
Hi,my name is AFCA and this is my first time indoor grow.I am from Slovakia,i like smoke weed sometimes but first i like growing its drug for me :smile: .

OK here we go!

BOX: Homemade build 60x60x120
AIR: Vents TT 125,aluflex pipe,table fan 15cm and one pc fan pull air to the box.
SOIL: Soil is from the garden shop+perlit.
GENETICS: Blueberry(clones)
NUTRIENTS: Biobizz(grow,blom,topmax)

Ok thats yet all photos I join later.
(My english is not verry good sorry :slight_smile:)


Welcome and i am looking forward to watching!


Ouu cant wait for pics. Chexk biobizz and see what its made from. Im thinking of doing a DIY biobizz threadXD


Hah i thing only box is diy :smiley: ok i share photos now moment

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<img src="/uploads/default/original/2X/3/393a721b11c396a8463fb436e8c91b330fecb0c9.JPG" width=“690”


Do i see buds already? Did you take clones from a flowering plant and are reveging. Good job on the box!


F*ck you think that they are buds??but i think too…klones are for free by ma friend he made clones first time maybe for thaat.You think that he can gow again??or only bloom.But Others clones looking allright.

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Are your lights on eighteen hours? If so then the nonflowering ones should be fine.

You could throw a bloom cabinet together for the little girl if you want to keep her. :grin:

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Yes yes 18/6 period,I read on grower that i can leave 24/0 first days for sure.What do you think?? :slight_smile: Hah no i want biggest girls :smiley: And i have question should i have humidifier working at night??or not.thank :slight_smile:

Welcome Slovakian, nice to have you here. Your english is just fine. Nice growbox, Happy Harvest!

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Welcome. Really like how you have seams built in the box. Pure 90 degree angle. So much easier to keep clean. Nice. Very nice.

Don’t sweat your English. We Americans can hardly understand each other half the time anyhow.

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Hah hi are you too Slovakian? :smiley:

No buddy i’m Costarican, from Central America. Had a lot of slovakian and croatian friends back in high school in Seattle when i lived in the US.

Hah thank you but its easy for everyone :slight_smile: and i was joiner on high school :wink: hah
here is most people from USA right?

Ou nice my friends going too in the USA and me want tu sometimes :smiley:

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As long as they give you a visa you can go… LOL

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Fuu absolutely i dont know man :smiley: not long time I think but i must at first save some money haha

Ok tomorrow next update I must go out bye :slight_smile:

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