2023 "Field of Dreams"

For me, I think the taller ones will be just the ticket. The fact that there’s less chance to tip over than Solo cups on a baking sheet is worth the price of admission. I’d go from those to 1 gals. that wouldn’t need to be protected from the birds, just as I will those now in Solos.


I like these a lot, very thick and sturdy to last for years with nice dial vents, they’re stiff enough to mount a small computer fan onto and then you can even use an Inkbird or whatever to control humidity inside:




Woah man, rare indeed! Did you happen to notice that those twin seeds were any larger before you popped them? I’ve never personally seen that before!

I’m really loving the details across the board. You’re bringing a lot of new life to our side of the space time continuum! Garden veggies and fruits, a nice new turf stand, and of course the twin 907 twins. I’ll be in the front row watching this season!!

What seed type are you going with for the lawn?


@LD50 The twin seeds looked totally normal to me, not bigger or smaller, not any more or less ripe than the others. All the seeds I saw putting them into towels, across breeders, looked good. The Panalawi seeds were the smallest of the lot overall, I did notice that. To preserve the fun for the future, I just took the first seeds out of the vial, rather than hunt for the best looking beans like I did last season.

The lawn is a mix of Bermuda and Kentucky Bluegrass. I did a mix of types because our seasons kinda bridge the extremes between cold and heat, and it’s a east-facing plot with shade in the afternoons/evenings. We’ll see how it goes, but I gave it my best effort.

The gardening veggies/fruits is a lot of fun. I loved making my own salsa, tomato sauce, hot sauce last year. If there’s interest I’ll throw those processes up as well.

Last season, I kept an excruiciatingly detailed grow log as a text file. I really appreciate being able to go back with pictures later in the season once I found OG and started posting regularly. This time, I’m doing the detail I normally do for myself, adding pictures, and hopefully others will come on the ride with me. I learned a lot last year from reading other people’s grow logs, especially indoor ones where stuff got posted pretty much daily throughout the plants lives. Thanks for the compliment!

I’m learning too, so this isn’t a “reference” quality grow, but hopefully as I learn, the mistakes get captured, posted by me, corrected by the sages on here, and others can learn along with me. I fully expect to make mistakes here.

@Dirt_Wizard thanks for posting that link! Mine has different vent style but otherwise functionally equivilent. It is much more robust plastic than the simple one.


Nice. Riverbanks are a perfect place to get soil. So perfect, in fact, the 4 cradles of civilization popped up along rivers (the Nile in Egypt, the Tigris and Euphrates in Mesopotamia, the Indus in India and the Yellow (named after the color of its silt, not as a slur) in China.


Not all rivers, all the two stroke PWC in my area I def wouldn’t want any from that shoreline, bunch of metals,oil, and fuel


That sucks. A lot of the rivers here are also polluted. We had one case where a paper mill was dumping mercury into the river, while the game and fish authorities attributed the mercury levels to “natural fluctuations” or words to that effect.


I’ve given it a go basically for that reason @Herrsquidward ! We’ll see how it goes. It’s the Rio Grande, so definitely not the cleanest water in the world but its supported agriculture in this region for at least a thousand years now. Of course nowadays we’re taxing that capability quite a bit.

I think I’m going to mail my “new” dirt in for a detailed soil test, so it’s got another week or so to cook before I collect it, and I’ll still have a week or two to make corrections. Any thoughts?

Thanks for all the participation and input as always.

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Sounds like a good game plan. Even in warmer climates, it’s often unwise to plant anything in its permanent home until May 1. Testing your soil will definitely give you an advantage.


I can’t do it. Smoke some. Allergy season started early. I just can’t seem to get away with smoking anymore. I’m finally listening to my body I guess. Vapin and edibles are my preferred consumption every day. I smoke and it fucks up my sinuses for a week or longer. I smoked some a couple of months ago and it tasted just as smooth and sweet as it smells. The IB high is very balanced and unique in itself. 5-star cannabis in my book.


