2x2 growers club

@Dalorean Gotta have fun

How come you don’t use PC fans? Much better for micro
And also I’ve done a shed grow in fucking hot Aussie summer

Try shad cloth over the shed with a little spacer
If u wanna get totally high tech set up a sprinkler on a thermostat to water the shade cloth when temps get too high

Worked like ac…


@MumenRyder you don’t have a fan blowing on the plants? Just the one for the light? I thought you had to have one blowing on the plants. That’s amazing if that’s not necessary
@Myusernamewastaken i do have one in there actually, on the right side. I recently threw that huge one in to help with the heat. It’s too huge tho. Now that sounds like an interesting idea to cool things down, but too much to draw attention. Keeping this one incognito since we ain’t legal yet and we have a teenager who thinks he can bring his idiot friends over and work on dirt bikes and go karts in the shed

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Ha! I’ve totally got loads of pics of my 2x2 grows! :joy:


Your membership has been approved!(jokes mate, I love to tease)


The fan above the light will move them (since the space is so small), but I’ve done runs without it.

Right now I have 6 inch exhausts on both tents and that actually beeezes the leaves around slightly when the tent is fully sealed up which seems to be enough.


i bought a bunch of $12 fans from wallyworld put em up all over top middle bottom and adjust where i want the breze goin gives of just enuf breeze to m ove air all around in the grow room imsetting up ill put a big oscillating fan so a nice breeze can blow across the room


So the 3 seeds that were in coco up there were all dead

Of the 6 I soaked 3 ‘popped’ all 6 planted

We will see how many emerge :crossed_fingers:

Oh is that critical 2.0 XL auto fem by GOG


And I knocked em all over !

2 confirmed dead
1 awal
3 still tempting fate

Uploading: PXL_20220927_144234047.jpg…



think something has happened to my seeds but I’ve got to fill this tent up quick…

I’ll be throwing 2 seeds every 48hrs at this till I run out of seeds or the tent is full

My melonsicle suddenly takes centre stage and I guess the blueberry auto will eventually start flower, I’ve been running 24h light so I’ll add a nighttime to help.

And the melonsicle needs some proper training to get it producing clones asap so I can sog this tent.
I’ll probably set up my other tent to veg out a biggie while that’s going on then flower and repeat…


Time to start putting in the work to get things moving in here
I did fim both these at 3rd node and stripped below,
The auto wasn’t touched since til I tied down those 4 branches just now

The photo did a funny fim then shot 3 more out the cut so I ended up with a knuckle of 7, took one to clone and got 6 to work with


Gonna call oct 1st day 1 of flower on the blueberry auto. I really could have used a bigger pot as she veged for ages… Lucky for me…

I’ll have to get a 5 or 3 gallon fabric for this blueberry auto get big in

Moving right along

Soaking 4 cookies and cream autos,
Of the 2 beans I soaked last batch 1 popped, it’s now in coco so will see if it comes out.
And my melonsicle clone, looked a bit soggy today


Seen as shits getting real around here lately I’m setting up my blumat, I did say I’ll share my way, please note this is my way that works for me and not saying it’s the best or only way, but its worked the last 5 years or so.
So I like to use a 25-40L tank for a 2x2
Basically you just make a ring inside your tent with the drippers on and connect that back to the line to the tank. This way each dripper has even pressure to reduce runnaway

And the 2nd thing is simple, I use a catch tray so if the drippers go wild they fill up the tray then shut off instead of flooding

I’ll keep showing as I set it up

Thanks for watching


Is that one of them old pedal singer sewing machines there you’re using for a table?? Everything looking good so far!

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I do the same thing with the supply line, making a big circle that all connects back to the reservoir. I added a valve across from the reservoir connection too which is invaluable. You can bleed all the air from the system and flush water through periodically to make sure you’re not accumulating gunk in the lines (I made a lot of mistakes with blumats, the biggest being trying to add supplements to the res… grew some snot monsters).

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@Dalorean yeah my guy, it is

@grow yeah snot in the lines, hahaha never use an air stone with blumat
I haven’t had problems with bleeding the lines since I switched to this way, I don’t know if blumat cares about a bit of air in the line to be honest

Moving along with the plan of filling up the tent
All 4 cookies n cream autos popped, now we wait
Also looks like another one from a couple days ago is doing something so might have to wait a bit til I pop anymore seeds as I got 5 in coco now

Girls looking a little lime after a heavy flush yesterday


Just gonna do updates on the random
That blueberry is looking sad lately dunno why it’s still not greened up after the flush and just a bit droopy, thought Itd be wet but was dry so turned up the dial on the carrot :carrot:
It’s been a bit hot lately crept up to 27 so I turned the fan from speed 1 to speed 2, still can’t find my probe and it’s gonna be cheaper to get a vivosun copy s6 or Mars hydro copy then get a replacement probe here(ac infinity want $170 shipping, went back and forth with customer service, was pretty disgusted at them to be honest, basically it’s out of warranty so tough titties that our distributor in your country doesn’t stock probes, Amazon was out of stock, a whole new controller would cost less but fuck em, the inkbird rep tells me the inkbird th2 temp/humidity probe works on the ac infinity so I’ll give that a go and will never support ac infinity again, what a joke)

Enjoy seeing the floor fellas, it won’t be in the pics muvh Longer now


Things moving along nicely
I’m greedy though so have decided to bust out my other tent and run it next to this one
Inkbird is fun(temp drop is lights out )


Really appreciate this post coz it got me thinking
Had a feeling I was doing something wrong but it’s been a few years,
I had a runnaway blumat last night and so was looking at photos from before

The circle needs to go back to the tank, not be at the end of the line, the comment about bleeding air out of lines was the clue, coz it never used to happen but they been blowing air lately and needing adjusting…classic blumat trickery as they kick back in once tye bubble passes
Silly me

so non of the cookies and cream autos made it above ground (I’m pretty sure they cooked in my glovebox last summer)
Dropped 2 more critical xls autos in water

Decided to run a single plant in a 3gallon in the 2x2 and 2-3 in the other tent (it’s 50x90x160cm)
Might run it on its side so 50x160x90 with like 5 1gallons or normal with 2 3gallons dunno
But I’m happy I got a photo mum so gonna be able to fill the tent and keep it going regardless of these autos not popping

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