
DAY 10


Hallo guys.
Sorry,I wasnt here long time but now i have somethings news :slight_smile:
Ok,day 19 girls looking fine i thing hah
I have question,what do you thing should i trim girls even one more time??
Thank for the answer :slight_smile:

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Ive never trimmed them that small. Id wait till you actually need to trim:)

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Ok i think too :slight_smile:
Because they are trimmed just once


I would say… “no.” Topped once in a compact space seems like a good way to go – if you trim them down anymore, they’ll likely get much wider when you flower.


Day 21


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The bottom photo didn’t load. The top photo looks good. Everything is good but you are at your max for nitrogen. If you push any harder you are going to have scorched tips.

A Ok I give them biobizz grow yet, 4ml per 1 liter of water.The leafs looking fine btw. white edge on the leafs is from hummidifier i dont know its from chlorine maybe?And ryasco i dont understand fully your answer with nitrogen sorry my english :smiley:

Your plants are beautiful and green. If it gets much darker your leaf tips will start to burn. The way they are now is fine you are doing good. A little more nitrogen then you are feeding them now will burn them.

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Hi everyone.Day 25
What do you think?Should I switch on 12/12?I think that they are small 15-20cm.
And I have problem with two plants you can see on photos,leafs going to the yellow from begin to end Idont know why others plants looking fine.

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