I usually use my Pax 3, which works alright. No worries about not having a “smoke report,” was just curious how it was curing up. Looking for a little more inspiration, and confirmation in my choices. Day dreaming so to speak :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I took it you were smoking less with all the edibles and tictures you’ve been cookin’ up over in your thread for the last few months!

Good for you listening to your body!


I just popped the grove. I’ve maybe popped it 4-5 times since they went in after a 14 day dry. Nov 4th. The texture is perfect, and the bubblegum terps when you open the bag make you want to leave your face buried in the 1lb grove bag. I want to smoke some so bad :rofl: I have been using this c-pap nasal pillows mask. I have to say after 15 months sleeping, I really like sleeping. :slightly_smiling_face: :+1: This cannabis is a taste and terps cannabis lovers dream bag. :100: :fire: :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol:


Today I’m using PHK gummies I made. 5MG each and Sour Space Candy full spectrum CBD gummies. 7MG + 1MG THC. Tonight 15 MG PHK and 21 MG of Sour Space Candy. I’m vapin PHK with a Black Garlic vap chaser. Dancing like this, I don’t need to smoke. :rofl:


F&^cking perfect! Delivered day dream material for work tomorrow. When I’m in a meeting that never seems to end, I’ll remember this:

Looks fantastic, thanks for pulling the bag out for me. Can’t wait. But I’ll have to. I even stooped so low as to hop on leafly looking for IBG in my area or even state, no dice. No blueberry either. Leafly is kinda frustrating because it lists any dispo with anything “similar” to what you search for, there doesn’t seem to be an option for “only show me dispensaries with EXACTLY what I want” :cry:

Anyway, I appreciate it. Enjoy your sleeping, I wish I did more of it. :sleeping: :sloth:


Leafly sucks when it comes to searching individual strains. You best bet is to go to Dutchie.com
Put in your zip code and click on each individual pot shop and look. Takes a little more time. You will be amazed what you find that never gets updated on leafly.


If its between smoking and sleeping.
I choose sleep. :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol:


Update on the twin twins :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:, all are green and above ground right now.

907 C and IBG D had taproots above soil.

Did some tweezer excavation, root straightening and put them back. Fingers crossed we had a successful flip. I wasn’t paying much attention to the orientation going into the pots because multiple sources say they’ll flip themselves, but they got some help this time.

Over watered when I planted, opened the vents to let em dry out a bit.


Sometimes when I plant tap rooted seeds. I just take a pen or pencil and make a little 1 inch trough from the center and lay it in and lightly cover it with the medium. I always worry about them flipping over. Overactive brain. :rofl:


Update: Seedling are mostly above ground. Looks like I have one each 907 Blue Genes and Indiana Bubblegum not yet broken soil.

Last night I culled the 907 twins and laid their weaker siblings to the side

Hindsight I should have replanted those twins, as I damaged a 907 cotyledon trying to remove the husk membrane prenting the seed leaves from opening.

In other news, one of my Panalawis also had a conjoined twin shoot up. I may have been high when I planted these, but not high enough to have accidently misplaced 2 seeds in this cup. Or was I? Seriously doubt it. Also, I seem to have found 3 dual-sprout seeds in a single run. Which also seems unlikely. It doesn’t seem like a systemic problem, right? There should only be one baby per seed? It’s not like something with my germ method could have formed another one…

Atlantic Giant pumpkins are getting ready to break soil. Cracked seeds the same way, planted same time as the cannabis. Going to try to grow a big one this summer for my daughter.

Other plans for the day include checking my soil cook and giving it a good mix. I received my “My Soil” test kit, and I have this home test kit, basically a knock-off of the LaMotte NPK kit.

Saturday I think I’ll take some samples and see how the two match up. The home test kit is pH, NPK. I think my main concern is Ca, I’ve got some gypsum if I need to bring it up but only the mail-in kit will tell me that.

What’s the best soil lab to use in general? Little late for this run, but I’ve heard CO is good. There are a few options but it was really hard to determine which is the best to use. My local colleges don’t seem to offer it anymore and mostly refers to sending stuff to other colleges out-of-state. Las Cruces has a huge agriculture department but doesn’t seem to offer extension testing.


I love it when they look like little birds.