2x2 growers club

Blumats are deceptively simple. I 100% overcomplicated them with tinkering :joy:

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Came in so proud cock hahaha
Setting up for the latest change in plans :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Any questions just ask



2x2 tents ROCK!!

Rocking the solo grow this round. 4 Jack Herer, 1 male 3 girls, plus 2 Triangle bag seed females.


LOL what did that poor plant do to end up in the basement

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Upwards inter-canopy fan action rocks!

welcome to the club!
What’s the plan with all those girls, running sog ?

Mind telling the good people at home watching what toys and goodies you got there far as the lights fans and that?
Sorry for being so nosy and asking a million questions.
Tnx for.stopping by


Well, to start the tent is just some Amazon cheapie I got to build out as my budget grow. I don’t remember the brand name, but it’s not by any of the major tent makers. I wanna say I paid less than $50 for that.

The light is a Spider Farmer SF-1000, received as part of a sponsorship deal with them. For 3 months of content on Reddit, and only Reddit, I got this light for free. Didn’t even have to pay shipping. I decided against continuing the arrangement, but not because of anything on their end. I’m just plain ole lazy. I don’t want to feel like I’m doing “work” when I go online to talk about cannabis, and that’s how it felt.

The fan under the plants is a Vornado brand, nothing fancy. I also have an AC Infinity S1 fan in one of the upper port holes, drawing air out. It only has a basic HI/MED/LO switch control, and it’s a USB plug. So it’s really basic. But it gets the job done. At least, I think it does

As far as plans go, there aren’t any, to speak of. I popped these seeds with the intent of doing a personal project, just to have the resulting seeds on hand. Now though, the deeper I dig, the more I think I want to work this Jack Herer and find something in it that reminds me of the past. If the Triangle girls stay in line and don’t do anything stupid, they’ll get some pollen too and I’ll have my Triangle Jack cross, which surprisingly isn’t something that’s been done by any of the big boys yet. The Triangle the seeds came out of was some of the best bud I’ve ever smoked, so I hope they aren’t the result of cross pollination. Would be nice if they were self seeds created by leaving a plant up too long. :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:

After I’m done with the male and get all the girls sprayed down so they aren’t taking pollen with them, they’ll be moved over to the 2x4 to finish out with the big girls. I plan on running some Purple Poison Cookies next, looking for a keeper to take cuts from. If I find her she will live in there by herself while I top and shape her during the first 6-8 weeks or so, or maybe with an auto or something.

I think that’s pretty much it. I wish I could say I’m more organized and have a super sweet system down, or tell you about how many pounds I’ve cranked out of that little tent, but I’m not that good yet. I’m still getting my super sweet system figured out, if you will. But that tent is definitely helping me figure things out, plus it allows me to run more plants, which means I’m not bored as often :sweat_smile:


Love this thread! Everything’s looking good so far my wonderful people, keep up the great work! Keep them updates coming! @Banquo are you keeping them in the solos all the way through? Many around here made some monsters in them cups, also seen em use the solos just to get early flower kick in, then transplant. Will be fun to see what you do

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Yes indeed. They will stay in the solo cups til the end. If I decide to reveg anything, I’ll up-pot to a 1 gal to give it a little leg room.


You know that point where you know better but start trying to convince yourself to sample? Yeah, nah don’t do it

Feel free to keep posting pics of your grows farmer., it’s like a porno show, just because we have seen your ladies doesn’t mean we don’t want another look


Yeah we are still discussing what to say when asked about average yield in a 2x2,
@Dalorean reckons just go “an elbow biatch”
@Maddawg of course just encouraged him

however we are considering running a pole to decide how much bullshit we can sell the outdoor growers before they come spying and realize we tricked em

General consensus seems to be 6oz, anyone pulling north of 5 gets to say 9?

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The 2nd reason I use deep meat trays under my pots is because I run flower and veg at the same time,while I do have another blumat system outside and you can get another tank adaptor for $5 seen as I’m not using all 12 cones but I’m lazy and like to keep it simple in the tent, maxibloom is fine for veg but the maxigrow is better so I do this a couple times throughout veg cycles saves needing 2 systems, basically a hempy wicking thing by just filling the catch tray with veg nutrients


So found something getting into my tent last night…my gf
Bless her she couldn’t wait so we decided to hack the blueberry auto lowers all off and promised ourselves no more…pray for this plant, dunno if it will make it to Xmas :rofl::joy:


:evergreen_tree: :evergreen_tree:
:evergreen_tree: :evergreen_tree:


Lol, I know the feeling :sweat_smile: those flowers look like they should hold her(and you) over for abit and the rest should be getting close? Hopefully you dont have to update security presence. Been there! The plus side is that the tops should now be getting bigger, right? Usually takes an extra week or two maybe, but it all evens out in the end.

Definitely bean enjoying this thread and would like to formally submit an application for review? Here is my current 2 x 2 from a week ago, the little ones are doing fantastic today and once I clear my phones data storage, Ill be able to take and post updates

Two Banana OG x Strawba the Hutt on the left and two Fiona’s Chem Cake x Strawba the Hutt on the right, both from this last outdoor grow/chuck
Wishing Everyone a Safe and Happy Weekend :blush:


Welcome to the club @Dendro
Can’t wait to see more of the laddies in this thread, hope you get your phone going soon mate

Am I eyeballing 4x 3 gallon fabrics ?
And…hang on…what the actual LED? 3 panels!!! Are you in a 2x2 meter tent maybe?

Tell us about the toys farmer!

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Yup 6 1/2 oz off my first grow in my space! And they were smaller plants! I got problems in there with current grow, these plants won’t stop growing! Had to bend the 2 over that I let go naturally

2nd one has the male in there, making some seeds Tricky cuz there’s 2 dif strains so had to trade the males out and pick the male flowers just barely before opening and drop on chosen flowers. Sure there will be cross contamination but it will make for fun crosses


Haha…Thank you for the warm welcome my friend. Yeah, I enjoyed putting this little mishmash of cheap crap together(been running it for alittle over a year now, I think, maybe two, I lose track ya know… but I have indeed been impressed with what one can do, both in quality and quantity, with some LEDS, some good genetics, and a tent. And I have quite abit of proof to share. I remember when no one would believe in our coveted leds just a few years back, looks like the industry standard these days, but hey, not trying to start any fights ya dig! I really have no idea what is what, just shooting from the hip.

So I’m using a typical 2 x 2 foot tent…a spider farmer 1000/100w kit and then added two even cheaper led lights, real pieces of shit… both are supposedly 100w but they are obviously not the same wave length as the light is a different color and one is alot brighter than the others, this is certainly not the most cost or energy efficient :grimacing: but it is what it is until I can up my game. I dont even think one needs this much light in this small of space and I rarely turn them up all the way, I will move them closer as the plants get a bit older, there is a fan crammed in the back and those are 5gals btw lol, made it by this much :pinching_hand:, for now, I like the spread of the lights, but will probably be updating the equipment sometime soon and will be able to put things to better use if I just add another tent, make better use out the lights. Two in one, one in another, for veg and bloom though we have a four plant limit here in Va and its really not a big deal as these new autos and faster plants in general are making my life easy. I have an inline fan pulling air out, the fan is placed on top of the tent to help with the vertical space. The tent is somewhat close to our old school furnace during the winter as it is in the basement and gets very cold. A space heater is sparingly used as they are just so dangerous. Anything warm placed next to a single opening can sure help alot. Oh, and I recommend to spread out your outlet usage always. Safety first!
Im using ‘foxfarm ocean forest’ mixed with added perlite, vermiculite, and coco coir on this grow. Im going with mostly ‘down to earth’ organic nutrients and sups this round as well. Keeping it super simple. Fingers crossed! Not planning on making anything anymore complicated for awhile. Until then, its all working pretty well so far. Here are some past grow shots, different pots, too tall, the new ones will hopefully help with a few inches ya know? Its like no matter what you do, its hard to keep the ladies low, I like to be able to take them outside from time to time so no nets for me…

Sorry for the rambling, I appreciate this space you created for us small time OGs. Glad to be a part of the 2 x 2 growers club!


Beautiful plants, very healthy. Lovely fans!

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So yeah no chance these girls will fit, the cookie n cream auto is just stretching now
The melonsicle could fill the 2x2 on her own

New plan

It’s a 50x90x170 cm

So that 5 squares of canopy (hooray qualified for the club :raised_hands:)

Nothing like the glory of @MumenRyder 's clean and OCD friendly same size side by sides(I’m such a fanboy of his show, do check it out if you haven’t)
But should be alright for veg/autos

Oh and I never mentioned it but those following will know
All the deficiency and rust and pH lockout is coz my maxi grow had to be smashed up with a hammer to measure spoons of it

The fresh batch was still salt


so now this thread is picking up momentum I just wanna make sure we are extra vigilant regarding any sightings of the dirty fingers gang aka outdoor growers, they are known to lurk and troll micro growers, usually about our small penises and such things. So If you need back up just send out the bat signal and the 2x2 growers will unite!

(Here it is for reference)
:evergreen_tree: :evergreen_tree:
:evergreen_tree: :evergreen_tree:

So if we see this signal out in the wild we will know a fellow gang member needs help
Best thing to do is show them roots so they get confused.
Let’s POST some ROOT PORN in here ASAP


Looking swell in there! And congrats on the new tent. If you build it, they will come!

And those damn pesky outdoor hooligans, lol I promise I wont post a single outdoor baby. I was and am so excited to be back inside and to have found the club!

I still have to finish reading the thread but yes, some of those root systems up top are just awesome, I love to see all the different ways people take there projects, so many great ideas I would have never thought of. Thank you ALL.

My roots stay hidden but Im sure these gals had it going on down under…