2023 "Field of Dreams"

I’d have to agree with @JoeCrowe. I think she was and extra sensitive leaf and got some sun.


I’ve had sunburn do in melons & squash… :man_shrugging: been hot?



Yeah it’s been even hotter than usual but I thought it was weird to be so sporadic, maybe just the older leaves were affected


Like they say Fly to close to the Sun. In your case Live to close to the Sun. :rofl: :sun_with_face:


Sprayed BT last night because moths are out.

907 smells AMAZING. I can’t believe one plant can produce scents as diverse as cannabis. It’s gonna be :fire: already frosting up

Random mishmash of pics you can probably identify them by now :cowboy_hat_face:

Have a great evening :slightly_smiling_face:


Blooms are looking killer man. Great growing… :sunglasses: :metal:

Is this the I.B


That’s 907 Blue Genes


Nice. Stacking killer. :100: :fire: Ate a Mac Muffin gummie tonight. :crazy_face:


And that pie pic is torture! :pie:

I didn’t use bT this year because I can’t find a source without some funky smelling food for them…i.e. fish emulsion. Mosquito bits have a funk :nose: to them too.

If there was a powdered form that would probably solve it…

…& although I won’t use spinosad in flower, whatever it’s mixed with smells great to me :joy_cat:



@cannabissequoia I bought a new Monterey BT and it doesn’t smell nearly as off as I recall it last year. In either case, I wash my buds pretty good with H2O2+water before I throw them in my drying cabinet. It’s either that, or risk losing most of the harvest to rot. Even though it’s dry out here the moths are everywhere and they loved my colas when I didn’t spray it.

In general, I’ve noticed lower than average pest pressure this year. I’m not convinced of the whole “grow a healthy plant you won’t need pest control” thing because it’s not intuitive. If I was a hungry bug, I’d be trying to eat only the healthy plants, not the sick dying ones. But maybe there’s some truth to it, these girls are the healthiest I’ve grown to date. I just don’t want to lose to those fucking shiterpillars.

There is powdered BT by the way. I debated going this route rather than Monterey, but I figured I’m already changing enough variables this year. DiPel DF Biological Insecticide or Javelin WG

@ColeLennon I’ve been reading about making gummies too. Maybe this fall. I’d love to make vape carts, maybe I just pull the trigger on a press this season with my work bonus :joy:


Yah, my living soil plants are so healthy the thrips flee from them, lol! Definitely not a real claim. Here’s what CAN be real though: You can create a system that helps the bugs that feed on the bugs you don’t like. Since beneficial organisms are part of a healthy plant and often those same beneficials are the insects that kill off parasites, then you can say it’s true(ish).


The red stands you use…. Where are those from? I really like the looks of those a lot


@TopShelfTrees1 The Ultomato

They’re nice but I wish they came with more braces than 9 (makes 3 tiers). I got several sets so I have extra braces to use as needed.

@JoeCrowe That makes sense, good to hear someone else expressing the same doubt. Brix levels and healthy plants = no bugs I just don’t buy it. Why would bugs just eat weak plants? Fostering predatory insects, that adds up in my head :100:


I thought about a press and making vape carts. I’m such a lite weight. I would just be making more shit and giving it all away. :rofl:


Well, I’m in about the same boat :joy:


My press would sit there. Hang my hat on it. :rofl:


Well the idea I think is that higher brix=higher sugar content means that sucking insects will be less inclined to feed on them. Idk why sucking insects are adverse to more sugars. It supposedly screws with the insects ability to maintain hydration levels the the higher the brix levels, or so they say anyway.
Sugar levels are a good indicator of plant health I guess but idk if it holds that there are less pests, I know some people farming who swear by brix as the be all and end all of organic farming but then I also know people who swear by biodynamics and that whole bury cow horn in the moonlight thing triggers my sceptic alarm lol.


This could be true. I have been feeding sweet candy all through veg and into bloom. I have only sprayed monterrey like 4 times all season… just a preventative.

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Guessing it’s a Ducks hat? :yum:


@slain for sure. I entertained getting a brix measurement setup. For whatever reason, when it comes to things that are tools, budget usually goes straight into the fuckit bucket 🪣 and my bank account lightens without a second thought. I held off on the brix thing when I learned that those nutritional targets were essentially identical to what I was going for anyway and there doesn’t seem to be much benefit to measuring it other than knowing. I’d rather do tissue measurement of nutrient levels if I run into issues. Not that I’m OCD or anything :rofl::joy:

But I’m guessing my brix is pretty high anyway. It seemed to have been driven by trace elements which I paid a lot of attention to in my amendments and soil. I should do some more reading, typing this is repeaking my curiosity. Maybe I should also send some tissue samples off as well. Curiosity may lead to craziness :sunglasses:

I fed some of the Terp Tea Bloom at 350g/23gal with 2tbsp fulvic, 1tbsp Mycrobe Complete, 2.6mL of Grow Genius Mono-Silicic, a splash of fish hydrolysate and maybe 1/4 cup sucanat. Brewed 12 hours at 87F water temperature. Only about 3 gallons to each cannabis plant, most went to the pumpkins because, well, because I want to get a ribbon at the county fair :rofl:

Cheers guys have a great day