2x2 growers club

Bunch of non-believers in here, you were supposed to pray for this plant

For the moment I’ve got a cleaning product bottle cut out to connect tye tents for ventilating, once the splitter comes I’ll rig up the 2nd carbon filter and connect it to the fan.


two girls one bucket. torturing them with 2000+PPM in flower, about ten weeks from germination.

Methane from Gnome and SourStomper from Mephisto. curious to see how they make it thru with the roots tied up like this.


Finally some root porn :heartbeat:
@logangrowgan2020 for the win!!!


I have no root porn, but I have some early bud making early trichome porn:

And of course some “let’s full send it in a 2x2” porn. Although… if I hadn’t have had to chop the male, I could have filled more evenly… next time?


Melonsicle in a 3 gallon fabric now


roots a week later:


Man that auto filled that 4 square tent in a day

And the melonsicle filled the 5 square ft tent now

So glad I had another tent in storage

@logangrowgan2020 damn! That’s some proper root porn there! Nicely done, coming along nicely

@grow love what you doing here

@Dendro yummy!!! Tnx for sharing

Sorry if I miss posts peeps


Oh yeah, some healthy growth in here guys!

@Myusernamewastaken I love the phase you are at now, all the new growth showing bright and the new budlets popping out everywhere, one of the coolest things about autos, they are so vigorous when done right like that. So fast. That is a beautiful plant you have and your right, everyone’s babies are looking amazing and self sustainable in here and um, wow @logangrowgan2020 … those massive roots that look like alien arms are insane, please, keep em coming!
We are sure showing the many different yet simplistic ways a grower can put together a great grow that works for us, the plants, and the environment. I really love the diversity, have been learning alot from yall. Ive never done hydro or anything technical, definitely paying attention here.
So I was just down in the basement, checking out the tent. Lots of action over the last three weeks. Thats about how old the babies are today. Sorry for not posting updates, my phones storage is still full but I was able to take a few shots just now. One of the babies is already showing sex, to recap, they are all from the same female, pollinated by two different males on separate branches and a month apart. So one of the Banana Og x Strawba the Hutt is already showing female I believe(ive read and heard so many different scenarios about crossing photos and autos and how the offspring will turn out that I just want to find out for myself), light schedule is still 18/6 but we’ll know for sure in a few days, anyway, sorry for all the rambling, here were the babies just five days ago on November 5th, left side is Banana OG x Strawba the Hutt, right side is Fiona’s Chem Cake x Strawba the Hutt…

Then after some time, insect frass, bat guano, kelp, and a myco product, they are looking good and healthy, definitely starting to find their legs…

In another week, probably going to raise the dark period by an hour or two to see if thats all they need to fully flip so 16/8, then after two weeks we’ll go to 14/10 if need be. Staring to get exciting!

Happy Growing Everyone :v::blush:


Oh yeah man!
We gotta know what happens with that cross

Statistically speaking it’s a bit random right?
Like I’m thinking it could go either way depending on which pollen cell did the deed?

Yeah gonna watch this one

Thanks @Dendro

Yeah I did hydro first and it was fucked
Did soil after that but used my hydro stuff on peppers outdoors and found once I stopped trying so hard hydro was way faster then soil

You say the plant in nice but I’m no grower, she did that all on her own

Let’s recap: first 3 weeks was using fucked expired nutrients at random doses hand watering
Then used %100 coco: no blends coz effort is hard and expensive
Shoved her in tye corner of a 2x2 with 5 other plants
Blumat tank ran dry a couple times, timer was fucked so just ran 24/0 til last week
Don’t do any pest management (coz I’ve been down that road and it’s easier to just cull and restart for most pests )
I see people doing too much all the time when really just gotta let em grow

1 Like

Jesus Christ!!! She drank the tank empty yesterday and grew up into the light. Little flop

Oh that’s why I been banging on about my recycled meat trays this is a blumat runnaway

So as the tray fills up and the coco becomes super dooper soggy the blumat switches off
Also u can water in anything u want like when I flush or give em some veg nutrients



I only start plants & clones in the 2x2, everything gets moved to the 4x4 for flower. This space is just too short, i wish I would’ve known about 5ft high 2x2’s before buying this one. Oh well :man_shrugging:t2:

I tried flowering an auto in here by itself, but it just wasn’t happy. … would get too hot too quick, RH would build up too quickly, BUT, now i have a dedicated exhaust for this tent (i used to tee it off to the 4x4 exhaust) so maybe i should try again


Actually YES
Loved perving on pics in that thread ! Some of those set ups were insane.

