace Panama x Malawi:


You spread those out. Smart. Getting ready to go into stretch. I’m just going to chop off some side shoots when I start stripping for super crop. I haven’t decided how high up the shoots I want to go.


You must of waited for them to be bone dry to move. Did you use a hand truck?