2023 Tecolote Subtropical Garden

This other oldtimers hazes arent in the same garden, due to lack of space i put them in family members house, somewhere Dubi write best top do with oldtimers haze outdoors is just put them in a su y spot with rich soil and forget about their existence so thats actually what i do. More than 2 meters, not sign of sexo yetIMG_20230626_174219_475



That’s a helpful tip about the Oldtimers haze. Set it and forget it. The natural textures of stone mixing with the greenscape and foliage of the plants is quite nice! Looks like a relaxing garden full of good vibes. Much love



I’m located in MX. Why you ask?

Really nice collection and your garden is doing great. I have looked for Reina Madre seeds here in the US but they’re difficult to find. I have some RM x Old Timer haze from BeanHo I need to start sometime.
Awesome show I’m glad I found your thread

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Reina Madre it’s okay, it seems delicatessen seeds just sell feminized seeds now since the breeder Mario Bellandi i think it’s now working in USA. Mines i get it in alchimia but i see them in Mándala aswell. The thing is in my latitude most sativa dominant hybrids outdoors performs more like an indica dominant due to the light hours, they start flowering without enough stretch. In the case of reina madre the little pck was enough to do that, nice taste tough


My 2 Zamaldelica x Kali chinas on the other hand are showing a more sativa structure than all photos of this same strain i see in other forums. Maybe aswell subtropical light hours unlock some dormant traits and expressions? They are geting close.


Another angle of ZKT mother she was agressive trained with lst, two times bended in half, since it was súper vigorous and she was in her way to climbing the wall, and discretion means safety here more than in other parts of the world


I saw pics of your grow, and your name kind of hinted at where you were growing and was wanting to make sure. More than anything, its because i grow in the same region. Northern Mexico. I am currently growing outside but with this heat we have had all summer its been torture on my plants. Cheers amigo on being able to grow anything decent. I took several plants out of my indoor grow tent and put them outside last month and now they are all fluffy loose bud structured plants with huge foxtails. Large indica plants now look like old-school sativa plants. lol.

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Si carnal, no estoy en el norte, más bien en el centro sur, en las tierras de Emiliano Zapata jaja. Pues hay que tomar en cuenta el fotoperiodo, lastimosamente parece que la mayoría de los breeders se enfoca en el norte global y se les olvida que la mayoría de la población vive en la zona intertropical

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Mm creí que topabas que estaba tratando de ser discreto compa. Sabes que acá se sigue criminalizando a los cultivadores

i don’t know what you are talking about…me no speak spanish…lol no pasa nada vato. ya lo borre…estaba bromiando.

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Reina Madre has 2 weeks of flowering, alread showing a Lot of cute glowish trichomes

Zenith 2 is almost ready, it have the refloweing treat of the ACE’s Panama showing new waves of pistils, i tales note of this panamá with Panamá x bangi haze last year

I recently transplantes a cut from this same Zenith mom, here the junior clone and the mother