Wall to wall cab of donkey dick bouquets

Love me some donkey dick… colas that is

Say hi to the fam!


I disagree ofcourse

Plenty of room

some stuff just stays short, especially in the autoflower realm. give it a shot homie 🫡


Moving right along, that’s a 1 gallon with a single cookies n cream auto filling out a 2x2

This one should be a fun one for the club

Idealistic isn’t it to have a single plant fill the whole thing?


Let’s see some pics :joy:

That thing has some prehistoric dinosaur leaves on it.


Yo sorry for such a late reply…Been hella busy lately but this grow is going great and it looks like things are also going well for you and the crew. Lots of healthy growth to see in here and read about, your really tempting me to try an automated system next grow, your babys are growing super fast dude! I just get comfortable doing what Im doing but the fast healthy growth Im seeing is undeniable and the ability to step away from the grow has got to be priceless. Thanks for the inspiration peeps, one of these days… :grinning:

I much appreciate the interest on this current grow/possible chuck and here’s where we’re at with it…I have been using this opportunity to experiment with photo x auto genetics, one question being, at what light cycle will they flower? Do they eventually flower on their own or do they still rely on change of day/night? What Im seeing is that they do show presex under 18/6 at around two-three weeks, similar to autos but just not as intense, though with a one hour drop, Im now seeing these plants start to fully flower, almost over night. So light schedule is 17/7 for now. All four are showing sex, with one confirmed female, verdict is still out on the others. Im ok with any ratio on this grow as they are all from the same mom. Now that I know I have at least one female, Im stoked!

To answer your question(get ready for a ramble) the fathers of these two crosses(and a few more) were flowered a week or two apart, on separate areas of the property. As soon as the pods are swollen enough to do their thing but still haven’t ‘popped’ on their own, I pluck one sack and sprinkle the pollon on the target branch. Right as Im done, as sad as it is, males are either buried or burned alive. I prefer to bury. A pulled male will still throw pollen for a week or so, they must be destroyed. I dusted separate branches, label branch, and eventually, any other seeds found on the plant(surprisingly very few) are always stored separately as they are going to be even more inconclusive as to who the father is, because yes, when it comes down to it, its almost impossible to know who your true father is :laughing: especially once we’ve had a few males around that were allowed to err…umm…flower.
I saw that @Dalorean mentioned similar observations, if you watch males close, consider time and space, use target branches, label correctly, and then actually grow out the new beans to see what ya actually got as its the only way to know what you truely have IMHO(aside from genetic testing), its simply not that hard to make a fairly accurate determination on what is what after alittle practice. Remembering the traits of the males used is very important and I take hella photo shoots as I admit, I am a confirmed burn out. :fire:
I had to dig deep, but I found them…

Here is the Banana Og male…

Fiona’s Chem Cake male…

And the Strawba the Hutt mother with nothing left but the two pollinated branches…

The offspring are moving along super fast and all four are showing some signs of sex after only one week of a one hour dark period increase, this is an ‘old’ shot from four days ago, they are almost twice as big today. Top dressed with more insect frass, and now that they are flowering am adding seabird guano, langbeinite, and of course, always kelp extract, and a myco product…

Hopefully some pretty females to show off in a couple weeks. :beers:

:v::heart: to ALL


Shall we go ahead and throw this melonsicle in flower now?

Why yes we shall (no I’m not a master weaver just been a cheap cunt too long to stop, never seem to find a decent net that doesn’t cut the girls, is big enough holes and is in my possession on the night)

I’m pretty excited about this one, those who been here from the beginning know I had trouble getting my seeds going after poor storage, and ITS THE ONLY PHOTO so seriously gonna be a mum to this perpetual grow until further notice

moved the clones over to the 2x2 as the 5sqaure is now running 12/12