23k hours later My bloomspect 1200 dies

My bloomspect 1200 dies
Not the 50k hours they claimed
But i did use it non stop for
4ish years.
This style is.not made any more
Finding blurple is not as easy as
It was in the past

I love the red and imo the buds get frontier though that’s just my opinion.


I think the 50k hours refers to the least breakable parts. I bet my boards last 50k but I doubt the drivers do.

Interesting, I hate the blurple but to each his own.

I’m sure you could find them used if that’s your thing :+1:


Was at a homie’s spot yesterday and he showed me his veg tent… he’s new to all this so he was asking advice. As soon as he opened it I made a face, and he was like “That bad?”
I said “Nah, but blurple fucking pisses me off, go spend 80 bucks and get an led qb, then I’ll look again.” :laughing::rofl:

I think there’s a damn good reason for this.
Blurple=the devil :imp::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:




Well blurple is kinda wrong
Mine had a veg and bloom
I ran the red only it was deep
Red , I forget the Nanometer
Anyway unless built, these will be
Memory’s now.
Love to see a control vid, I bet there’s
A few on the tube, Mygrow.com
Prolly has.

When I need some heat in the winter, I rock mine!

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Hey Toker1, the only place I can think that have one or 2 as NOS, could be pahydro.
I’d send Gary a query asking if he does or not, or if could run one down for you.
There was a pile of HID stuff, he could not give away, a couple of months ago now.
Honestly, I really have not ever talked with him about them. He did once have them in the shop.
Good luck in your search.

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