2023 "Field of Dreams"

That’s great… I know the excitement well… Awesome feeling… :grinning::grinning:

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my nose works, and unfortunately, i have neighbors. so it gets added to initial mixes only now. i would like to use it as a occasional foliar though, but that would require a different situation.

p.s. i have grown some savagely angry peppers with frass.

the sprayer should work. that said, getting new tools is a pretty fun part of having hobbies…
and am willing to bet you’ll be growing more real NLD in the future :grin:

907 hit with that? dang. what what you call it? slaughterhouse five? dream team?
berry lights and fast panalawizam won’t suck either :blush:

with just three plants. from seed. :sunglasses:


Well I think the frass water did something. Crispy tips tonight but hard to see in the dark. Will look again tomorrow.

Sprayed last night with spinosad and BT again after I removed some more rot spots. Damn shitterpillars. They’re all dead now hopefully just residual damage showing itself and back to the BT/3-day routine. Rain screwed me up, gotta stay more on-point rain or shine.

Since it was dark took some night flash pics like the cool guys do :sunglasses:

Not as good of pics but I think they look cool.

We’ll see if I get seeds before I bother with a name. I would describe this as only the most amateur of pollen chucks. Although I was going to call Panalawi x Zamdelica “Panalawica” :rofl: Hopefully I’m never buying seeds again. Give a man a fish vs teach a man to fish sorta deal I think. Not to mention more interesting stuff to trade, at least once I can do some better selection and flower males inside.

Yep! It’s amazing stuff. Quite a journey from April, thanks for the directions along the way :cowboy_hat_face:


I like those pics. Dark flash shots are sic. I will have to get out there in the dark and take some. Try not to fall on my face.


So I was noticing where you are. Spinosad and Bt are both bacterial controls contained in a carrier or solution. Since you have super low humidity, maybe the carrier solutions are being evaporated too quickly or even the bacterial colony is being defeated by low humidity.


Interesting thought :thinking:

I had wondered about that but bacteria is a whole other rabbit hole I only have surface level understanding. I am doing what is common/advised without grasping the root of what’s happening.

Part of the reason I went to the spinosad was my understanding was that it was a “bacterially produced” chemical that remains after the carrier evaporates. Beyond being a less specific insecticide, in particular dealing with larvae both before and after BT’s window of efficacy [juvenile larvae]. I expected it to kill everything caterpillar related at whatever stage of miserable bud-shitting life it’s at. The BT is [again I don’t understand so I welcome clarification] an active bacterium that damages the digestion of those larvae. I like the idea of that better than the broadly more destructive spinosad. I figured mix them to destroy all of them and then maintain the old routine.

You are suggesting that perhaps the BT is not as effective here, correct? And perhaps the spinosad as well. Hmm. Can I use something to protect them from evaporation?

Sorry if that’s a ramble and a half. Thinking out loud


I spray only under the leaves. I do use it at double strength just the monterry with spinosad. It kills all the bad bugs and the shitterpillars. What is the difference between the regular and the B.T?


They are different bacterium,Bt just targets caterpillars and spinosad gets alot of bugs including bees if they are around.Both are meant to be a "living " bacterial colony defense.With super low humidity, it’s hard for them to survive.I will see if there is a fix. My first thought is include a bit more simple syrup to make it a bit more sticky.It seems Bt leaves crystals on the plant that reactivate if eaten by caterpillars. Edited


It doesn’t kill bees in the gauntlet. They won’t leave me alone when I feed. Every time. Like 4-5 bees. I think they like the TPS Signal. I don’t know they like my 2-gallon mix jugs.


Only when it’s wet maybe, like if you spray one.Even then it may just fly off and die.


I’m going to have to try that. It definitely makes the trichomes shine!


Just so you know spinosad is translaminar. Careful with that crap.


I think my double doses of Monterrey with spinosad in the evening increased my chances of PM on my DJ Short Blueberry that is already susceptible to PM. Small starts of PM. Been knocking it back with growers alley every 7 days.


Yah make sure you finish off the mildew before the next grow. That shit is a pain in the ass. After harvest spray the entire area where you grew em with sulfur. Do it twice to make sure that mildew colony is extinct.


Oh I will. I already hit my new growth blackberry vines on the other side of my cyclone fence with Sulfur . I will do it all after harvest a couple times. Again twice in spring. We have a big 2-3 day storm coming in Monday-Tues. Just enough time for bud rot to set in and PM before harvest. Going to be a dance for sure. I’m considering just wacking my DJ short blueberry before the storm. She is stunted anyways. May be the smart move.


hah hah yah sorry if I’ve said it to you a hundred times before. I’m like a motherfucking robot with that mildew advice. I just hear the words powdery mildew and I’m spewing back the protocol on how to kill that shit.


Caterpillars require BT Spray not Spinosad. Trust me. It will starve the pillars to death. The sunlight deactivates the BT. So no direct sunshine when spraying. Repeat every 7 days. I built that 10 foot net just to keep those F**kers out!

This one


a Meesh net inside a hoop house sounds like a winter project for an engineer or something… :grin:


Yeah the mesh is key, caterpillars are the #1 killer.


I’m hitting my plants with Growers Alley one more time this morning for a preventative. Going to be warm today. I want to prepare them for this big rain coming Sunday, Monday. I haven’t had any problem controlling shitterpillars with Monterrey with spinosad.