
Most will tell you to keep your humidity around 50%. I like mine around 60% or 70%. If your room is not dialed in it could cause powdery mildew or various other pathogens. I would shoot for 55% until you know what is in your environment that could harm your plants. I don’t know what your humidity is so i can’t tell you to use a humidifier.

Put an inexpensive fan to circulate the air.


Ou yes I understand you,I have not hygrometer now,but I going to shop today and I will find out! :slight_smile:


Yes bro he is there now! :slight_smile:

Warm 23-27°C,15W table on circulate air,hygrometer i buy tomorrow.


lookin good nice work on the box

To Growinnblowin tnx man but normally :wink:
Btw I start 24/0 period today only for 3 days,because two clones begin bloom at last days

i did the 24/0 for the first part of my grow starting from seed ive read recently how the plant uses the dark to break down the nutrients ive started shutting them off an seen positvie results to put them back into veg i could see how 24/0 would be beneficial so that the hormones telling the plant to flower will not be created let alone have time to build up

sry for my czech words now guys , normalne ten nakvet ustipni - throw out the bloom and pistills , it will react faster to re-grow. if you can, let them grow under sun (but i mean not few hours direct or something) - it have intensity and it can be also more yielding , for example some plants love it. amnesia haze did more yield if i left her grow at sun. but i think you cant, thats why you have indoor , lol. have a nice day and good luck bro

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I don’t recall if you have a timer as well, you’ll probably need that. And right now I recommend using the 24/0 lighting schedule as you want them to continue to veg so you have some nice buds, instead of them flowering and not getting bigger and then flowering.

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If they are budding under 16 hours of light they will under 24. Sounds like you have autos or some auto tendancies.

Hi yes i have timmer I had first 4days 18/6 period and now 2-3 days 24/0 and after again 18/6 :slight_smile:

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Do you think autoflower??They are not automats

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You must of been givin different beans or something. Or the breeder suuuuuuuuuucks super badly.

I would just keep them on 18/6 and see what happens, if they keep flowering they’re probably autos. But they seem to look like they’ll produce bud, so I wouldn’t be worried.

Hi @AFCA161 welcome to OG!
Nicely built box…!

Yea definitelly check the humidity and preferably use hygrometer.

In my experience adding humidifier helps especially with young plants and seedlings (rasing to ~60% RH). The need to add humidity in later stages decreases.

Just for the reference… Link to FAQ about humidity: What range should I maintain for my growroom humidity and temperature?

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Yeah, but they are stuck at flowering stage, so it will go very slowly probably. OP might save some time by getting new proper batch fresh rooted clones.

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Ou thank you :slight_smile: I bought hygrometer today at the moment i join update :slight_smile:

Ok day 6,Ph 5,8-6 +/- i have only test not meter
Humd 65-70 btw.on picture is only 58cca because box was open last time.
I think that plant looking little bit better than yesterday :slight_smile:


Ou and I trim then yesterday(Buds out there) :slight_smile: