2023 OverGrow Picture of the year contest. Prizes: 850+ seeds, 3D printed Bong, OG T-shirt, OG Poster, Stickers and more!

I would like to nominate @Dirt_Wizard if he hasn’t won one yet. Thanks for the contest @Heliosphear , and everyone involved! :wink:


Whaaaaaa? @Dirt_Wizard nominated you to win a sticker :smiley: You have one coming as a prize provider @buckaroobonsai who would you like to give the sticker to… besides @Dirt_Wizard :sunglasses:


Ok, how about my buddy @Sbeanonnamellow


As someone who Can read, but doesnt always Absorb every word i look at (on a sliding scale of medication levels :milky_way::brain:), one thing i love about OG is how we all tend to cut each other a little comprehension slack :v::sunglasses:


@buckaroobonsai Well…. @Sbeanonnamellow has stickers coming with the Kristi-Kush X BOG SourGrape seeds I sent. :sunglasses: Very kind of you.

Soooooo how about ummmm @Mithridate :smiley:


Great choice! Mith loves stickers!


OG Sticker chain giveaway:
1 @breadwinner
2 @AzSeaindooin420
3 @Dirt_Wizard
4 @Mithridate Please name the next winner of the collectors item 2023 OverGrow Picture of the year Sticker.

Shout out to the SBCS crew! OverGrow the world with Love. :sunglasses:


Whooo it’s a sticker storm, thanks for all you do @Heliosphear


I know my odds are like winning the slots but you can’t win if ya don’t try! Overgrow the world!


The comprehension slack, coupled with the overflowing generosity and compassion. Yep. That’s a damn fine equation.
Loving watching the sticker chain. Keep up the great work, @Heliosphear . Epitomizing all those qualities and more.
Stay up
:ghost: :raccoon:


My entry…
This is me and my Dad RIP. around 1982 ish… Pic taken by my Mom, RIP 25yrs today
she took this with an old Minolta 35m

Siesta Key Florida…Point of rocks.
And this is my weed entry.
Rain loves helping out.

Good luck to all and thanks @Heliosphear for organizing such a great event.
Can’t wait for more in the upcoming year :green_heart:


Ohh R.I.P. moms & pops they made a cool ass kid in LzBoy. Blessing to you my friend…
My parents are both gone also…


Aww. Jam :+1: she was stolen way to early. Only at 54, and yep I’m a total mamas boy.
Fuck Cancer :green_heart:
Sry for your loss as well.


mad love and respect to all that have lost family and close friends, it has been too many for me, and i have become somewhat callus to the event of death…i believe what i have learned in this short period of time on earth…
we need to celebrate the person, and stop mourning the death…

we loved these people so much, why do we mourn…we honor and respect what they did in life, and know they are in a better place

i believe the closest people to you are the hardest to know they are gone…

i love you all, and please believe that in the event of death, there is always new creation…

believe, and know…this is true…for every plant that dies for us here on OG…we plant another seed to bring life back…

there is so much to honor here on overgrow…the people that anchor us @LemonadeJoe , to the people that celebrate everyday with a massive giveaway @DougDawson …to the people that reach to you when your new @3rdgengrower to the people that you become rock solid with, and get the invite to be here @HeadyBearAdventures …to me the honor of death, means you have put your time in, and wellll your time has come to meet the maker…

to all that celebrate the lives of your ancestry…know you have made history possible , and continuing the tales and stories for them to live on forever…dreams are reality, and unicorns are fuckin real… so…From the Gemini… @GEMI-CONNECT616 we celebrate life, and honor death with love and heart…

@LzBoy #fuckcancer has been my life’s crazy…i used to do motorcycle poker runs every weekend for cancer foundations and research…believe there was a better calling for mom & pop to be looking over you, not next to you…
mad love brother


Well said brother, well said.

ezgif.com-resize (2)


Thank you heliosphear and buck !

I would like to name @Wizdom as the next sticker chain winner

SBCS :green_heart:


Real talk I’ve received items that were wrapped in these boxes literally all box and tape!


:arrow_forward: Quick announcement. Tuesday will be the start of the MINI AUCTIONS:exclamation:
If you’re anything like me and don’t want to wait to win… your chance to donate some funds in exchage for beans/slapz to help support @LemonadeJoe and OVERGROW is right around the corner. Proceeds will be handled by @Heliosphear and 100% of them go to OG.

:arrow_forward: We have some work from myself alongside some excellent OG’s that will be up for grabs plus every win will come with an OG Holiday themed holographic sticker that won’t be made again…

:fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire:


looks like i have to get off my ass and prepare a special package. shouldn’t take too long. :+1:


Well damn alrighty then! haha I already have enough to send out some serious Solorberry #2 action!

umm be sure to include some of your Chem Fuego F2’s for my personal collection please! :wink: lol