2023 "Field of Dreams"


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It may rain overnight here! That is crazy af! Never in August here. Summer is dry.

I think there is a tropical storm down in Mexico. Usually it never makes it to SoCal. Normally it just gets humid, a bit of rain would be rad.


What size are those containers?


@Herrsquidward they are 50 gallon airpots

@Meesh we’re getting even more rain right now. I’m actually worried about the plants, it’s pretty crazy


Don’t worry about it. Clean out some fan leaves. Make sure cola’s aren’t leaning on each other. If you got a breeze and some wind. You will be fine.

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I’ve got to thin them out for real.





Time for my weekend! Have a great night


Yeah, if you are planning on getting good amounts of rain. I would the I.B and 907 the Panalawi looks fine. Its fans laying on top of each other and colas leaning on other colas. That is why I use long and short zip ties. I can position colas and shoots away from each other. Plus it gives them the ability to stack further down. Shit those fuckers are just getting started. Going to be fat-ass donkey dicks.


We’ve already got some donkey appendages…peep the 907 colas, my hand smells good at least :rofl:

I’m a little worried about how dense these things are. But damn, smelling :fire: :fire:

I took a pic with Panalawi after yesterdays storm.


That 907 is two hand gripper. :100: :sunglasses: :metal:

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The rains are stopping for a while. Starting to thin out the 907 and IBG slowly, pruning branches as I notice them.

Sprayed 1/2 gallon of water with 10mL of BT yesterday morning 6am.

Fed this morning, the whole garden. Mixed up 5 gallon buckets of the following:

4 gallons water
45g bird guano ( P )
10g epsom salt
1 tbsp fulvic acid
3-4 tbsp fresh blended whole aloe leaf
100mL GEM fish hydrolysate

Should result in this:

I’ve still got quite a bit of foliage/shoot growth, and noticing yellowing leaves as things continue hustling through N. Continuing the transition towards higher P for flower. Trying to maintain Ca:Mg balance as I add any, in this case I’m not deliberately adding Ca but guano has a literal/figurative shitload. :rofl: Was hoping to make a tea with the Roots Terp Tea Bloom but that is taking quite a while to arrive. I wouldn’t have ordered it but I wanted to get that monosilicic acid which isn’t around locally. Next week. You may notice the lack of K, I’m not applying much because the compost was so rich of it. My soil K level is ~2x target anyway. I’ve got a little internal back-n-forth going because most of that K isn’t readily available but bound up. Reading more hopefully I find an answer suitable to my situation.

Plants are still happy. Fed a bunch (2 buckets) to my front bed with the giant pumpkins going. County fair is in 4 weeks, may enter. We’ll see.




Have a great Sunday, got some steaks from Costco yesterday so I’ve got a banger planned. Need to maintain the yard (mow [best believe I’m mulching that], weed wacking/pulling) and get a cigar in. Hard knock life :cowboy_hat_face:


she’s eating and making that container look small already.

i’d ask you about ladders, but maybe a scissor lift is in order :grin:


… a cherry picker might be considered overkill…
…but if it works…it works!..
:wink: :+1:



No doubt. I’m excited to see that all the preparation, planning and general attention to detail seems to be working. She seems to be liking what I’m feeding, maybe she sees I’ve already got a nice stepladder. You seem to have been right about her continuing to grow past the others. She’s the only one not in full-blown bloom and accelerating vertically.

Praying for a pleasant November :sunglasses: :pray:


Thanks guys! Love the cheering on.


Seriously, I missed this post @FieldEffect and whata job your doing.

The Panalawi is making a break for it.


That Panalawi is reaching for the sky. I doubled up on N when I fed last night and this morning. Added my first shot of Tiger Bloom. Your plants are looking Killer. :sunglasses: :metal:


Looking awesome out there ! Very nice


Anybody know what’s the cause of the crisping pumpkin leaves? @JoeCrowe I know you’ve got some pumpkins going

I risked back injury to relocate Panalawi closer to the tree for camouflage and wind protection. 907 in a sunnier spot now.

It’s a pretty night. Hope you all are well :slightly_smiling_face:


I know that was no easy feat. You look like a big guy from your pic. Still I bet you feel that in the morning. :sunglasses: :metal:


I’m betting leafscald from the sun! IT did crisp a couple of my leaves. You can shade them, but once the damage sets in, it’s permanent.


@ColeLennon it’s slow going rotating the pot 1/8 turn at a time shimmy while you yank on it. I was thinking that pic made the plant look smaller than it feels. I pruned a nice little hollow in the tree for her, proud of her new home for the next few months.

Gave all the plants a spin while I was at it, so the opposite sides are exposed

@JoeCrowe thanks for the input! We have bright sun and dry wind. I fed quite a bit of aloe juice wondering if it was just exposure, since I didn’t see malnutrition or pests. Is it just superficial at this point?